Is it necessary to come to the Liturgy on an empty stomach, even if you do not receive communion?

Currently, more and more people are deciding to come to the temple of God. This is very good, because an increase in the number of people in the church indicates only one thing, the strengthening of the Orthodox faith.

Everyone who first comes to the temple does not know what and how to do. But don't worry, in time you will know everything

Many who have been going to church for a long time know everything and don’t need to explain anything to them. But those who are just starting to attend church do not know how to behave in church. The rules of behavior in the temple are quite simple.

What rules exist in the Church?

In general, there are much fewer rules as such on how to behave in church than is commonly believed. Perhaps there is only one thing at all - it is forbidden to enter the altar unless there is a blessing from the rector of the temple. Everything else: clothing, how to outwardly express your prayer, and so on - these are traditions and institutions that have developed over the years, or they are self-evident things that should not be violated, especially on purpose.

Don't be afraid to break these rules out of ignorance. But consciously challenging the norms is also wrong. We have collected for you answers to several questions that are most often asked by those who are either going to church for the first time or are just getting acquainted with Christian church life.

So: how to behave correctly in church.

Before entering the temple, you need to cross yourself three times with bows from the waist.

How to enter church correctly? And what should you say before entering the temple? When approaching the doors of the temple, you need to cross yourself three times and make a bow from the waist.

The photo shows how to cross yourself correctly and how to fold the fingers of your right hand.

When making the sign of the cross, you need to say the following words: “God cleanse me, a sinner, and have mercy on me.”

You need to make the sign of the cross with your right hand. But not only the entrance to the temple must be correct, but also in the temple itself one must behave appropriately.

Unbaptized people and women usually stand in the vestibule of the temple on critical days.

First, let's look at what church rule exists for those who have just come for the first time. After the doors of the temple, the believer goes into the so-called church, or rather into the vestibule of the temple.

How to behave in church? This place is considered to be the contact between the earth and the divine. Usually there is a candle shop here, where you can buy candles, submit notes of health and repose, and you can also order a prayer service or memorial service.

Usually unbaptized people and women during their periods stand in this place.

Then you can go to the temple itself. First you need to look around and see what people around you are doing.

See also the article Why things are getting bad in the church

How to dress for church


There are many opinions and speculations about how you can or cannot dress for church. In reality everything is simpler.

Clothing reflects, if not our attitude to life, then at least our mood at the moment.

There are no regulations on clothing written anywhere in the church books. But the Orthodox Christian Church still has an idea of ​​what a Christian who goes to church should look like. It is implied that he goes to the temple with joy - because there a meeting with God and Communion awaits him. Sometimes it comes with sadness. But always - with the desire, at least for a moment, to cast aside the vain and mortal things of this world and plunge into the spiritual world.

Therefore, it is obvious that it would be strange to appear in a temple in an evening dress - which, even if it is suitable, is for a romantic dinner, when you need to please the person opposite.

Nowhere in church documents is there a ban on shorts for men, but we understand that shorts are clothing that is suitable for places where people are relaxed, relaxed, and do not have any strict obligations to others - on the beach, on vacation, on a walk during the heat. The atmosphere and purpose of visiting a church implies the opposite state of mind, which is why it is strange to come to church for a service in flip-flops and shorts.

By and large, when we dress to go to church, we must take care to look beautiful, neat and not provocative - so as not to confuse other believers with our appearance. Or monks who undergo many tests, and therefore the sight of a girl in a short skirt or with open arms can be a serious temptation for them.

But there should be no disdain for clothing, since a neglected appearance is the same challenge to society as dressing “for the wrong occasion.”

Is it necessary to wear a headscarf to church?

A headdress for a woman is an ingrained tradition in Russia, and it is better not to break it. Moreover, it traces its roots back to apostolic times (the Apostle Paul said that for a married woman, a headscarf is a symbol of her submission to her husband).

If you don’t have a scarf or any headdress with you, ask in the temple behind the candle box. As a rule, they are there - free.

Also, in some churches - especially in monasteries - women, if they come in jeans or pants, are asked to tie a large scarf around their waist - to make a skirt.

Although there are parishes in which, on the contrary, they have a liberal attitude towards hats. In the Moscow church on Gazetny Lane, many female parishioners stand at services without headscarves - this is the custom there.

Is it possible to wear bright clothes to the temple?

Certainly! Christianity is a religion of joy in being with God, joy in life, and our bright clothes can wonderfully testify to Christ.

The only time when bright clothes may not be entirely appropriate is during Lent, especially the last days before Easter - during Holy Week.

Is it possible to wear a beautiful dress?

Certainly! Unless beauty implies his openness and frankness. Women have long tried to dress beautifully in Church - as if for a holiday, because Liturgy and Communion - what is this if not a holiday for the soul?


In general, answering the question “how to dress for church”: dress in such a way as not to embarrass yourself or anyone around you, but dress neatly and beautifully so that no one thinks that the temple and Christianity are a place for untidy people. For someone living in the world, external neatness shows that he is internally tidy. But internal neatness is one of the main goals of a Christian.

How to behave for the first time in church

Many people think that no preparation is necessary to visit the temple. Actually this is not true. You need to pay attention not only to proper preparation, but also to clothing. And so there are several recommendations on how to behave correctly in church:

  • Applies to morning visit. After sleep, you need to get up, wash, light a lamp and thank God in prayer for the opportunity to spend the night in peace and quiet. Then read the Gospel chapter. Beginners are recommended to use the abbreviated prayer book.
  • Cloth. You can’t go to the temple wearing just anything. You cannot wear trousers, short skirts, shorts, bare shoulders, etc. Also, a woman should not wear bright makeup. A woman must have a headscarf or scarf on her head. But men, on the contrary, must remove their hats before entering the church.
  • Food. Many people don’t think about whether they can eat before visiting a temple. First they get enough, and then they go to church. In fact, according to religious rules, you need to come to the temple hungry. That is, on an empty stomach. Retreats are only possible for sick people and pregnant women.
  • Bags. There is an opinion among people that you cannot enter the temple with bags. But if there is a need for it, why not. You won't leave it at the entrance.
  • Bows. You must enter the temple with a bow, after crossing yourself. In this case, you need to bend three times.

The best article for you, go to: How to deal with the mortal sin of despondency, the Orthodox answer

For the first bow they say:

God, be merciful to me, a sinner.

To the second bow:

God, cleanse my sins and have mercy on me.

To the third:

Without number of sins, Lord, forgive me.

You need to look at the image of the Savior and say a prayer. The same thing needs to be done when leaving the temple. On your first visit, be sure to take a look around. Look at what people around you are doing. Which image do they worship more, where do they put candles, etc.

During the service, you cannot behave as if you are at an exhibition. That is, lift your head and look at everything around you, including the clergy. During prayer, you must stand with repentant feelings, while slightly lowering your head and shoulders. Try to repeat bows and the sign of the cross after everyone at the same time.

The main thing is to remember that the church is an earthly heaven where people come to pray for their earthly sins.

  • Time spent in church. According to church canons, service is a sacrifice to God. It must be defended from the beginning to the very end.
  • Should I stand or sit during the service? This question torments many. Of course, if you are young and healthy, you will need to stand throughout the entire service. The exception, as many understand, is only the elderly and sick people.

The best article for you, go to: How to bury suicides, suicides and suicidal people, how to behave at funerals

These are basic recommendations on how to behave in church and what to do. Believe me, when you come to church for the first time, you will not know any church canons. But over time you will definitely figure it out.

Is it obligatory to be baptized in front of the temple?

No, there is no such rule to be baptized before entering the temple. But this is common practice.

For a person who is just getting acquainted with religion, this may seem like an artificial rule (sort of like a “must”), but over time it becomes natural and, even, a need - to “gather” internally, to overshadow oneself with Christ’s symbol and power, to pay tribute to the temple in which the sacraments are performed.

What is fasting and why fast before communion?

Communion is an open door to receive God's grace into the lives of Christians. Through Communion, believers receive:

  • in the form of a piece of prosphora, the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross of Calvary, on which the body of Christ was broken and paid for all our sins and illnesses;
  • wine is like the Holy Blood of Christ, which gives cleansing to the spirit, soul and body.

    Communion is a sacrament for the soul of a believer

Each believer himself is responsible for accepting God’s Sacrament, for, as the Apostle Paul writes, whoever does this without reasoning, sinning, gets sick and even dies (Cor. 11:28-30).

Quite a difficult test for Christians, isn't it? If you don’t take Communion, you don’t receive blessings and grace; if you take it, you can get sick and die. Where is the way out? And the way out is simple - fasting and confession of sins.

Fasting is a time when a person, through pacification of the flesh, tries to cleanse himself of harmful mental attachments and habits in order to get closer spiritually to the Creator. Lent is a time of prayer and reflection on the sacrifice of Christ, Its cleansing and blessing power . During preparation for communion, Christians try to reconsider their lives, identify sins in it and repent of them.

It is difficult to resist temptations when you are full and happy. It is difficult not to fall into temptation when drinking alcohol or at entertainment events. During fasting, people, taming their flesh, tame their emotions and morals. According to John Climacus, during repentance, purity of prayer should take precedence, in silence, obedience, renounce pleasures, evil thoughts in order to receive pleasure in Heaven.

Some Christians can spend hours on social networks, spend time in idle conversations on the phone, take part in gossip, but at the same time be in strict abstinence from food, proud of themselves. I would like to disappoint such believers - God does not look at the stomach, but at the soul.

Anything that separates a Christian from God is sin.

Important! Fasting is the only opportunity to get closer to the Almighty. According to the priests, fasting and prayer are wings that allow the believing soul to fly to Heaven.

Is it possible to sit in church?

You can sit in the temple. And it’s even necessary if you don’t feel well or can’t think about anything else but “sit down.”

The Russian Christian tradition, indeed, tends to emphasize that it would be good to stand on your feet for the entire service. This is the idea of ​​heroic deed - that small feat that is available to every Christian. Therefore, there have always been few benches or seats in Orthodox churches in Rus': only along the walls, and even then, not in every church.

However, the feat must be achieved within one's strength. Therefore, there are no regulations in the Church regarding whether one must stand for the entire service or not. If you have strength, that’s great. No strength - no big deal. During some parts of the evening service it is even necessary to sit - for example, while reading the kathismas (psalms).

And in Bulgaria, sitting in most churches is hardly customary. And in Orthodox Greece, in some churches there are many benches and they are located not only near the walls, but also in the center of the chapel. Like here:

There is no point in turning worship into a sport for yourself. Especially when it comes to long holiday services, which in monastery churches can last three hours or more. Therefore, you can often see parishioners bringing folding chairs to hours-long services.

In general, whether to sit in church or not to sit must be decided according to the situation and based on one’s own strengths.

Vows of Sobriety Questions and Answers

The words “vow of sobriety” are heard today.
Vows are made by participants in meetings of teetotalers and singles, dependent and codependent, bishops and small children. What do we know about this new phenomenon for modern Russia? Those who took a vow of sobriety in the Church of St. Nicholas in Tyumen
Can we say that vows of sobriety are becoming a kind of Orthodox fashion?

Head of the Coordination Center for Combating Alcoholism and Promoting Sobriety of the Synodal Department for Charity Valery Doronkin: – No. For most priests, laity and even bishops, this is something unknown, incomprehensible, exotic. But there is nothing new or strange here. We rely on the tradition of our Church. At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, vows of sobriety in Russia were extremely popular, hundreds of thousands of people took them. Simply, due to well-known historical reasons, the tradition was interrupted, lost, forgotten.

Are there any figures on how many people - priests and laity - take vows of sobriety or at least think about them?

Valery Doronkin: – In the canonical territory of the Russian Orthodox Church there are approximately 150 parish organizations that in one way or another help those suffering from alcoholism. About 2 thousand people visit them. So they think about it. The figure is, of course, very approximate.

Why do you need to take a vow of sobriety?

Archpriest Ilya Shugaev, rector of the Church of the Archangel Michael, Taldom, Moscow region, chairman of the parish sobriety society, author of books on family, education and prevention of alcoholism, candidate of theology, member of the expert council on countering alcoholism and promoting sobriety: - The vow is given in order to receive God's help on the path of sobriety. After all, what is important for the Church is not so much so-called physiological sobriety, but sobriety - the concept of inner spiritual life. You feel that for this you simply need to be constantly fit, spiritually collected.

Can't you just make a decision and not drink?

Head of the Coordination Center for Combating Alcoholism and Promoting Sobriety of the Synodal Department for Charity Valery Doronkin: – It’s possible. I am sure that in every Orthodox parish there are people who stopped drinking simply by joining church. They visit the temple, take part in the Sacraments, pray, and become members of the church community. It also happens.

But how does a vow help?

Priest Igor Bachinin, Chairman of the John the Baptist Brotherhood “Sobriety”, cleric of the Novo-Tikhvin Convent, member of the Church and Public Council for Countering the Alcohol Threat at the Holy Synod, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences: – I’ll give an analogy. I will not drink sulfuric acid under any circumstances. My attitude towards it as a drink is clear, clear, the only possible one. The same applies to alcohol for a person who has made a vow. And without making a vow, a person understands: drinking is not good. So I won’t do this for now, but we’ll see. But his thoughts begin to overcome him, there is a constant internal struggle. But in a state of vow, a person does not communicate with thoughts, and there are not so many of them.

What is the secret of this?

Priest Igor Bachinin: - No secret. It is not a vow that helps, but the grace of God. It is wrong to treat the vow as some kind of miracle cure that will once and for all solve all your problems associated with alcoholism. When I call on a person to take a vow, I always warn: you yourself, without His help, will not be able to fulfill your word given to God. You don't have the strength for this.

So, you can’t take a vow of sobriety at home, in front of icons? Is it absolutely necessary to do this in church?

Archpriest Ilya Shugaev: – A vow made in private is good. There is a completely ordinary human desire to do something good. It happens, of course, that this is done out of emotion, so after that this desire must be confirmed in church, at a special ceremony. But we also confess to God - through a priest. And when you pronounce the words of the vow prayer also in front of witnesses - the people gathered in the temple, this is psychologically important, it holds.

What is the difference between a vow and an oath?

Priest Igor Bachinin: – Both here and there – a promise. The difference is in the content. When a person swears, he tries to prove that he is right - and calls God as a witness. And by making a vow, a person admits his weakness and asks God for help.

For how long can you make a vow?

Hegumen Seraphim (Nikolin): The minimum period is Great Lent. A common practice is to make a vow for a year and then renew it. Many people take a vow of sobriety for the rest of their lives.

Is it necessary to become a member of a temperance society in order to take a vow?

Archpriest Ilya Shugaev: - It is better, of course, to make a vow in the community, so that a person communicates with people who have already walked his path, who live soberly, so that he becomes infected with their way of life, way of thinking. They pray together, help each other - and the Lord helps them. And if a person makes a vow, and then again plunges into his old environment, he will again be left alone with his problems.

What dangers await a person who has made a vow?

Archpriest Ilya Shugaev: – Dangers will appear if you don’t change anything in your life, if you don’t do anything. Leave the same circle of friends, do not intensify your prayers, do not visit the temple. Then, most likely, nothing will happen, and there will be no help from God

– Does it happen that a person, having repented of the sin of drunkenness in confession, never drinks again?

Hegumen Seraphim (Nikolin), rector of the Kazan Church in the village. Gridino (Moscow region), head of the Orthodox temperance society in Yegoryevsk: - Of course. There were such cases among my spiritual children. After all, every time we kiss the Cross and the Gospel, we make a promise not to repeat sins.

That is, in essence, every confession is a vow. Why then is there a need for special rites?

Hegumen Seraphim (Nikolin): – Following the rite gives a person the opportunity to take his decision more seriously. A person asks for prayer for himself in order to strengthen himself, so that the Lord will give him the will, give him the strength to fulfill his promise. There is no need to turn a vow into a sacrament, but you should not reject the rite either. This is a church prayer for a person taking a vow of sobriety, performed according to a special rite.

Can an unbeliever, an unchurched person take a vow of sobriety?

Priest Igor Bachinin: I tell such people: first make a promise not to drink to yourself, and then to God. If you want to start living soberly, live. Can you make a promise to me for a certain period of time? In order to fulfill it, it is necessary to begin to live a church life: attend services, pray, have spiritual guidance. And then we will think about the vow.

What is the point of making a vow to a person who does not have an addiction?

Archpriest Ilya Shugaev: – One of the inspirers of the sober movement of the late 19th century, S.A. Rachinsky, believed that the vow made by a person who does not drink has enormous moral power. The drunkard gives it forcedly. But the one who does not have dependence makes a vow of love for those very weak. His example is much more contagious, because he decided not to drink without having a vital need for it.

Wives or mothers take a vow of sobriety for the sake of their loved ones, hoping that it will help them. Is this really true?

Hegumen Seraphim (Nikolin): – A family is a single body, and the actions of one spiritually influence the other. You may not speak, but do something - and it will be a silent sermon. Even if it is incorrectly analyzed, it may not immediately produce results, but the seed has already been thrown into the ground. When it rises depends on the Lord and how we pray. A vow made for the sake of a husband, son, brother cannot but have a positive effect on his soul.

Do people often take a vow for ideological reasons?

Valery Doronkin: – As a rule, a good life does not lead to a vow of sobriety. This is driven by personal experience. A person faces suffering, pain, death... He sees that for those he loves, alcohol has become a terrible evil - and tries to do something.

Does a priest leading a temperance society necessarily have to abstain completely from alcohol?

Archpriest Ilya Shugaev: - How could it be otherwise? How will he provide spiritual care for teetotalers without being sober himself? It’s very scary if we (I don’t just mean priests) tell a person: you have problems, you’re sick, so you can’t. And I’m healthy - I can do it! This is a mockery of drinkers. To help another, you just need to say: I’m healthy, that’s why I don’t drink. This is exactly what my health is all about!

Then, in theory, all priests should take vows of sobriety.

Archpriest Ilya Shugaev: – Probably, yes. But they must do this based on their personal choice. There is no such obligation, no such law. This is an internal law.

How do you feel about mass sobriety vows? When dozens, hundreds of people take vows at forums and meetings of abstainers?

Archpriest Ilya Shugaev: “I treat it well - if they understand what they are doing, if they have prepared to make a vow. I want everyone to be saved, of course. It is impossible to lead a spiritual life while drunk. Baptisms also happen on a mass scale—it’s not a matter of quantity, but of consciousness.

What does it mean to “prepare for a vow”?

Priest Igor Bachinin: – In different societies and sobriety brotherhoods, the preparation is different. In our country, for example, the vow is made by people who have completed a two-week cycle of classes. There is a conversation just before the vow - even for those who have already made a vow for a year and want to extend it.

Is it possible in principle to take a vow from an unprepared person?

Archpriest Ilya Shugaev: – There are different opinions. Someone says that you need to make a vow right away, for a short period of time - in order to sober up, so as not to miss the moment. And then, having lived a little soberly, you will already make the next decision, thoughtfully. Others believe that it takes a long time to prepare for a vow, but still, a person must make the decision to start a sober life right now - with or without a vow. The priest must tell him: we will solve your problem, but we will start with a sober head and sobriety right now, without delay. It is difficult to reduce everything to one formula. There shouldn’t be such formalism, everyone’s destinies are different, and everyone’s shepherds are different,

Does it happen that a person takes a vow while drunk?

Valery Doronkin: – It happens. I know a case when one sufferer crawled to the priest on his knees. Father prayed, thought, and accepted his vow. Still doesn't drink!

Monastics are often skeptical about vows of sobriety, believing that it is not the job of the laity to make any vows.

Hegumen Seraphim (Nikolin): - Why? It is a biblical tradition to make vows before the Lord. Nothing wrong with that. Let's say, the Nazirite vows were given not only by people from the tribe of Aaron who became priests, but by everyone who was ready, who was spiritually mature for this. It’s not a matter of social status, not a position in some hierarchy, but a matter of preparedness and determination.

What holds a person who has made a vow? Fear of breaking?

Hegumen Seraphim (Nikolin): - Only God's help. It becomes scary when a person does not pray, does not trust God, does not love Him. Then for him the Lord is not a loving Father, but a Punishing Judge. It’s scary when a person relies only on his own strength, believes that he himself does not drink, that he himself does not break his vow.

But it happens that because of this fear of punishment, people do not take a vow of sobriety...

Priest Igor Bachinin: – These are all excuses. They don’t give it because there is no determination. However, if a person is embarrassed and afraid of the consequences, it is better not to make a vow. Or give it first for a very short period of time in order to gain experience and confidence that the Lord is helping you. And then extend it.

And so all the time?

Priest Igor Bachinin: – At some point a person realizes that he can live soberly and without a vow. And then often... he comes again: “Father, I want to make a vow.” He understands that living under a vow is much easier!

Do vow violations happen?

Priest Igor Bachinin: – Unfortunately, yes. As a rule, this is associated with a violation of internal religious life. If a person realizes this, he confesses, penance is imposed on him - and he continues to live soberly. There is nothing extraordinary here - everything is the same as in other situations when a sin is committed.

So maybe it’s better not to make a vow, so as not to commit unnecessary sin?

Hegumen Seraphim (Nikolin): - People get married, and after six months they get divorced. Does this mean that there is no need to get married?

Can the vow of sobriety be compared to monastic vows?

Hegumen Seraphim (Nikolin): - Monastic vows are higher, no, there can be no analogy here. The vow of sobriety can be compared to a kind of ascetic exercise. This is a kind of Lent. Its spiritual meaning is to cleanse the spirit and soul from filth and addictions through bodily cleansing.

Some priests have a sharply negative attitude towards the vow of sobriety. How do you explain this?

Valery Doronkin: – Ignorance of history, the specifics of the work, the loss of historical tradition. Perhaps such a priest simply does not want to accept new information or has not fully understood it. The Church has no objections to the vow of sobriety in the conciliar mind; there are no theological justifications for this. And people may be mistaken on some issues. Disagreement is normal. We need to debate so that the skillful ones emerge.

I have heard the opinion that people who have taken a vow are prone to pride, to exaltation over others.

Valery Doronkin: – Every person is damaged by pride. To say that those who have made a vow fall into some kind of special, specific pride... I don’t know, I haven’t noticed.

Is it good to say that you have made a vow, or is it better to keep quiet about it?

Valery Doronkin: – Part of my work is to popularize this idea, so I simply have to talk about it, and as often as possible. But in general, it’s probably better not to shout about it at all crossroads, to speak to the point, understanding why and for what you are doing this. Otherwise, it may cause misunderstanding and even laughter. Hiding, however, is also wrong - if you are asked about it. But this is a matter of personal choice, inner freedom.

What should a person who has taken a vow of sobriety do at a holiday meal?

Valery Doronkin: – A spiritually healthy, sober person should not shy away from holidays and friendly communication, including at the table. If this is, of course, a decent company. It is necessary for everyone, especially abstainers, first of all, to learn to live and rejoice with loved ones, without using a chemical substance (psychoactive substance) for this. It is the inability to live and enjoy life without alcohol that distinguishes an alcoholic from a healthy person.

Does it happen that people who have made a vow cause aggression in drinking company?

Valery Doronkin: – Those who justify their passion behave most aggressively. But when people recognize their own alcoholism as a problem, they treat it with respect.

Can a person who has taken a vow of sobriety keep alcohol at home and serve it to others?

Hegumen Seraphim (Nikolin): – No. If the parish is engaged in helping the suffering, then, as a rule, with the blessing of the bishop, alcohol is not served at festive meals. This parish is an area of ​​sobriety. The same applies to the house in which people took the vow. Unless you don't need a special blessing.

Is it possible for a person who has made a vow to drink alcohol-based medicines, kvass, or non-alcoholic beer?

Archpriest Ilya Shugaev: – Everything is individual. If it evokes any associations or gives a slight “high,” it’s not worth it, of course. You can almost always find alcohol-free analogues of medications. And non-alcoholic beer, its very taste, is a direct provocateur: a person subconsciously waits for him to get drunk...

Where should a person who wants to take a vow of sobriety go?

Valery Doronkin: – To any of the sobriety societies where vows of sobriety are practiced. You can find out where the closest one is to you by calling the “Mioserdie” helpline or in the Church Social Ministry Database

Is it necessary to kneel or bow?

As far as the external manifestations of prayer in a person are concerned, there is no such thing as “obligatory”. A person prays in a way that suits him.

Although, it is probably strange if an Orthodox Christian, having come to church, never made the sign of the cross during the entire service - because the sign of the cross for a Christian is both a symbol, and a deep meaning, and support.

See also: What is the sign of the cross and how to be baptized correctly

But if you are just starting to go to church, just getting acquainted with the Christian tradition, do not be afraid to behave in a way that makes you feel comfortable. The sign of the cross is an external manifestation, but the main thing is what happens inside a person.

The situation is exactly the same with bows. Kneeling is a symbol of deep contrition or deepest awe before a saint or Lord. For some, this is an integral part of their prayer. Some people don't do them. In other words, the mere number of bows does not make a Christian better or worse.

Although, as one immerses oneself in tradition and spiritual life, the need for bows - including bowing to the ground and kneeling - becomes quite natural.

At the same time, there are periods in the Church when kneeling in church is prohibited - these are Sundays, and days of major Church Holidays, as well as 50 days after Easter. All for the same reason: kneeling is a symbol of deep repentance, and the Holiday is not a time of sorrow, but of communal joy.


See also: How to take a blessing from a priest and other questions about Church life

And another useful text: about what confession is and how to confess.


Well, in conclusion: once again - the basic rules, how it is customary to behave in church and what it is not customary or impossible to do in church.

Common people talking about drunk people in church

Ordinary people who often visit Orthodox places of worship say that a person who has drunk a little wine can enter the church. At the same time, he must behave adequately:

  • do not walk around the premises during the service;
  • do not distract parishioners with conversations;
  • do not make loud noises.

Regarding a person who has taken a significant amount of alcoholic drink, the opinions of parishioners are divided. Some say that a person who drinks heavily has no place in God’s house, since he cannot control his words and actions at this time. Others believe that a drunk Christian should pray and worship the Lord on the threshold of the temple and go home in peace.

Rules of conduct during preparation for Communion

Three days of abstinence before taking the sacrament is not a requirement, but only a wish. It concerns mainly people who participate in the Eucharist 2-3 times a year. There are no additional abstinence requirements during the four fasts.

Read about multi-day fasts:

  • Lent
  • Petrov post
  • Christmas post

Priests recommend taking communion every Sunday to keep yourself pure and holy, observing abstinence in food on Wednesdays and Fridays.

In the church, believers and baptized people partake of the Body and Blood of Christ

According to the decree of the Orthodox Church, during fasting it is forbidden to eat:

  • products of animal origin;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products;
  • selectively - fish.

These days, food is prepared not for the pleasure of eating it, but as a means to maintain health in the temple of God, i.e. in the Christian himself.

If fish is the main type of food, then it can be consumed.

Before the Eucharist, Christians do not eat food, having previously spent the day in prayer, giving up entertainment, drinking alcoholic beverages and sex.

Important! At the Sacrament of Confession, one should honestly confess to the priest about all his misdeeds, so that he can decide whether it is safe for a Christian to touch the Holy Gifts or whether he should return home and carefully prepare.

Before confession and communion, Christians go to the evening service in the church, and in the morning they are required to attend the Liturgy. Sincere repentance at Confession opens the door to Communion.

Fasting before communion: how to observe it correctly

“Tell me the rules of behavior in the church from the very beginning.”

I read the topic below and came across these words from Inanna: “It’s another matter if a person came to the temple for the sake of sincere prayer and the Sacraments. Then he will humbly accept the remark and will henceforth know how to behave and what to do.” I just recently started coming to church, just because I believed. I really want to know the rules and laws, but... I have always been far from the church. To be honest, I’m embarrassed to go up to my grandmother in church and ask what and how to do - how to enter, when to be baptized, which icons, how many times, in what sequence, with which hand they put candles, well... It’s one thing when a specific question arises, for example, where this or that icon is located, and something completely different: “tell me the rules of behavior in the church from the very beginning.” Otherwise, it’s so inconvenient for me to go to church and, to admit, it’s a little scary, the old women look as if I just stopped by out of idleness, I don’t know anything, I’m doing everything wrong. Inanna, I would be very grateful to you, and I think I’m not alone, because not many people are really familiar with customs and traditions, if you could tell me at least briefly. Could you arrange a small educational program for those who are illiterate, but truly drawn to the light, like me? 2.8.2003 Illiterate

  • Your confusion is generally understandable. If a lot of questions arise and you want to delve into the meaning of the service, it’s not easy to be satisfied with the grandmothers’ hints. But in reality, there is nothing particularly complicated! First of all, you need to remember that a woman should be in church with her head covered, in modest clothes (preferably in a skirt, not trousers - although in Moscow they usually turn a blind eye to this). Of course, minis and low necklines cannot be classified as modest clothing... Of course, a pectoral cross. It should never be removed at all. Observe people, what and how they do. Gradually, an understanding will come of why this or that action is needed and what it is coordinated with. Especially if you read about it before the service. To the questions you have already posed, I can answer that there is no special sequence in the approaches to the icons, and with which hand you place the candles it doesn’t matter (there is no magic in the temple, but for now you can read about the rest at the link (I found it seems to be more or less simple and understandable , not an overloaded article). Pay attention to other materials from this site. Of course, a brochure that is always at hand will be very useful... And one more thing. Do you have a Prayer Book? Are you familiar with the “Creed” and “Our Father” ? These are the main prayers, they are sung collectively at every Liturgy. Do you participate in the Sacraments (confession, Communion)? Without this, it is impossible to be an Orthodox Christian. God bless you! html Inanna
  • All of us were illiterate, well, or many of us, because not everyone was lucky enough to discover Orthodoxy from childhood; I personally learned everything through books. Go boldly to the temple, do not be embarrassed by anything. If you have questions, use the books, the priest (not the grandmother) will explain everything. Don’t be afraid of grannies, they personally taught me humility. I didn’t like them either at first, but now I love them all. At first, everything seemed to be incomprehensible to me, and there was fatigue from the service and grumbling... Everything passed... Solo
  • Don't forget to read the Bible too. It is still more important than how your grandmothers look at you, or when you can approach icons. And, may the Orthodox forgive me, they are more important than prayer books. Congratulations on such an important decision in your life! go_romanovs
  • By itself! I simply assumed that the Bible was obligatory by default, even somehow strange to remind a Christian of the need to have and read it. Inanna
  • You can ask a question, just don’t swear. Why can’t a priest be called a holy father? is this really bad? Father, it’s like a confessor, or someone you personally know, but just ask an unfamiliar priest about something, how? or a monk? Here I tried to pick up a voting monk, but it turned out that he was completely in the wrong steppe, I couldn’t name him at all, only you. So how should it be? Acorsa
  • Calling a priest a holy father is customary in Catholicism. The address “father” is appropriate for any priest. To a monk I would say: “Father, …”. Inanna
  • And don't listen to grandmothers. Not in general, but everyone in a row. Not all grandmothers in the church succeeded in the church canons (rules). I, for example, was slandered not long ago (they say that after Communion you can’t approach icons. They’ll come up with that too?!) Of course, you shouldn’t swear (although it’s not nice listen), but not take it seriously either. You need to study from books officially blessed by His Holiness the Patriarch. And then there are books published supposedly with the blessing of the Patriarch. So, it is better to buy them in temple shops. It’s also a good idea to read something on Orthodox websites, for example: Orthodoxy Official website of the Russian Orthodox Church MP Dictionary of church terms on “” “Orthodox people.” My friend runs a website about church services npn
  • Probably, now in every church you can buy books in the candle shop: “First time in church”, “Orthodox etiquette”, “How to behave in an Orthodox church”, etc. Such books are cheap and published with a blessing. Anna
  • And also “The Basics of Orthodoxy.” Mandarin
  • Very practical and correct recommendation :-). But if a person does not yet have such a book at hand, but asks questions here, what is stopping us from answering him and writing about at least the simplest things? So, you see, the book will be easier to read, and you can quickly ask about something... Inanna
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