Is it true that dead people see us - the opinion of scientists, psychics, priests

Evidence from mediums about the ability of the dead to see us

It is generally accepted that people endowed with special sensitivity can become intermediaries (mediums) between the world of the living and the abode of the dead. They confidently report that the souls of the deceased are able to see us at any moment.

Having learned about this, some experience simple-minded embarrassment, believing, for example, that their deceased parents may find them in a form that does not imply the presence of witnesses. In this regard, mediums say that everything is truly visible from the world of souls. However, they do not care about the material or physical, and perceive earthly realities in a completely different way, with pure spiritual vision. Therefore, you can shower and change clothes in the room with complete peace of mind.

When we come to a cemetery, do the dead see us?

The deceased can see us, that's a fact. But there are a number of conditions that affect this.

The dead are not always found in the cemetery. There is, for example, a “waiting room” - a huge area where souls await their fate. They may be there or in other places.

And it is very important where they live now - their mood, the amount of time allotted for a meeting, and the opportunity to leave can depend on this. After all, someone ends up in negative worlds and there is no freedom of action there.

In addition, the dead are like children - they may have grievances, rejection of their fate, and reluctance to come and see their relatives. Everything is like people.

It is especially important to show respect to them when making contact, so as not to experience unpleasant consequences. The consequences can include health problems and sometimes even death.

Despite all this, you need to be able to correctly address the deceased so that he comes to you. There's nothing complicated about it.

Orthodox Church about Knowledge and Faith

According to the Orthodox tradition, the soul of a deceased Christian sees his body, staying close to it on the first day after death, contemplates his favorite places during life, wandering through them on the second day, and, preparing to leave earthly boundaries on the third day after death, sees his own funeral. While in the afterlife, the soul of the deceased also sees living relatives, perceives their prayers and deeds performed for its benefit.

Relatives and friends, at the same time, cannot directly verify this, see with their own eyes that prayers, alms, services ordered in the church really benefit, help the soul of the deceased, that she sees the efforts of the living. If a person wants to receive evidence of this from the other world, he is reminded of the parable of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:31). It says that for people who do not have faith and do not honor Holy Scripture, even the appearance of a person from the world of the dead will not have evidentiary force.

This affirms the unconditional superiority of Faith over Knowledge. Where Knowledge and evidence are required, there is still very little Faith. If someone firmly believes, no phenomena from the other world are required.

Right at the time of death, the soul sees:

  1. The tunnel through which she goes to the next world. It can vary greatly depending on the dying person's own ideas about the afterlife.
  2. Entities similar to angels. It may even turn out that they accompany some souls.
  3. A variety of worlds and landscapes. Once in the other world, the soul must learn to control its thoughts, since others see and understand them, and also begin to fulfill its goals.

The first time after the transition, the soul is busy traveling through the lower planes, coming into contact with our reality. She needs this to say goodbye to her relatives, learn something new about their lives and finish things, and also, perhaps, help her loved ones achieve some important goals.

Question and answer

What do other religious traditions say about the ability of the dead to see us?
According to Muslim tradition, the dead can receive messages from the living, see those who come to visit them in the cemetery, and who make dua for them.

Can the dead hear us?

Both mediums and representatives of the clergy answer this question positively: they hear our appeals to them, they hear prayers for them.

Can we still see the world of souls during our lifetime?

Such attempts were carried out, for example, by the famous American hypnotherapist Michael Newton. Sessions of regressive hypnosis allowed his patients to visit the world of souls, where, as follows from the practice of M. Newton, we all reside in the intervals between successive incarnations. Based on the results of these studies, several books were published that became world bestsellers.

Do the dead see us after death - theories

In order to accurately answer this question, we need to consider the main theories about what happens to the soul after death. Considering the version of each religion will be quite difficult and time-consuming. So there is an unofficial division into two main subgroups. The first says that after death, eternal bliss awaits us in “another place.”

The second is about the complete rebirth of the soul, about new life and new opportunities.
And in both options, there is the possibility that the dead see us after death. The hardest thing to understand is if you think the second theory is correct.
But it’s worth thinking about and answering the question: how often do you have dreams about people you’ve never seen in your life? Strange personalities and images that communicate with you as if they have known you for a long time. Or they don’t pay attention to you at all, allowing you to calmly watch from the sidelines. Some believe that these are just people whom we see every day, and who are simply inexplicably deposited in our subconscious. But where then do those aspects of personality that you cannot know about come from? They talk to you in a certain way that is unfamiliar to you, using words you have never heard. Where does this come from?

It's easy to appeal to the subconscious part of our brain, because no one can say with certainty what exactly is happening there. But this is a logical crutch, nothing more and nothing less. There is also the possibility that this is a memory of people you knew in a past life. But often the situation in such dreams is strikingly reminiscent of our modern times. How could your past life look the same as your current life?

The most reliable version, according to many opinions, says that these are your dead relatives visiting you in your dreams. They have already moved on to another life, but sometimes they also see you, and you see them. Where are they talking from? From a parallel world, or from another version of reality, or from another body - there is no definite answer to this question. But one thing is for sure - this is the way of communication between souls that are separated by an abyss. After all, our dreams are amazing worlds where the subconscious walks freely, so why shouldn’t it look into the light? Moreover, there are dozens of practices that allow you to calmly travel in dreams. Many people have experienced similar feelings. This is one version.

The second concerns the worldview, which says that the souls of the dead go to another world. To Heaven, to Nirvana, the ephemeral world, reunite with the general mind - there are a great many such views. They have one thing in common - a person who has moved to another world receives a huge number of opportunities. And since he is connected by bonds of emotions, common experiences and goals with those who remain in the world of the living, naturally he can communicate with us. See us and try to help somehow. More than once or twice you can hear stories about how dead relatives or friends warned people about great dangers, or advised what to do in a difficult situation. How to explain this?

There is a theory that this is our intuition, appearing at the moment when the subconscious is most accessible. It takes a form close to us and they try to help, warn. But why does it take the form of dead relatives? Not the living, not those with whom we have live communication right now, but the emotional connection is stronger than ever. No, not them, but those who died, long ago or recently. There are cases when people are warned by relatives whom they have almost forgotten - a great-grandmother seen only a few times, or a long-dead cousin. There can be only one answer - this is a direct connection with the souls of the dead, who in our consciousness acquire the physical form that they had during life.

And there is a third version, which is not heard as often as the first two. She says that the first two are true. Unites them. It turns out she's doing quite well. After death, a person finds himself in another world, where he prospers as long as he has someone to help him. As long as he is remembered, as long as he can penetrate someone’s subconscious. But human memory is not eternal, and the moment comes when the last relative who remembered him at least occasionally dies. At such a moment, a person is reborn to begin a new cycle, to acquire a new family and acquaintances. Repeat this whole circle of mutual assistance between the living and the dead.


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February 22, 2022

Many thanks to Arthur Dmitrievich Yakovlev for good organization and tact during this difficult period for me.


February 19, 2022

Many thanks to Yuri Alexandrovich Pustokhod and the team of the City Ritual Service. Mom died on the evening of December 30th. I called several services. Many simply did not work on the holidays...


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Visions after death

What does a person see after his own death? – There is no exact answer. Still, there are many stories on this topic.

A huge number of people who experienced clinical death spoke about their own visions. They saw tunnels, some kind of light, heard voices. Experts say that based on such stories, one can form one general opinion that will at least clarify the situation a little.

When people die, they see us. Before death, a certain climax occurs in a person’s life. The limit of physical pain. At this moment the thought begins to fade away, and after a little time it goes out completely. Often, the last phrase a dying person hears is the doctor’s statement that the heart has stopped. Vision fades, turns into a light tunnel, and then pitch darkness sets in.

Next step. A person rises above his own flesh and sees it as if from the outside. Often, the spirit is fixed several meters above the body, viewing reality in the smallest detail. At this moment, the ghost hears the voices of doctors who continue to fight for his life. Until he realizes what happened. After some time, emotions subside, and the realization of one’s own death comes. This moment is marked by the fact that the spirit comes to terms with the fact of death and realizes that, nevertheless, the path does not end. He rushes upward.

The ability of the soul of the deceased to see their relatives in Judaism

In addition to the Torah and Talmud, the provisions of Judaism are set forth in esoteric teachings. According to the latter, deceased ancestors actively assist their relatives even after their death. Moreover, the strength of their help depends on the spiritual level of the deceased. The soul of a righteous person can even temporarily inhabit his careless descendant for consolation, guidance and guidance on the right path.

In turn, the living on memorial days of general prayers should come to the cemetery after the synagogue and visit the graves of the dead. After all, it is those who have passed on to another world who have the opportunity to directly communicate with the Almighty and ask him for mercy to the living. As the book of Zohar says, the existence of the entire Universe sometimes depends on the prayers of the dead for the living.

Communication of the souls of the dead with the living according to Belarusian traditions

The traditions existing in Belarus are based on ancient pagan beliefs. According to the latter, about a dozen times a year, on certain days, called “Dziady,” the souls of the dead visit the living. In spring, relatives welcome their deceased ancestors to the cemetery, decorating their graves and planting flowers. In the fall, the souls of the deceased come to the house of their descendants, sit on a bar under a chair and table, and listen to speeches to themselves. That’s why you shouldn’t put your feet on a perch under a chair on such memorial days, so as not to inadvertently offend the “guests.” It was also necessary to set out a separate plate for them, and the dishes themselves were placed in double portions - for the living and for the dead.

The connection of the soul of the deceased with relatives in Christianity

According to Christian canons, a person’s soul completely retains its identity after death. This means that she still has the same connections with loved ones, the same hobbies and inclinations, the same character traits. At the same time, the senses become somewhat sharper - hearing, vision, and a different perception of the world improve. But illnesses and illnesses, that is, what a person had on the physical level, goes away along with the death of the flesh. In fact, the spiritual essence gains liberation from all pains and misfortunes, from the earthly vale and bodily suffering.

Orthodox priests say that the family connection between the dead and the living is not interrupted, but may weaken. After all, if your household member left for another country for a while or for permanent residence, you also, over time, stop remembering him every day. Likewise with the dead. Prayers for the departed maintain and strengthen the connection. By establishing contact through prayers, we attract the attention of the deceased. They themselves also observe their loved ones and ask the Lord for mercy for them.

How does the deceased see the living?

When a person has completed his term (died), how does he recognize himself? Is everything in a fog? After all, there are many proven cases that the departed (deceased) came to say goodbye, said some kind of parting words, what does this look like from the side of the departed? There are also levels up there, right?

In fact, everything that we call paranormal happens around a living person all the time, but he is simply fenced off by his habits, egregors from feeling and seeing. If an ordinary person were given such an opportunity, he would think that he had gone crazy. Therefore, the very fact that someone beyond your understanding is trying to convey something to you seems incredible. And because we live on the basis of the first chakra (based on fear, as a guarantee of survival), we get scared.

Remember the video where the guy shared the real adventures of his family in the same apartment with a ghost? A deceased person sometimes does not understand that he has died. He sees, hears, walks, out of habit, around a familiar apartment, goes to work, to familiar places. He sees strangers who have moved in, out of the blue, into his apartment. Angry. He might even swear, trying to figure out what’s going on. If it was a child, he begins to misbehave in order to make himself known. He just doesn't believe he's dead. There is no body, but HE IS. And this is what, especially if he did not believe in the afterlife, does not allow him to calmly cross over. Typically, the subtle bodies disintegrate on days 3, 9, and 40, respectively. But it happens that the place itself holds on like a memorable milestone. Or the need to help those whom he (s) loved and cherished.

I had to die several times. From this position you see everything at once. In other words, you see individual spots of events, like an instant photo. And only a shift in attention causes these “photos” to launch and turn into a piece of a film called life. Each “spot” lived gives new, brighter spots of a probable future. Those that were not chosen fade away. So there really is no time in this understanding. You can enter ANY period of life, but you will not be seen or heard. All that remains is your internal time. You enter one of the likely spots with your attention. If a person sleeps, he will see a deceased relative in a dream. Or if a person’s subtle body is susceptible to high frequency, then he will see in reality

We believe that time is linear. But that's not true. The deceased, if he is conscious (unconscious will be like in a dream), can, from the moment of his death, reach his relatives at any time. But only in certain intervals can it be perceived.

A person, being on the other side of life, or in a “dreaming body,” at this moment glows and at the same time is semi-transparent due to the fact that the “body” is an image that is broadcast out of habit.

In order for the deceased to leave, one must mentally (speculatively) show him the path to spiritual light and ring the bell with a high sound. This creates a high frequency. This is what the priest does when he comes to bless the home. In fact, it is enough for a person to think about a high state.

Rising higher to the Light, a person first of all meets a “gatekeeper” (some people see angels, I saw a man in the clothes of a Buddhist monk), who will determine whether this being can ascend into a higher frequency flow. If the earthly path is truly completed, a person finds himself in a place where his memories become his torment and test. And there, human relationships to everything and everyone (to humans, plants, and animals) are important. The higher the “H” in the word “man,” the easier it is. All the lies, all the greed, all the meanness towards others - all this becomes an unbearable test. Neither the ability to make money, nor wealth, nor political significance, nor beliefs matter. All this is garbage. I personally didn’t go any further. But there is information that if a developed being, then the cast of his personality is not disassembled, but remains in order to become part of the basis for a new world. (I’m simplifying a lot now. Very much.) If the creature’s experience is not received in the proper amount, the personality will be dismantled, and the experience will go entirely to the use of the Soul that played for this creature. And of course the final question: is there life after death? Eat. The form of existence simply changes.

Author: Vyacheslav Petrov.

My comment.

The world where Souls go after the death of the body is the inner world of our Soul and Spirit. And when the Soul enters the body of a child, it seems to turn its space inside out and internally becomes external space. This is precisely the problem of the living today, that they see external space and live only by its interests, and consider internal space to be an illusion, a dream. But it is in the internal space that future events of the external world are formed and whatever it will be there, such events will happen to us. Knowing this, we must learn to live simultaneously in two worlds: external and internal. Moreover, the internal space is richer in various events and knowing how to do this, you can influence the external world of matter. Typically, such an ability appears after the clinical death of a person, because at this moment, as Vyacheslav Petrov described, consciousness perceives its internal multidimensional space. And if a person comes to life after clinical death, then the memory of the inner space is preserved and the “door” there remains open for him. This allows a person to discover amazing abilities in himself: to heal at a distance, read people’s thoughts, see their auras, wander in the inner world during dreams and see the future, as happens with Vyacheslav. Up to 80% of future events come true, which means that he really dreams of the future, which is sometimes years distant. It is precisely such people, living simultaneously in two worlds, that will be the basis of the new 6th race.

Will you believe what Jesus said?


  • after the death of the body, the soul is in anticipation, while it remembers everything and understands everything;
  • the dead see each other, worry about relatives on earth, but cannot do anything;
  • the abyss separates the living and the dead, the righteous and the sinful
  • the wicked suffer, experience “pain,” but the righteous are in a place of bliss.

Throughout the existence of humanity, we always ask ourselves the question: do the dead see us, and what happens after death? Jesus answered us in a small passage of Scripture.

Based on the passages of Scripture that we analyzed, in this article I saw a more pressing question for myself: where will I go after I die?

What do you think, can the dead see us?

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