17 powerful love spells on your wife that will definitely work

Conspiracy against cheating husband

The girl reads the plot

Women are much more likely to experience infidelity from their beloved husbands.

In this case, you can protect yourself and your family with the help of a conspiracy that is effective in its action and not difficult to implement. You can speak with the help of many things, water, candles, food... everything. For clothes and animals. Absolutely different things can help you.

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Do not be afraid to resort to conspiracies if they relate to white magic. There is nothing shameful in the desire to bring your husband home, renew feelings with him, or prevent betrayal.

Here, for example, is one of the conspiracies. This method is proven and absolutely safe for the two of you:

“Just as a brownie will not cheat on his house, his floor and his wall, so my dear will not cheat on me with any woman. Amen".

These words should be whispered, for example, into ordinary water and then added to your loved one’s food, more precisely to tea, compote, soup. You need to feed it at the beginning of the month. Then in the middle of this month and at the end of the month.

The meaning of prayer in Orthodoxy

What is the meaning of prayer in Orthodoxy? And is there a prayer for a husband’s infidelity? According to the instructions of the Holy Fathers (outstanding theologians of the past), sincere and humble prayer is “conversation with God and contemplation of the invisible.” Without it, genuine Christian life is impossible.

Prayer against cheating husband

With the help of prayer, we can ask the Lord and the saints for help in saving our souls, express tearful repentance, or joyfully praise the Creator. Christians also rely on God to overcome everyday difficulties, including family feuds. External motives for prayer can be completely different. But they are all united by love for the Lord and the desire to let Him into their lives. Saint Theodore of Edessa calls genuine prayer a strong wall and a blessed refuge, the protection of virtues and the destruction of passions, the purification of the mind and the consolation of those who cry (“Philokalia”).

The Holy Venerable Ephraim the Syrian instructs:

“Be in prayer. The Lord loves the constant prayer book and shows him His bounties” (“Creations”, volume 2).

Priest Valery Dukhanin notes that it is not so important whether we receive the earthly blessings we ask for. After all, the main thing in prayer is the grace-filled connection with the Lord. St. John Climacus also speaks about this:

“Merely remaining in prayer is already an acquisition. What good is greater than this - to cleave to the Lord and remain unceasingly in union with Him” (“The Ladder”).

Conspiracy against cheating wife

If your wife cheats

Although it is common to think that men most often do not remain faithful, there are also cases that women are not inferior to them in this. Of course, first a man needs to think about how he can make sure that his wife gets enough attention, understanding and affection, but if this does not give any special results, then you can resort to conspiracies.

How to punish for treason

Signs of betrayal

If your partner cheated on you, then do not rush to pay him back in the same coin. Very often, having done this out of emotion, regrets about what you have done appear afterwards. If you have a strong desire to punish him for this, then find another way.

It is important to distinguish between punishment and revenge - these are absolutely 2 different actions.

The most effective way is to care for and love yourself. Become better, brighter. You can’t forget about yourself at this moment and walk around without makeup, tear-stained, swollen. Spend time on yourself, take care of yourself, go to meetings with friends, completely devote your life to yourself. A man will immediately think that he underestimated you and understand what kind of woman he lost. They love self-confident, strong, beautiful, smart...Go ahead. Transform yourself. You have no idea how effective this punishment is.

Life example of female fornication

Svetlana got married very successfully and was happy, because... I got what I wanted from life: a loving and beloved husband. She was a good and caring wife, with practically no flaws, with the exception of one small “skeleton”, which she carefully and cautiously hid in a secluded corner of her personal “closet”. This “skeleton” was a release of an uncontrollable and acute desire to fornicate, not paying attention to one’s married status and beloved husband. She could not resist her desire, it was as if it was tearing her soul apart and giving an order to act, which was impossible to disobey under any circumstances. At times, this depressed Svetlana very much, because although she had a lascivious nature, she was still a very decent person who had respect for her family and husband. When suddenly reminded of the “skeleton” hidden in the closet, she went to great lengths, concluding a temporary intimate union with the first person she met, absolutely not thinking about possible medical and other problems, after the temporary pleasure she received.

The poor fellow first guessed about her infidelities, and then practically caught her red-handed. It came to a divorce. She cried, blamed herself and begged his forgiveness in every way she knew. He wanted to divorce her, but the love and tender feelings that he felt towards her did not allow him to do this.

Obsession with fornication - the diagnosis that the specialist gave her and, throwing up his hands, said that this cannot be treated with medication. “Try turning to your grandmother, maybe she will talk about your trouble,” the luminary advised, hiding a slight grin. And indeed, after some time, having previously gone through the seven circles of hell, they finally managed to find a person who helped them solve this problem.

White conspiracies against treason

Magic table for white conspiracy

White conspiracies are some kind of prayers that do not carry any negative aspects, do not worsen health, and do not adversely affect a person’s aura. It's not a sin. The plot will help bring your husband back, push him towards you, or renew his feelings and rekindle a fire that once died out.

Christian view of adultery

The intimate relationship of legal spouses is blessed by God, there is nothing sinful in it. It makes husband and wife “one flesh” (Gen. 2:24), strengthening and elevating their relationship. Carnal communication contributes to the birth of new life and the fulfillment of the commandment to procreate (Gen. 1:28). The New Testament says: “Let marriage be honorable in all and the bed undefiled (Heb. 13:4). But these words continue with a warning: “But fornicators and adulterers God will judge.”

Fornication and adultery are mortal sins, that is, especially grave ones, leading an unrepentant soul to destruction. The concept of “fornication” means any depraved behavior, including carnal knowledge outside of marriage. Adultery is a prodigal sin against the family. This is adultery or sexual intercourse with a married person.

Those who need a “prayer so that the husband does not cheat” should know: the betrayal of unmarried spouses is also adultery. Yes, the Church calls on Christians to sanctify marriage with a wedding. But it also recognizes as full-fledged a union that is registered only by the state.

A strong conspiracy to punish your husband for cheating

How to punish for treason?

When you want to cry from resentment, but your heart cannot forgive and demands punishment for the offender, then you can resort to magic and read a spell. But this should be done only when you are sure that there is no point in saving the family, and you don’t want to. One of the possible conspiracies:

I love you, but I want revenge, and I don’t want to destroy you. I invite the devils and firmly ask you to let me know, even if I sin cruelly. You will suffer for lies and betrayal, so that you understand, damned, how to cause pain. It will be disgusting in the soul and weak in the body, and stuffy with fear in a cozy bed. All this will last until you understand, with repentance in your heart, you will crawl to me. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

With the first feeling that all the power has been given to the words, you can stop reading the words. The main thing is not to overdo it so that the plot does not turn into imposing damage.

How to pray correctly

Before visiting church, you must fast.
Even if the erring wife is not a zealous parishioner and visits the temple from time to time, she can ask God to accept her repentance and help save the family. But this can only be achieved by sincere appeal, from the bottom of my heart, without justifying myself and without blaming my husband for doing this because of him.

In her prayer of repentance, a woman does not dare ask the Lord to force her husband to do as she wants. She should talk only about her repentance for sin, about admonishing her husband for forgiveness and preserving the sanctified marriage.

When the appeal is sincere, the Lord will definitely hear it and find a way to convince the man to forget the offense and let it go forever.

You need to pray daily, both in church and at home. It is imperative to undergo the sacrament of confession, listen to the priest’s instructions and strictly follow them. He will also tell you what prayers to pray, when and how to read them, and how to correctly turn to higher powers for help.

Main rules:

  1. You can pray both in Church Slavonic according to the Prayer Book, and with the help of texts adapted for modern speech. The main thing is that the words come from the heart.
  2. Long prayers can be read from a sheet of paper; short ones should be learned by heart. It is even allowed to make the request in your own words, but it is better to adhere to the canonized texts.
  3. Before repentance, you need to cleanse not only your soul, but also your body. It is best to fast for 1-3 days, do not eat meat, alcohol, or smoke. Do not get angry, do not scold, speak quietly, remain silent and think more - true repentance comes first in thoughts.
  4. Before praying, it is advisable to visit the temple and leave a note about the health of family members.
  5. You should pray in solitude and silence. It is necessary to get rid of extraneous thoughts and distractions, in the process to feel every word of the sacred text, to pass it through the heart.
  6. You need to read the prayer at the icon of the Lord or the saint to whom the petition is sent, while lighting a candle brought from the temple.
  7. Be sure to read the “Our Father” first and last. This will set you in the right mood.
  8. Remember that the Lord perceives a couple in a marriage consecrated by a wedding as a single whole and the spouses bear common responsibility for what is happening in the family. It is desirable that appeals to God come from both. Visiting a temple together will make prayers more effective, bring you closer, and help you find ways of mutual forgiveness and reunification.

Conspiracies and various rituals have nothing to do with prayers or God. By reading such conspiracies, a person personally gives up his soul to the unclean. Therefore, be careful when choosing who and how to pray. It is best to consult with the priest.

It should be understood that even the most powerful prayer is not a panacea for the sin of adultery and not a way to control another person. This is a chance given by the Lord to change the situation and return your soulmate to the true path.

Poppy spell

Poppy field

The poppy spell is the most effective and powerful. With its help, many sentences and conspiracies are carried out. Not only in matters of the heart, but in any life situation.

Shamans have been using it since ancient times

But in matters of love, the enchanted poppy has the highest effectiveness and strength. People believe that if you collect poppy seeds yourself during the waxing moon, it will bring even greater results.

Effective rituals for wife's love

On the picture

The ritual will require a red candle.

There is a conspiracy that is effective for the husband, which is carried out using photography. It can be done at home without seeking the help of specialists. Wait until evening, light a red candle. Place a photograph of your wife in front of you and read the following words three times:

“Brother Kolovrat and his son, the one who is rich in soul and heart. Look at me, lower your eyes. Darken the sky for centuries, return my beloved to me. Give your instructions to the flies and snakes, let them fly and crawl quickly, let them return my wife to me. Even if she doesn’t walk on other people’s paths, cities and villages, she loves me more than life itself, she just wants to be with me. Let it be as I said in this bright hour, let these words, coming from a pure heart, attract my beloved to me as quickly as possible. I can’t live, eat, sleep or drink without it. Let him only be next to me, only in me he sees his beloved man.”

Blow out the candle. The next day in the evening, perform the ritual again. And so on for several days in a row, until only one stub of candle remains. Take it to the crossroads and leave it there, go home silently and without looking back.

For a wedding photo

The wedding photography ritual takes place in the evening.

There is an effective conspiracy in the photo that will help so that your wife will always be faithful to you and never cheat on you. In the evening, place your wedding photo on the table. Light a church candle nearby and say the following words seven times in a row:

“A snow-white dove and a dove flew over the black clouds, singing songs of love to each other. Those holy songs spread over the world. And these are not songs, but prayers so that families do not fall apart, so that the union is strong, so that the wife never stops loving her husband. To preserve marital fidelity forever, so that you don’t step on crooked paths. And whoever was nice would get a lapel. Let her not give her hand to anyone, with whom she has not taken an oath before God. Let it be as it was sung and prayed for by those doves.”

Let the candle burn out completely. Very soon you will see the first results of your efforts.

For a wedding ring

The wedding ring cannot be removed after the spell

Take your wedding ring and say the following words on it:

“The birds are sitting on the branches, looking around. Wherever they looked, they would immediately fly there. They have no family and relatives, they have neither a home nor a threshold. But there is only a free road. And my beloved (name) has a home, she has relatives. I’m waiting for her, calling her to me, inviting her into the family.”

Put the ring on and don't take it off.

On the mirror

The mirror must be new

Buy a new mirror, look into it and say the following words three times:

“I look in the mirror and admire myself. Other people look at themselves, admire themselves. So let my wife, beloved (name) look at me, but she can’t stop looking at me, she rejoices at me and she can’t be happier. He comes to me joyfully, never screams or grumbles. Let it be so".

Wrap the mirror in a piece of white fabric and hide it in a secret place.

On a candle

Buy a thick candle from the temple. Wait until evening, light it and say these words:

“The flame burns, the fire flares up, so let my wife (name) be inflamed with a strong desire for me. Doesn't leave me, always comes back to me. Both night and day it always stays with me. Let it be so".

Let the candle burn out completely.

On the water

You need to take water immediately after waking up

Early in the morning after waking up, draw water and hide it until the evening. When all family members go to bed, go to an empty room with this water. Hold it in your hands and say:

“Free birds do not live without the sky, forest animals do not live without the open spaces of the forest, wild flowers do not live without the earth, so may my wife (name) never be able to live without me. So let it always be. So that she would be bored and grieve, would not see the world, could not live even for an hour without me, servant of God (name).”

Spray all corners of your house with the enchanted liquid, paying special attention to the bedroom.

On shoes

To ensure that your wife never cheats on you, perform a ritual on her shoes. Take boots or shoes, wipe them with a wet rag, saying:

“Steel is strong, my love is strong. Let her tie my wife (name) to me, God’s servant (name). Just as these shoes have heels, so may we become inseparable from her forever. Let him always want and desire only me. Just like these shoes are a pair, we will remain a pair forever.”

On a thread

The thread must be green and thick

Take two thick green threads. Tie them with three knots, and cast a spell on each of them:

“May God's servant (name) be next to me, may she not leave me either in sorrow or in joy, neither in wealth nor in poverty. May we remain together forever and there will be no barriers or obstacles to our love. I lock my words with a key, I will throw the key to the very bottom of the deep swamp. No one will interrupt my words or change them. Let it be so".

When you finish reading the plot, set the threads on fire.

To the birds' nest

If your beloved repeatedly cheats on you, but you want to maintain the relationship, perform the following ritual. Find a bird's nest with chicks in it. Stand over him, make a finger lock and say three times:

“Just as these birds built a nest, so we created a family. Just as these birds remain inseparable forever, so we will forever remain faithful to each other. And my beloved (name) will never walk again, she will only be mine. It will be so from now on and forever and ever and not otherwise. Amen!".

It is recommended to perform this ritual once a month, three times in a row.

On underwear

The conspiracy with linen is carried out in the evening

Take your wife's nightgown, a church candle, a photograph of your wife. Wait until evening, light a candle. Hold your wife’s underwear in one hand, and take her photograph in the other. Close your eyes and say:

“My beloved, the light of my eyes, you were given to me by fate and promised by heaven. Only let your body, your thoughts and your soul be with me. Only next to me you find happiness; you will never betray me in your life. Come back to me, into my tender arms, without you I feel very bad. I call my beloved to come to me. May you not be able to eat, sleep and live without me. I send my love to you, I attract you to me.”

Drip wax onto your beloved’s nightgown, onto a photograph and say:

“I sprinkle you with passion, energize you and entice you.”

Return the nightgown to its original place. After a week, you can repeat the ritual.

On a rose

Buy a red rose with large petals during the waxing moon. In the evening, light a red candle and pick up a rose. Tear off one petal at a time, saying:

“There is no rose without thorns, so you (name) will not exist without me. Petals, fly to her, carry my love, call her to me.”

Throw away the remaining roses in a deserted place.

Conspiracy to prevent a guy from cheating

Unfaithful guy

A woman must remain attentive and calculate everything, in order to avoid confrontation with betrayal, it is better to play it safe and not wait for the infidelity of a loved one. In this case, a conspiracy will do.

It is recommended to carry out such conspiracies during the full moon, during this period there is a lot of strong energy.

If your loved one smokes, you can easily smoke a regular cigarette. Whispering the following text:

“Breathe, breathe, Abadai will come, Abadai will force you, Abadai will order you, sleep only with me, love only me. I bequeath myself to Abadai for this.”

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