Lucifer's relatives: father, mother, wife and children. Who are they? How are they described in the Bible?

Star energy - mother of Lucifer

The main biblical sources adhere to the version that the ruler of the underworld, like every heavenly angel, had no mother. Therefore, Lucifer's mother is not mentioned in the Bible. God created nine orders of angels who are fathers.

The vast majority of theologians of the Middle Ages and earlier periods supported the view that angels were not created from emptiness. According to them, existing stellar energy called Lucida was used to create them. She appears repeatedly as the mother of Satan in various grimoires and religious manuscripts, most of which are considered heretical.

Over time, the image of Lucida transformed from an inanimate substance into a heavenly mother - pure and original. The transformation happened for several reasons. Firstly, due to the erroneous interpretation that occurred due to the desire to mystify the appearance of Satan as much as possible with the help of thoughtful philosophical reasoning and lengthy conclusions.

Secondly, the Renaissance marked the beginning of new researchers of religion and mythology, who sought to animate the supernatural dark creature, endowing it with positive traits. For the same reason, the son of Lucifer began to appear in references.

What does the name Lucifer mean?

Lucifer, a name derived from the combination of the words “light” and “carries,” meant “light-bringer” or “early star” to the Romans. Lucifer was originally the name of the planet Venus, which was visible during the morning and evening dawn.


The name of the fallen angel Lucifer began to be used in mythology in a negative way after his fall from heaven. It ceased to “carry light” as before, and began to be identified with Satan himself, and later became his main designation. Before the fall, the name Lucifer was associated with purity and devotion.

Satan, according to the book of Isaiah, translated means “light-bringer.” By one designation to bring light, the name Lucifer is equated with Satan.

The Lord is the parent of the devil

The image of the father, in contrast to the mother, constantly appears in the Bible. Undoubtedly, Lucifer is the son of God. Satan was created by the supreme angel, and belonged to the most powerful rank - the six-winged seraphim, who are the owners of colossal powers and practically unlimited possibilities. Some sources claim that the ruler of purgatory had power equal to that of God. And that is why he was not destroyed after falling from heaven, but became the main irreconcilable opponent of the Creator.

The ruler of hell cannot be called unambiguously evil. The devil's only sin was pride, which allowed the fallen angel not to be destroyed. His family overthrew the devil, but left him alive. Theologians and researchers, accustomed to thinking unconventionally, believed that the expulsion of the son was part of divine intent. This was done to develop spiritual growth in people, which is impossible without temptations and sins. Considering that the creator always first of all desires virtue and benefits for anyone, the opinion has a rational grain.

Lucifer's father is the Lord God

Unlike the mother figure, Lucifer's father is mentioned throughout the Bible. He is simply and unambiguously the Lord God, who is also Yahweh or Jehovah. It is believed that Lucifer was created the most powerful of all angels, he was in the rank of seraphim.

Some sources even claim that his power was completely equal to that of God - which is why he became his main antagonist, and was not destroyed like some other fallen angels.

But Lucifer was never exceptionally bad. Even biblical sources indicate that his only sin was pride, and not betrayal or perjury. Therefore, he was only overthrown, but not destroyed.

Since ancient times, brave minds and theologians have believed that the fall of Lucifer was part of the divine plan for the spiritual cultivation of people. Because it is in the environment of temptations and sins that everyone’s faith is strengthened.

Considering the all-good essence of God and his desire for good for each of his creations, such a point of view has a right to exist. Especially if you take into account the fact that Lucifer, the Bringer of Light, Lucifer is the morning star and an image born from the image of Prometheus.

It was he who gave people knowledge, even if he convinced them to taste the forbidden fruit. A similar opinion is to some extent reflected in more modern books. For example, Anton Sandor LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan, held similar thoughts.

Lucifer and his wife

Lilith, although according to some sources it was Casicandriera, is the wife of Lucifer. It is not mentioned in Christianity, but evidence of its existence is found very often - in almost all apocryphal sources, especially often in Jewish customs and traditions that arose in the period before the Christian era.

Most sources, including Wikipedia, call Lilith the wife of the devil. She was the wife of Adam and the first woman to be expelled from heaven because she refused to submit to the Lord.

The children of Lucifer, according to the inquisitors and sorcerers of the Middle Ages, were demons and devils who, unlike the others, were not creatures cast down from heaven. These included, for example, the demon Moloch - this is the name of the son of Lucifer, if you adhere to this version.

There is an alternative opinion, according to which their children are those people who have renounced religion and faith. In this case, the daughter of Lucifer and, in general, any child of Satan is a person who has renounced the Creator.

The story of the life and fall of Lucifer

Judging by the records of scientists, Lucifer is one of the few who managed to visit both sides of the human earth, both in heaven and in hell. He was raised without a mother, created only by his father, God. But some sources mention the mother of all living things - Lucida. She is not alive, but is equated to the Universe, which creates everything that exists.

His father endowed him with incomparable power, thanks to which Lucifer was kept alive. God would not have been able to kill him, since they were almost equal. But Lucifer himself did not realize this until he found himself in hell, and became the main opponent of God's rule.


In heaven, he was an obedient angel, an example to follow. His problem is that he did not look at God as closely as Jesus Christ. And no matter what efforts Lucifer made, it was all in vain. Jesus was more important to God and to the rest of the angels.

At first, Lucifer humbly accepted this, although he did not agree, but a series of events replaced humility in him with other feelings. The fact that God elevated Jesus to the throne as a close one did not overthrow him either. Lucifer did not break the command given to the angels: to love Jesus as God himself and to worship him. And anger overtook him because the Father initiated Jesus into plans that Lucifer was not supposed to know, and loved his human creation more than his son.


Failure to recognize his authority by God is the reason why Lucifer became a fallen angel and plotted against heaven.

He told the righteous about how the Father forgot about him, his devotion, and exalted Jesus to the throne undeservedly, how he entrusted him with everything that Lucifer was also supposed to know as the son of God. He talked about how everyone reveres Jesus, but they forgot about him.

But Lucifer did not mention that he wanted power, so that all the angels would obey him unquestioningly, that he wanted to be equal to God, overthrowing Jesus from the throne. Who Lucifer was then - an angel or a demon is unknown. The brothers were accustomed to obeying the will of God, so they tried to convince him that he was wrong.


Much was said about Lucifer, but no one wanted to go against the will of God, and it was easier to force the “rebel” to abandon his words and obey the Father. But, unfortunately, the “fallen” one was adamant and insisted that it was high time to change God’s management.

He and his accomplices were banished by God to hell, and others suffered death. His exile was described by the prophet as:

Fallen from heaven, son of the morning dawn! Lost his wings, crashing to the ground. In your heart you carried the yearning: “I will ascend above the stars of the Father, and I will exalt the throne, and I will sit on the mountain, against the word of every one. May I be equal to the Most High Father." Now you are banished to the depths of hell, to the underworld. Those who look at you are surprised: “Are you the one who shook the kingdom, turned the universe into a desert, and did not let your prisoners go home?”

It is believed that God specifically allows Lucifer to tempt people. So every person has a choice between good and evil, and he has the right to choose the path himself.

Lucifer's qualities, such as anger, pride, vanity, were useful to him in hell and allowed him to rule there. His dream of power came true, he was like a king, he was worshiped, he was exalted. There he was proclaimed king of hell. Being in the “hell,” Lucifer considered it his duty to spoil his father’s creation with negative qualities. By instilling greed and selfishness in people, he completed his mission in full.

Demon Lilith - who is she

In the current interpretation of both the Old Testament and the Torah, this name does not appear during the creation of the world and the life of Adam and Eve.
But in more ancient documents there is information that God initially created a wife for Adam, molding her from clay. Lilith refused to obey her appointed husband in everything, declaring that she was equal to him, since God himself created her. The Lord sent three angels after her to reason with her, but the woman went on the run. Only after this, taught by a bitter mistake, God created Eve from Adam’s rib, emphasizing her subordinate nature to man, so that she would have no doubt about her husband’s right to dictate to her. There is a separate article on the life of Adam and Lilith on our website, but here we will look at her subsequent demonic essence. According to legends, after fleeing from her husband, she walked from paradise to the Red Sea, where she was overtaken by Samagnelof, Senoi and Sansenoi - three angels who were supposed to kill her, but in the end they punished her in a different way. This was due to Lilith's vow to kill all babies except those who would be protected by an amulet with her name written on it. The angels did not dare to take such a step and imposed punishment. According to one version, every night the first woman experiences agony from the death of hundreds of her own children. According to another, the offspring turn into ugly, unclean demons, and according to the third, Lilith became barren.

The ancient Hebrew myths about the demoness are associated with this legend. She harms childbirth, curses, kidnaps, kills or switches babies and abuses pregnant women. In some branches of Judaism, a demoness causes women to experience orgasm by possessing them, which leads to the birth of pugnacious, restless and disobedient children. In this superstition, as in the case of the goddess Astarte, one can trace the influence of the general patriarchal culture, which gradually replaced the traditions that had originally developed in the matriarchal society of primitive people.

The origin of the name Lilith goes back to the origins of civilization and all religions. In the ancient Hebrew, Sumerian and Akkadian languages, the root “lilu” means night and dark creatures, this is the element of essence. Some peoples revered her as a deity. In the Sumerian legends about Gilgamesh, the goddess Lilith is mentioned more than once as the nocturnal hypostasis of a woman - she has captivating beauty and destructive power, her tears give life, and a kiss dooms death.

Appearance varies depending on sources. Medieval demonologies believe that she looks like the personification of lust, sexuality, and more ancient texts describe her as covered with hair, having a snake tail or clawed animal paws - markings given by God and his angels as punishment.

Symbol of Lucifer

Lucifer, of course, has his own symbol. The seal of Satan has long been considered such a sign. It is a kind of pentagram, in the core of which a goat’s head can be seen. From each acute corner of the pentagram the word “Leviathan” is written. This is one of the names of Lucifer.


People take the pentagram seriously. It is believed that if you draw it correctly and perform a certain ritual, then Satan Lucifer himself will appear in his guise. Nowadays, the symbol is used on television as the main appeal of the devil. Magicians and witches show rituals in programs.

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