Prayer for despondency and despair - the fight against depression

A bad mood and apathy towards everything is not the best state. When melancholy and despondency intensify, the path to joy is blocked. The more often people are in a bad mood and completely depressed, the more they begin to get sick. But the worst thing is that all this can drag on for a long time, and it will be too late to get out. That is why many people turn to the Lord God to read a prayer for melancholy, giving birth to hope for something bright, joyful and unforgettable.

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Prayer is a conversation between a person and God

Prayer in Orthodoxy is not a conspiracy, not a spell, but a living connection with the Lord. Turning to Him and communicating with Him. Therefore, prayer does not involve convincing God that we are right, influencing Him with a set of words, etc. Moreover, prayer is for despondency and despair.

“To hear God, to feel the Father in Him, to feel His presence in one’s life—this is the true purpose of prayer.” (Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeev “Catechism”)


We hear a constant call to prayer in the Bible both from God himself and from his saints - prophets and apostles. Man, as a god-like creation, needs communication with the Heavenly Father, the Source of Life and Love. Without this communication, the human soul becomes impoverished and becomes defenseless. Defenseless, first of all, against sinful temptations and attacks of evil spirits. And if life ceases to be a joint creation of man and God (and without prayer this is impossible), it loses its meaning.

The power of prayer in times of sadness

In Orthodoxy, depression and despondency are equated with mortal sins. Therefore, it is important to quickly deal with a bad mood, otherwise it can develop into something more serious. For example, a serious illness may develop. Depressed people are often prone to making rash decisions. Some even commit suicide in this state.

Melancholy, despondency and bad mood appear due to the lack of positive changes, fun moments and variety in life. This is due to the lifestyle of most people, who spend almost all their time at work. Moreover, even on weekends, they rarely engage in active recreation, preferring the sofa and TV.

Prayer is designed to help fight the routine and dullness of life. Visiting church and reading prayer texts help a person:

  • tune into a calm mood;
  • pacify your fears and concerns;
  • find peace of mind;
  • overcome despair;
  • alleviate longing for a deceased relative;
  • find the strength to fight and overcome all the obstacles encountered on the path of life.

Pronunciation of sacred texts allows you to receive the help and protection of saints. Thanks to the prayer service, people drive away sinful and evil thoughts, and are also distracted from the everyday bustle, finding salvation in the Lord God.

Prayer is considered more effective than drugs. Pills can only temporarily relieve melancholy. They remove the symptoms, but not the cause of the bad mood. The prayer service influences a person’s soul, healing his mental suffering and pacifying his emotions.

Turning to many saints also removes illness. Very often, prolonged depression leads to a significant deterioration in a person’s well-being. Dejection can cause a serious illness, which without spiritual and medicinal treatment may well end in death.

One of the manifestations of melancholy and depression are various mental disorders. The best medicine for eliminating such violations is turning to the saints. Prayer is especially useful for people who have suicidal tendencies.

A prayer service can normalize a person’s state of mind, restore him to cheerfulness, and also give him peace and tranquility. Since the reasons for the appearance of a bad mood are varied, different petitions are read to overcome a difficult stage of life. Various saints can provide help and support, as well as protect from harmful influences and sinful thoughts. But the strength of the read request will be different in each case.

The choice of prayer largely depends on the reason that provoked depression or despondency. To raise your spirit and improve your emotional state, prayer requests are read in front of the following images:

  • Holy Great Martyr Barbara;
  • Saint Tikhon;
  • Righteous John of Kronstadt;
  • Rev. Ephraim;
  • Nikolai Ugodnik;
  • Martyr Tryphon;
  • The Mother of God in front of the icon of “Unexpected Joy”.

The prayer to the Virgin Mary is considered the most powerful. Appealing to other saints is also effective, but in certain life situations. Before prayer, you can light a candle near the image. Its flame will already have a pacifying effect.

To receive help, you need to sincerely believe and conduct a prayer service with all your heart.

Dejection as a sin - danger and ways to overcome

It is with a person’s loss of meaning in life that the most dangerous spiritual illness is associated - despondency. This condition can take over a person from time to time or weigh on him constantly. But it always affects a person’s will, destroys his life principles and erodes his spiritual guidelines.

A person struck by despondency becomes lazy and absent-minded, and as a result he is fussy and unorganized in his affairs. Such a person becomes indifferent not only to what is happening around him. He becomes indifferent to his own life, including spiritual life.

Dejection is not only a dangerous psychological state that provokes alcoholism, drug addiction, depression, a tendency to unbridled entertainment or even suicide. This is one of the mortal sins that leads a person to spiritual death.

“Despondency is a mortal sin! When a gloomy spirit, by God’s permission or by our deviation from the Lord, darkens the soul and confuses thoughts, then it brings on painful boredom” (recluse Georgy Zadonsky)

And the main danger of this sin is that a person, struck by despondency, finds himself, as it were, in a closed space. Alone with your misfortune, with your illness. After all, to fight sin you need willpower, and it is primarily weakened by despondency. And in such a state, no prayer will help against despondency and despair.

How is depression treated?

Depression is treated with medication or a special type of counseling called psychotherapy. Sometimes these methods are combined.

What about drug therapy?

Several types of medications can be used to treat depression. These drugs are called antidepressants, and they have proven themselves very well. These drugs correct the chemical imbalance in brain cells that leads to depression.

Antidepressants work differently for different people. Each of them also has its own side effects. Therefore, if one of the antidepressants is not suitable for you or is not effective enough, it is quite possible that another drug from this group will help you. Improvement may occur after 1 week of treatment with an antidepressant, but the full effect is usually achieved after 6 to 8 weeks of treatment. Side effects usually occur at the beginning of treatment, but usually go away after a few weeks.

How long should I take the medications?

The length of treatment depends on the type of depression you have. Your doctor will likely prescribe you a course of therapy lasting 4 to 6 months or more. The duration of treatment should be sufficient to reduce the risk of relapse of depression. Be sure to discuss all aspects of your drug treatment with your doctor.

Ways to overcome despondency

The spiritual experience and practice of Orthodoxy offers the following “plan of action” to a person stricken with despondency:


We need to recognize despondency as a sin, i.e. illness of the soul. Every disease has a cause, try to find it in your case. Most often, the cause of despondency is a person’s dissatisfaction with the fact that everything in life is not going according to his will, his expectations and hopes are not met. Such a painful perception of God’s will and disagreement with it is characteristic of proud and arrogant natures. The sin of which we repent loosens its grip after the priest’s prayer of permission.

Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ

If you accept all of the above with your mind, but your heart is not inclined to come to terms with it, tell the priest about this in confession. “Petrified insensibility” is a state that always accompanies a despondent person. Most likely, you will be given the blessing to take communion and receive irreplaceable help in the fight against sin - the grace of the Holy Spirit.


And, of course, the most important means of combating despondency in Orthodoxy is prayer, including at home. “We must always pray and not lose heart” (Luke 18:1), we read in the Gospel. But we believe and know that sincere prayer out of despondency and despair does not go unanswered.

Psychological means of combating despondency

Create a daily routine and try to stick to it. Engage in useful work, a favorite activity, handicrafts, and do not remain idle.

“Idleness is the root of all sins, the basic human illness that poisons the soul. This is that strange laziness and passivity of our entire being that always pulls us “down” and does not lift us “up”, which constantly convinces us of the impossibility of changing anything. The fruit of idleness is despondency” (Archpriest Fyodor Povny).

Communicate with passionate, optimistic people; don't think about bad things. Look around, someone is probably even worse off than you. Help such a person.

We have selected for you a whole prayer arsenal for the spiritual battle with despondency. Do not despair! “What is impossible with men is possible with God” (Luke 18:27).

What causes depression?

In all likelihood, the development of depression is associated with a violation of chemical metabolism in the brain, which in turn causes a deterioration in the communication of brain cells with each other. There is also a genetic predisposition to the development of depression. Depression can be associated with certain events in your life, such as the death of a loved one, divorce or job loss. Taking certain types of medications, abusing alcohol or drugs, or having an underlying medical condition can also lead to depression. Depression is NOT a result of weakness of character, laziness or lack of willpower.

Lord's Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven!

Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth.

Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts,

just as we also leave our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

For Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

The Lord's Prayer (in Russian)

Our Father who art in heaven!

Hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts,

just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Prayer service for longing for a loved one

Love is the highest feeling a person is capable of. It is a source of great happiness, but often brings equally great suffering. If the romantic feeling is unrequited or its object has left you, the appearance of despondency and depression is inevitable. A person suffering from lovesickness cannot function normally, is deprived of sleep, peace, and loses confidence. The sin of despondency overcomes him very quickly.

If the agenda is unrequited love or longing due to a broken heart, you should turn to higher powers for spiritual support. On such days , a prayer dedicated to the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of all who mourn” . To save your soul and cool hopeless romantic fervor, turn to the icon with the words:

“Most Holy Theotokos, intercessor of the weak, comforter of widows, always ready to help, save! You, Most High, have been given grace, hear us and comfort our sorrow. Deliver us from all troubles and sorrows, give us peace and consolation, fill our hearts with joy. Show your mercy, heal the sadness in our hearts. We resort to your intercession, cleanse our souls from sorrow and illness, protect us from all human slander. Under your protection, honor and glory to you now and throughout the ages of ages. Amen".

After praying, wait until the candle lit near the icon burns out, and once again mentally thank the Mother of God. The prayer should be said as often as the soul requires . Soon you will return to your usual way of life and regain your moral strength.

The Church recommends that unhappy lovers regularly visit the temple. If you don’t have the strength to pray, just stay within the walls of an Orthodox building, sit on a bench, think about life and the future. If you feel the condescension of religious grace, light a candle and turn to any saint to relieve your sadness. This is not a panacea for despondency, but it is better than falling into uncontrolled self-pity.

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Prayer for deliverance from despondency of St. Demetrius of Rostov

God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Father of mercies and God of all consolation, who comforts us in all our sorrow! Comfort everyone who is grieving, saddened, despairing, or overwhelmed by the spirit of despondency. After all, every person was created by Thy hands, wise by wisdom, exalted by Thy right hand, glorified by Thy goodness... But now we are visited by Thy Fatherly punishment, short-term sorrows! “You compassionately punish those you love, and you show mercy generously and look upon their tears!” So, having punished, have mercy and quench our sorrow; turn sorrow into joy and dissolve our sorrow with joy; Surprise us with Thy mercy, wondrous in counsels, Lord, incomprehensible in destinies, Lord, and blessed in Thy deeds forever, amen.


Even during his lifetime, this saint showed his miraculous abilities in consoling those burdened with sadness.

First prayer

O our good shepherd and God-wise mentor, Saint Nicholas of Christ! Hear us sinners, praying to you and calling for your speedy intercession for help; see us weak, caught from everywhere, deprived of every good and darkened in mind from cowardice; Try, O servant of God, not to leave us in the captivity of sin, so that we may not joyfully become our enemies and not die in our evil deeds. Pray for us, unworthy, to our Creator and Master, to whom you stand with disembodied faces: make our God merciful to us in this life and in the future, so that He will not reward us according to our deeds and the impurity of our hearts, but according to His goodness He will reward us . We trust in your intercession, we boast of your intercession, we call on your intercession for help, and falling to your most holy image, we ask for help: deliver us, servant of Christ, from the evils that come upon us, and tame the waves of passions and troubles that rise up against us, and for the sake of Your holy prayers will not overwhelm us and we will not wallow in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions. Pray to Saint Nicholas of Christ, Christ our God, that he may grant us a peaceful life and remission of sins, salvation and great mercy for our souls, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Second prayer

O great intercessor, the Bishop of God, the Most Blessed Nicholas, who shone forth miracles from the sun, appear as a quick hearer to those who call upon you, who always precede them and save them, and deliver them, and take them away from all sorts of troubles, from these God-given miracles and gifts of grace! Hear me, unworthy, calling you with faith and bringing you prayer songs; I offer you an intercessor to plead with Christ. Oh, renowned for miracles, saint of heights! as if you have the boldness, soon stand before the Lady, and reverently stretch out your hands in prayer to Him for me, a sinner, and grant me the bounty of goodness from Him, and accept me into your intercession, and deliver me from all troubles and evils, from the invasion of enemies visible and invisible freeing, and destroying all those slander and malice, and reflecting those who fight me throughout my life; for my sins, ask for forgiveness, and present me saved to Christ and be worthy to receive the Kingdom of Heaven for the abundance of that love for mankind, to which belongs all glory, honor and worship, with his beginningless Father, and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages centuries.

Prayer three

O all-praised, great wonderworker, saint of Christ, Father Nicholas! We pray to you, awaken the hope of all Christians, protector of the faithful, feeder of the hungry, joy of the weeping, doctor of the sick, steward of those floating on the sea, feeder of the poor and orphans, and quick helper and patron of all, may we live a peaceful life here and may we be worthy to see the glory of God’s elect in heaven and with them unceasingly sing the praises of the One God worshiped in the Trinity forever and ever.

Prayer for deliverance from despondency, St. John of Kronstadt

The Lord is the destruction of my despondency and the revival of my boldness. Everything is Lord for me. Oh, truly this Lord, glory to You! Glory to Thee, the Father Life, the Son Life, the Holy Soul Life - the Simple Being - God, who always delivers us from spiritual death, caused by passions to our souls. Glory to Thee, Trinitarian Master, for from one invocation of Thy name you enlighten the dark face of our soul and body and bestow Your peace, which surpasses all earthly and sensual good and all understanding.

Prayer to the martyr Alexander of Rome saves you from laziness

They pray to the martyr Alexander of Rome out of laziness. He is known for his strength of character. During his lifetime, this Christian refused to betray his faith, for which he was cruelly tortured and beheaded. Alexander Rimsky is an example of willpower, and it is will that a lazy person lacks.

Prayer to Alexander of Rome for laziness:

O glorious servant and martyr of Christ, worthy warrior of the Heavenly King, blessed Alexander, imitator of the merciful God, who boldly confessed Christ on earth and endured manifold torments for His sake,

the unfading one has received a crown in heaven:

now, together with your matter Pimenia,

standing at the Throne of God’s Glory, pray for us from God’s compassion for mankind,

May He do with us according to His ineffable goodness,

Let us not perish in our sins.

To her, holy martyr, we know,

for you have had much boldness to pray to the Lord for all those who flow to You in faith.

Offer a warm prayer to the Creator Church for the peace of the whole world,

the welfare of the Holy Churches of God and the unity of all the faithful children of the Church of Christ,

living in purity and honesty, and to deliver the Orthodox flock from the heavy storms of life and all the slander of the spirit of wickedness in high places.

May the hearts of the sons of disobedience be softened by the breath of the All-Holy Spirit,

tearing apart the robe of unity of the Church of Christ, with the power of Divine peace and love for the healing of His bleeding wound in the universe, and for the salvation of all living on earth.

For us, faithful friend of Christ, be our Intercessor and Patron all the days of our life, delivering us from enemies visible and invisible,

Moreover, after our departure, protect us from evil spirits, and at the Last Judgment of Christ, do not forget us poor ones with your warm intercession,

and having improved some of those who are being saved, we may glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever.


Alexander Rimsky had a strong will, he helps believers overcome laziness

Psalm 26

The Lord is my enlightenment and my Savior, whom will I fear? The Lord is the Protector of my life, from whom shall I fear? Sometimes you come close to me with malice, even if you tear away my flesh, those who insult me ​​and defeat me, you become weak and fall. Even if a regiment takes up arms against me, my heart will not fear, even if it rises up to fight against me, I will trust in Him. I have asked one thing from the Lord, and this I will require: that I may live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, that I may behold the beauty of the Lord and visit His holy temple. Because He hid me in His village in the day of my evils, He covered me in the secret of His village, He lifted me up on a rock. And now, behold, I have lifted up my head against my enemies: I have eaten and devoured in His village the sacrifice of praise and shouting, I will sing and sing praises to the Lord.

Hear, O Lord, my voice, where I cried: have mercy on me and hear me. My heart says to you: I will seek the Lord. I will seek Your face, O Lord, I will seek Your face. Do not turn Your face away from me, and do not turn aside in anger from Your servant: be my helper, do not reject me, and do not forsake me, O God of my Savior. For my father and mother abandoned me, but the Lord will accept me. Lay down the law, O Lord, in Thy way and guide me on the right path for my enemy’s sake. Do not betray me to the souls of those who are afflicted by me, as if I stood up as a witness to unrighteousness and lied untruthfully to myself. I believe in seeing the good Lord in the land of the living. Be patient with the Lord, be of good courage and let your heart be strong, and be patient with the Lord.

Psalm 26 (in Russian)

The Lord is my light and my salvation: whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life: whom shall I fear? If evildoers, my opponents and my enemies come upon me to devour my flesh, then they themselves will stumble and fall. If a regiment takes up arms against me, my heart will not fear; if war arises against me, then I will hope. I asked one thing from the Lord, this only I seek, that I might abide in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to contemplate the beauty of the Lord and visit His [holy] temple, for He would have hidden me in His tabernacle on the day of trouble, He would have hidden me in secret places. the place of His habitation, He would lift me up onto a rock. Then my head would be lifted above the enemies surrounding me; and I would offer sacrifices of praise in His tabernacle, and would begin to sing and make melody before the Lord.

Hear, O Lord, my voice with which I cry, have mercy on me and listen to me. My heart speaks from You: “Seek My face”; and I will seek Your face, O Lord. Hide not Your face from me; do not reject Your servant in anger. You were my helper; do not reject me and do not forsake me, O God, my Savior! for my father and my mother have forsaken me, but the Lord will receive me. Teach me, O Lord, Thy way and guide me on the path of righteousness, for the sake of my enemies; Do not hand me over to the mercy of my enemies, for false witnesses have risen up against me and breathe malice. But I believe that I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Trust in the Lord, be of good courage, and let your heart be strengthened, and trust in the Lord.

When and which saints to contact

Each saint has his own complex earthly destiny. To pray for sadness, one should go to those who during their lifetime experienced despair and melancholy, lost relatives, and were sad alone.

Prayer from the works of St. Dmitry of Rostov

If anyone believes that Danila Savvich Tuptalo received the name Rostovsky during his tonsure in honor of the great city on the Don, then he is deeply mistaken. Empress Elizabeth named Rostov-on-Don in honor of the saint, the great church writer, Metropolitan of Yaroslavl and Rostov, educator Dmitry.

Danila was born on December 11/21, 1651. He devoted his entire life to the Christian Church and enlightenment. His numerous books describe all the saints who were canonized before his birth and during his lifetime. Dmitry of Rostov himself was recognized as a saint in 1757.

During his lifetime, the Metropolitan did good deeds, helped people make decisions in life and find their place. A prayer to the great enlightener will quickly calm the reader who reads it, strengthen him in faith and relieve him of melancholy.

Prayer of Saint John of Kronstadt

As a child, John of Kronstadt found science difficult. But the boy did not despair; with diligence and perseverance he achieved the necessary knowledge. Young John prayed earnestly and asked the Lord to help him, to make knowledge accessible. Now the saint supports everyone who strives to become better and achieve a certain goal. People turn to him in moments when doubts, fear and anxiety overwhelm the mind and life loses its meaning.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Quench my sorrows”

There is sadness in the eyes of the Mother of God, who is supporting her head with her hand. Such a facial expression is rarely found on icons where the Mother of God holds her Divine child in her arms. Sincere prayer in front of the icon “Quench my sorrows” brings relief, eliminates feelings of hopelessness, and removes sadness.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Joy to all who mourn”

The very name of the icon, “Joy to All Who Sorrow,” contains the answer to its miraculous power. The prayer of people suffering for loved ones who are not around is especially strong, especially if the reason for the separation is the death of a loved one. The miraculous icon gives believers peace, hope, and joy. It helps one come to terms with the loss of a dear person and find solace in faith and godly deeds.

Psalm 101

Lord, hear my prayer, and let my cry come to You. Do not turn Your face away from me: even if I mourn for a day, incline Your ear to me: even if I call on You for a day, hear me soon. As if my days had disappeared like smoke, and my bones had dried up like dry land. I was wounded like grass, and my heart wasted away, as if I had forgotten to bear my bread. Because of the voice of my groaning my bone clings to my flesh. I became like the tawny owl of the desert, like a nighttime corvid on its dive. I walked and walked like a special bird here.

All day long I have reproached you, and those who praise me swear by me. It became ashes like I ate bread, and I dissolved my drink with tears. From the presence of Thy anger and Thy wrath: for as Thou hast exalted Thou hast cast me down. My days have turned away like the shade, and I have dried up like hay. But You, Lord, remain forever, and Your memory endures forever. You have risen to show mercy to Zion, for the time has come to show mercy to it. For Thy servants have favored his stone, and his dust they will buffet. And the nations will fear the name of the Lord, and all the kingdoms of the earth will fear Your glory. For the Lord will build Zion and appear in His glory. Consider the prayer of the humble, and do not despise their prayers. Let this be written for generations, and the people of the land praise the Lord. As from His holy heights, the Lord looked down from Heaven to earth, to hear the groaning of the chained, to release the sons of the slain, to proclaim the name of the Lord in Zion, and His praise in Jerusalem.

Sometimes the people and the king will gather together for the work of the Lord. Answer Him on the way of His strength: make known to me the decline of my days. Do not bring me to the end of my days: in the generation of your generations. In the beginning, O Lord, You founded the earth, and Your hand made the heavens. They will perish, but You remain, and all like a robe they will promise, and like a garment I will wear, and they will be changed. You are the same, and Your years will not fail. Your sons will dwell, and their seed will be perfected forever.

Psalm 101 (in Russian)

God! Hear my prayer, and let my cry come to You. Hide not Your face from me; in the day of my tribulation, incline Your ear to me; on the day [when] I cry [to You], hear me quickly; For my days are gone like smoke, and my bones are burned like a brand; my heart is smitten and withered like grass, so that I forget to eat my bread; because of the voice of my groaning my bones cleave to my flesh. I am like a pelican in the desert; I became like an owl on the ruins; I don’t sleep and sit like a lonely bird on the roof.

Every day my enemies revile me, and those who are angry with me curse me. I eat ashes like bread, and I dissolve my drink with tears, because of Thy anger and Thy indignation, for Thou hast exalted me and cast me down. My days are like a retreating shadow, and I am withered like grass. But You, Lord, remain forever, and Your memory endures forever. You will arise, you will have mercy on Zion, for the time has come to have mercy on it, for the time has come; for Thy servants have loved its stones, and have pity for its dust. And the nations will fear the name of the Lord, and all the kings of the earth will fear Your glory.

For the Lord will build Zion and appear in His glory; He will listen to the prayers of the helpless and will not despise their prayers. This will be written about for the next generation, and the coming generation will praise the Lord, for He came down from His holy height, the Lord looked down from heaven on the earth, to hear the groan of the prisoners, to loose the sons of death, so that they might proclaim the name of the Lord in Zion and His praise in Jerusalem.

When nations and kingdoms are gathered together to serve the Lord. He exhausted my strength along the way, He shortened my days. I said: My God! do not take me away in half my days. Your summers in childbirth. In the beginning You, O Lord, founded the earth, and the heavens are the work of Your hands; they will perish, but You will remain; and they will all wear out like a robe, and like a garment You will change them, and they will be changed; but You are the same, and Your years will not end. The sons of Your servants will live, and their seed will be established before You.


Saint Tryphon, subjected to cruel torture, himself experienced spiritual sorrow, courageously enduring the torment.


O holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper and quick to obey the intercessor to all who come running to you and pray before your holy image! Hear now and at every hour the prayer of us, your unworthy servants, who honor your holy memory in this all-honorable temple, and intercede for us before the Lord in every place. You, saint of Christ, shining in great miracles, exuding healing to those who come to you with faith and intercede for people in sorrow, you yourself promised before your departure from this corruptible life to pray for us to the Lord and you asked Him for this gift: if anyone in any need, sadness and illness of soul or body, if he begins to call on your holy name, may he be delivered from every excuse of evil. And as you sometimes did to the princess’s daughter, in the city of Rome, tormented by the devil, you healed her, her and us from his cruel machinations, save us all the days of our lives, and especially on the day of our last breath, intercede for us. Then be our helper and quick drive away of evil spirits, and our leader to the Kingdom of Heaven. And where you now stand in the presence of the saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord, that he may grant us also to be partakers of everlasting joy and joy, and that with you we may collectively glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter of the Spirit forever. Amen.

Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk

Oh, all-praised saint and saint of Christ, our Father Tikhon! Having lived like an angel on earth, you, like a good angel, appeared in your wondrous glorification: we believe with all our souls and thoughts, like you, our compassionate helper and man of prayer, in your unfailing actions The secrets and grace abundantly bestowed upon you from the Lord always contribute to our salvation.

Accept, blessed servant of Christ, even at this hour our unworthy prayer: free us through your intercession from the vanity and superstition that surrounds us, the unbelief and evil of man; Try, quickly to represent us, with your favorable intercession to beg the Lord, may He add His great and rich mercy to us sinners and unworthy His servants (names), may He heal His grace May the unhealed sores and scabs of our corrupted souls and bodies dissolve our petrified hearts with tears of tenderness and contrition for our many sins, and may He deliver us from eternal torment and the fire of Gehenna; May He grant to all His faithful people in this present world peace and silence, health and salvation and good haste in everything, so that they may live a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity, in the Lord Let us fight with the Angels and with all the saints to glorify and sing the all-holy name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever.


Saint Barbara herself experienced these mental anguish.

First prayer

Holy glorious and all-praised Great Martyr Varvaro! Gathered today in your Divine temple, people who worship the race of your relics and kiss with love, your suffering as a martyr, and in them the Martyr Christ himself, who gave you not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for Him, with pleasing praises, we pray to you, the well-known desire of our intercessor: pray with us and for us, beseeching God from His compassion, that He may mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave us with all the necessary petitions for salvation and life, and grant a Christian death to our belly - painless, shameless , in peace, I will partake of the Divine Mysteries, and to all, in every place, in every sorrow and situation who require His love for mankind and help, He will give His great mercy, so that by the grace of God and your warm intercession, always remain in good health in soul and body, we glorify the wondrous one in our saints The God of Israel, who does not remove His help from us always, now and ever, and forever and ever, Amen.

Second prayer

Holy Great Martyr of Christ Varvaro! Pray with us and for us, the servants of God (names), beseeching God from His mercy, that He may mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave us with all the necessary petitions for salvation and life, but the Christian end of our life will be painless, shameless, May I partake of peace and the Divine Mysteries, and by the grace of God and your warm intercession, may you always remain in good health in soul and body, glorifying the God of Israel, wondrous in His saints, who does not withdraw His help from us, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Quench my sorrows”

Hope to all the ends of the earth, Most Pure Virgin, Lady Theotokos, our consolation! Do not disdain us sinners, for we trust in Your mercy: extinguish the sinful flame burning in us and water our parched hearts with repentance; Cleanse our minds from sinful thoughts, accept the prayers offered to You from the soul and heart with sighs. Be an intercessor for us to Your Son and God and turn away His anger with Your motherly prayers. Heal mental and physical ulcers, Lady Lady, quench the illnesses of souls and bodies, calm the storm of evil attacks of the enemy, take away the burden of our sins, and do not leave us to perish and sorrow until the end Comfort our contrite hearts, may we glorify Thee until our last breath.

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Preparing to read the text

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The believer should be alone in a secluded place, so that no one distracts or interferes. Be sure to light a candle and face the icon. First, you need to cross yourself and read “Our Father,” mentally imagining the image of the Almighty and not thinking about the bad. Then, it is important to thank the Lord God for everything that you have, for his protection and support, for the fact that you have life. After this, as a rule, forgiveness is asked for all sins committed, voluntary and involuntary - every person has many of them. After everything is done, it is important to begin praying for forgiveness so that sadness will leave the heart once and for all. Everyone should be clearly aware of what they are reading, delving into every word.

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