Orthodox prayer for constant despondency and depression

Prayer to Alexander the Roman against laziness

One of the most famous prayers against laziness is the prayer to Alexander of Rome.

You can turn to a saint when a person cannot pull himself together to begin any task.

Alexander the Roman was a warrior. The emperor ordered everyone to go to the temple of Zeus and make a sacrifice. Alexander refused, and that’s why he was killed.

But before his death, he prayed to God that afterward everyone would turn to him in prayer. And it will help get rid of various diseases and laziness.

O glorious servant and martyr of Christ, worthy warrior of the Heavenly King, blessed Alexander, imitator of the merciful God, who boldly confessed Christ on earth and endured manifold torments for His sake, you have received an unfading crown in heaven:

Now, together with your matter, Pimenia, standing at the Throne of the Glory of God, pray for us from God’s compassionate compassion, so that He will do with us according to His ineffable goodness, so that we do not perish in our sins.

To her, holy martyr, we know that you have had much boldness to the Lord to pray for all those who come to You with faith.

Offer a warm prayer to the Creator Church for the peace of the whole world, the prosperity of the Holy Churches of God and the unification of all the faithful children of the Church of Christ, who live in purity and honor, and to deliver the Orthodox flock from the heavy storms of everyday life and all the slander of the spirit of wickedness in high places.

With the breath of the All-Holy Spirit, may the hearts of the sons of disobedience, tearing apart the robe of unity of the Church of Christ, be softened by the power of Divine peace and love for the healing of His bleeding wound in the universe, and for the salvation of all living on earth.

For us, faithful friend of Christ, be our Intercessor and Patron all the days of our life, delivering us from enemies visible and invisible, and moreover, after our departure, protect us from evil spirits,

and at the Last Judgment of Christ, do not forget us poor through your warm intercession, so that, having improved some of those who are saved, we will glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever.


What is laziness and how to deal with it

Where does laziness come from?
What does the future hold for the lazy? How to get rid of this vice? Archpriest Alexander Avdyugin reflects. - Father, I’m a sinner, laziness overcomes me.

- So fight her.

- I can’t, father, I’m lazy.

The statement “I have God in my soul,” familiar to many, is just an everyday excuse for ordinary laziness. Just not the one that comes from the principle “it will do!”, but the other – the unwillingness to leave the bliss and pleasure of one’s own body.

In order to look “spectacular” in appearance, to smell like Dior, to have jewelry sparkle unobtrusively, and to have the labels of leading companies visible in the folds of clothes, laziness is usually absent. Everything will be done for the next “ah!” girlfriends or “cool!” colleague.

You have enough strength, you have the means, and you don’t need to add an extra hour to the day.

But as soon as the priest advises you to buy a prayer book and pray religiously every day, and even go to church sometimes, then it immediately becomes clear that you have neither the time, nor the funds, and you don’t have enough health.

— There are three most difficult things in life. The first thing is to repay debts. The second is to care for elderly parents. The third thing is to pray to God.

In fact, failure to do these three things are serious sins that become “mortal” if you do not repent of them and get rid of them.

Spiritual laziness is a contagious thing, it is spreading everywhere, and the rate of its spread is by no means inferior to any swine and bird flu. In a family where the concepts of God and faith are limited only to discussions about morality and morality, the Bible is just a beautiful book on the shelf, and an icon is the decoration of the apartment, in the very near future there will be an infection of those whom we consider our heirs.

The next generation of this family will definitely replace the word of God with its popular presentation with pictures, and the icon there will begin to coexist with a shaman’s mask or the next blue horse of the next calendar year.

They try to give abstruse explanations of spiritual laziness, to bring philosophical, social and even political meaning into it. Concepts such as tolerance, syncretism, cosmopolitanism, globalization (you can still find a dozen) are by no means scientific definitions, subject only to the modern educated mind and characterizing a person and society. Not at all. Each of these words came from an elementary and primitive desire to justify one’s own spiritual laziness.

Go to the ant, slothful one, look at its actions, and be wise. He has neither a boss, nor a guardian, nor a master; but he prepares his grain in the summer, and gathers his food in the harvest. How long will you sleep, lazy man? When will you arise from your sleep? (Prov. 6:6–9)

I passed the field of a lazy man and the vineyard of a weak-minded man: and behold, it was all overgrown with thorns, its surface was covered with nettles, and its stone fence collapsed. And I looked, and turned my heart, and looked, and learned a lesson (Prov. 24:30-32).

You can, of course, find more radical, a kind of surgical methods of getting rid of this defect, but due to the rise of juvenile justice from spiritual laziness, I will not give them in detail here. Whoever wants to know the recipes, I refer you to a good book with a very kind and practical title: “Domostroy”. There is another effective remedy: ask your grandparents how and who helped them get rid of the sins of laziness...

It's worse when laziness becomes a vice. It, like drunkenness, is often a symptom of a more serious spiritual illness, which in the face of others, by hook or by crook, they try to hide or justify. It will not be possible to hide for a long time, there is nothing secret that will not become apparent, says Scripture, and justification will only lead to the spread of sin and will predetermine other actions that are by no means of God’s origin.

In the end, laziness leads to a terrible desire: to get rid of the need to think, make decisions and be responsible for them.

“Laziness, open it, you’ll burn!”

- I’ll burn, but I won’t open it...

Service to the Holy Martyr Alexander of Rome

Creation of Metropolitan Nicodemus


Let's verse Blessed is the man: 1st antiphon.

I cried to the Lord: the stichera of the saint on 6, tone 2.

Similar to: Kiimi laudable:

Come, all God-loving people, from east and west, north and south, united with the love of Christ, let us sing the faithful warrior of Christ Alexander with spiritual songs of praise, whose sufferings the Church of Christ, like the royal purple, was adorned with his blood, the Lamb of God, the Destroyer of death and hell, to all races He proclaims to mankind, that we may know the life-giving power of His love, by which we will be established in the unanimity of faith, piously building the foundation of the Church of Christ.

O earthly angel and heavenly man, God-loving warrior Alexander, a companion of Christ and a wonderful builder of His Holy Church, how let us sing of the feats of your honest sufferings: for we tore you to pieces on stakes in four parts and shaved your body with iron nails, as the hardest adamant by the power of faith you trampled upon all idolatry flattery;

Irrigating the piety of the gospel faith with your blood, you planted it in the hearts of the faithful, and thus you brought many to the Lord, disgracing the service of demonic wickedness in the world, so that Christ may reign in our hearts forever.

Vulnerable in our hearts and soaring with love, seeing how the Lord loved the kindness of your soul, the angel of the interlocutor Alexandra, when the ambassador of His Angel will announce to you, how God-loving has chosen you to the feat of martyrdom for the establishment of His Holy Church and for the salvation of all people, in which we also have Christ - God's Power and God's Wisdom by knowledge,

wonderfully resting in His saints, pray with them, all-blessed, that we may be sons of the Eternal Light and enter into the joy of the Lord of Divine love.

Like an ecclesiastical bridegroom, bound in bonds for Christ the Son of God, drawn by tormentors from Rome to Byzantium, you called upon cities and towns to the feast of the faith of Christ, invincible martyr Alexander, who was a child of the Ecumenical Church, in the unity of the faith of the weakened, bound by the power of the love of Christ, and by all-forgiveness Let us embrace each other, we will bring the Holy Church, bleeding in the ulcers of disorder, into quiet and serene prosperity, and on the occasion of the two-thousandth anniversary of the triumph of Her brotherly love we will sanctify, and we will piously establish the foundation of God who promotes peace.

Glory to the Saint, tone 8:

Today, the suffering of the passion-bearer of Christ cries out to all God-loving people of the East and West: come, all of you, with the love of Christ, we will glorify the warrior Alexander crowned with God in psalms and songs: this marvelous martyr of the saints, together with his mother, is to come;

to her the Angel of the Lord proclaims that, like the Most Pure Mother of God in suffering for Her Son on Golgotha, she will travel compassionately and bury his body, burying herself in Christ with love, and together with him she prays to the Lord for the triumph of the Church on earth, for brotherly love among the peoples of the world and for the salvation of souls ours.

And now, Mother of God:

Born Co-essential with God and the Father, God the Word, the Mother of God, God the Man by You descended to our humility, freeing us from the oaths of our forefathers: For you saw Jacob the Ladder, reaching to heaven, blessing God, but Archangel Gabriel was surprised, crying out to You, Mother of God: I am perplexed and I am horrified, even as I was commanded, I cry out to You: Rejoice, O Gracious One, the Lord is with You.

We, who are unworthy, cry out loudly: You, Pure One, rejoice, O Mother of God, about the rise of Your Nativity, in Him the Holy Church, invincible through the gates of hell, rejoices in the struggle of the passion-bearers of Christ forever.

Or a dogmatist, of the same voice.

The poem contains stichera, tone 4.

Similar to: Like a doble:

With your fiery suffering, god-wise martyr Alexandra, you burned the charm of the tormentor, you infused the hearts of the faithful with drops of blood with streams of faith, you appeared to the Holy Church as an unshakable pillar, adorned with dispassion, confident in Christ God.

This is what you have found, O all-valored one.

Verse: The righteous shall flourish like the phoenix, and like the cedar in Lebanon he shall multiply. We kindle the love of Christ, with which the Lord has made you strong: we are torn to pieces and shaved and finished with the sword, you remained adamant, Alexander Martyr, having raised your soul on the rock of faith.

And for this reason you are considered a holy face, we are worthy of the unfathomable light.

Verse: Plant in the house of the Lord, in the courts of our God they will flourish.

Having despised the honors of the earthly army, you were considered equal to the heavenly army, the adamante of faith Alexandra, iron bonds and prison in the city of Philip, like sweepers of a royal reception, having defeated the wicked Tiberian with patience, you appeared as a sweet-sounding pipe of faith, inspired by Christ with love

Glory, the same voice:

You proclaimed the one dawn of the Trinitarian existence, the One Divinity and the One Dominion, O passion-bearing Alexandra, you crushed the false gods and overthrew the idolatrous wisdom.

Do not cease to pray for the salvation of the world, the Divine and Uncreated Trinity, undaunted confessor.

And now, Mother of God, the voice is the same.

Troparion, tone 4:

Thy martyr, O Lord, Alexander, in his suffering received an imperishable crown from Thee, our God: having Thy strength, overthrow the tormentors, crush the demons of weak insolence, through His prayers save our souls

Glory, and now, the Mother of God, the voice is the same.

At Matins

On God the Lord: troparion to the martyr.

Glory, and now, the Mother of God, in the same voice.

According to the 1st verse of the sedalene, tone 4:

Today we piously celebrate the passion-bearer Alexander, having been wounded by love and sacrificed to Christ by faith, in which we continually pray to the Lord to grant peace and salvation to our souls.

Glory, even now, to the Mother of God: Thou art the heavenly ladder, the Most Pure Virgin, who hast come to us from the Word of God, giving life to all. You are the imams of sin, a zealous intercessor, who exist in many adversities, and are always delivered by you.

According to the 2nd verse of the sedal, tone 1.

Similar to: Face of an Angel:

The Lord gave you strength for your exploits, when you desired to adorn yourself with the crown of martyrdom and confessed to be a Christian, to rise valiantly in the torments of the body, through His Angel to tell your mother, Alexandra, may he console you in these things, so that you will not be ashamed of the Church of the Saints in your fidelity to the confessor their own, buried in Christ's love.

Glory, even now, to the Mother of God:

The King and Lord from You clothed yourself in a scarlet body, passing all red from Your womb, O Mother of God, and crushing all the power of the enemy and giving an invincible victory to all the faithful who call upon You in prayers for help.

According to the polyeleos sedalene, voice 4:

The warrior of Christ is invincible, the doer of God's will is zealous, we will always praise Alexander the Passion-Bearer with faith, for he gives water of healing to those who come to him with faith, and quenches fierce passions, and those in sorrow from all evils stand up truthfully.

Glory, even now, to the Mother of God:

Deliver us from our needs, Mother of Christ our God, Who gave birth to the Creator of all and the Founder of the Church, so we all call to You: Rejoice, the only Representative and salvation of our souls, who ever delivers us from all evils.

Also sedate, 1st antiphon of the 4th tone.

Prokeimenon, tone 4: The righteous, like the phoenix, will prosper, like the cedar of Lebanon, he will multiply.

Verse: Planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God.

Every breath: the Gospel of Luke, conceived 106.

According to Psalm 50, stichera, tone 6:

Today the Church of the Passion-Bearer of Christ is enlightened by the torment / and, like flowers, adorned with his suffering, / cries out in joy: / such are my births, such are my son’s womb. / They gave birth to them through baptism, / they raised them with the milk of piety, / and they became martyrs of the Truth, / praying for the salvation of the entire universe.

Prayers for good studies at school and university to Jesus Christ, Mother of God

Conspiracies against laziness and apathy are an effective and very easy way to escape from inaction, gain strength and energy of life for new beginnings and victories.

We can definitely say that negative emotions deprive one of strength and prevent a person from being successful and achieving his goals. They hinder and slow down the achievement of the goal, forcing you to constantly back away or stagnate in one place. Special spells will help you cope with laziness and apathy.

Conspiracies for laziness

Laziness is considered a strong egregor. It drains vital energy, brings misfortune and devastation, which prevents you from breathing fully. It is not without reason that Christians consider despondency a grave sin, because its essence is comparable to a renunciation of one’s divine destiny. You can free yourself from laziness using proven folk methods, as well as with the help of effective conspiracies.

“Bread is the head of everything, hear my words. Heal with inspiration, reward with vitality. I can’t be lazy anymore—I can’t sit without work. My words are locked.”

After reading, the bread and honey should be eaten by the person for whom you read the plot, or you yourself, if the plot is for you.

“My spirit is strong, and my pressure will appear and respond to my will. I will find success. I'll get some luck. Not from laziness, but from strength, not from chance, but from desire. No sooner said than done".

“Just as laziness will never be useful, so it will never cross my threshold. As soon as the sun rises, I will wake up with it, and not a trace of laziness will remain. My words are strong."

Conspiracies against apathy

Your child is not always ready or able to learn as well as you want. But your desire is not the main thing. His future is much more important. Help your child study well with a simple spell. It will help a schoolchild or student. As long as a person studies, your plot will work.

Only parents can do them, because only they have a special energetic connection with their son or daughter. It is easier to study well than to study poorly. Show this to your child, and he will definitely thank you later for your support and efforts.

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Parents often scold their children because they do not study well. Everyone has been through this. It can be hard to please your parents, but it can be even harder to study well.

What to do? Parents need to look seriously at this problem. Perhaps your child does not want to study because some subjects are not clear to him. This often happens at school.

If your child is a pure humanist and is going to enroll in the history, literature, or art department, but why does he need deep knowledge in mathematics, physics, and chemistry? It would be better to facilitate the programs in accordance with the child's inclinations, especially in the last years of school. Focus on those subjects that will be required for university.

So the incentive to study well disappears, because he thinks:

  • these items will never be useful, so why try;
  • very complex knowledge, formulas that you don’t want to waste time on;
  • the subject is not interesting;
  • he himself is not good enough, according to you, especially if his parents react too violently to bad grades.

Here parents need to determine how to help their son or daughter and make sure that he learns with pleasure. There are good conspiracies that have been tested over the years. They will open up great learning opportunities for your child:

  • easier to concentrate;
  • a keen interest in the subject being studied appears;
  • the plot helps to concentrate and not be distracted;
  • there is a desire to learn, to learn new things.

You will not recognize your child after the ritual. Many people change their lives, focus on areas of interest and then go on to great careers.

Such conspiracies are only suitable for parents to pronounce them. The student himself should not perform such rituals. In order for there to be a result, only the closest relative: mother, father, grandmother or grandfather can read the plot.

The fact is that parents are endowed with special energy that they can use to help their children. This is that unconditional love. It works wonders and can help your child and guide him on the right path.

They will not make your child an excellent student, but they will help you tighten up your “tails” and get ready quickly.

Some of them are carried out in the presence of the child, while others are carried out using a photo or personal item. This will help if the child does not want to participate in the ritual and interferes with you in every possible way. Parents should try to help in any way. All the rituals are simple, but the conditions must be followed. If it says that you need to use a photo, but it is necessary. Don’t be afraid, don’t harm the child, but only help him.

Made for candles. You will need 3 red candles. They are sold in esoteric stores and are cheap. On each candle you need to write the child's full name. The candles are twisted into a spiral, three are lit at once so that they burn together.

You can buy candles, or you can make them yourself

“Burn, flame, flare up! Sway from my breath! So that the servant of God (name) is also eager to study. Amen!"

The candles should burn out, and hide the cinder among the child’s things so that he won’t find it.

In order for the effect to last for a long time, you need to carry out the ritual and spell every 6 months. This way your student will constantly feel interested in learning and will stop complaining. There won't be any problems. Helps for schoolchildren and students.

Candle spell

“Quick thoughts, quick deeds, strong memory! Wisdom and cunning mix in the water, Come together and let the servant of God (name) cross. So that my child would shine with his intelligence and amaze everyone with his intelligence. From now on forever. Amen!"

Cross the child, let him cross himself.

“I let you out of my sight, but leave you in my heart. I will watch over you, protect you, save you, and prevent troubles from happening. Blood from my blood, flesh from my flesh, you are no relative to me. Amen".

Such conspiracies are read every day and soon become a habit. It's not long, so it won't take you much time.

While you speak, imagine how hard the child is studying.

Prayer is a conspiracy

“Lord Jesus Christ, our God, truly dwelled in the hearts of the twelve apostles and by the power of the grace of the All-Holy Spirit, who descended in the form of tongues of fire, and opened their mouths, so that they began to speak in other languages! Lord Jesus Christ Himself, our God, send down Your Holy Spirit on this youth (name) and plant in his heart the Holy Scripture, which Your most pure hand inscribed on the tablets of the lawgiver Moses, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

When you finish reading, cross yourself. If a child says it to you, let him cross himself too.

It helps well those who, for various reasons, cannot concentrate well in class and are distracted. It is very useful to read it before important tests and exams. Start a month in advance, repeat several times.

Christian egregor helps students very well

Conspiracies that increase intelligence should traditionally be read by the father. The mother can do it too, but the effect will be weaker. The father takes a candle in one hand and places the second (right) on the child’s head.

If he categorically does not want to take part in the ritual, do not force him. This way of coercion will not achieve anything, you will only anger the child.

If you don’t believe in him and resort to prayers and magic, then he’s worth absolutely nothing—that’s what your child may think. Don't let this turn of events happen.

“O Lord our God and Creator, who adorned us, people, with His image, taught Your chosen ones Your Law, so that those who listen to it marvel, Who revealed to children the secrets of wisdom, Who bestowed upon Solomon and all who sought it, open the hearts, minds and lips of these Your servants (names disciples) in order to understand the power of Thy Law and successfully learn the useful teaching taught by it for the glory of Thy Most Holy Name, for the benefit and structure of Thy Holy Church and the understanding of Thy good and perfect will.

Deliver them from all the snares of the enemy, keep them in the faith of Christ and purity all the time of their lives, - may they be strong in mind and in fulfilling Your commandments and so taught, glorify Your Most Holy Name and be heirs of Your Kingdom, - for You, God, are strong by mercy and goodness and strength, and all glory, honor and worship is due to You, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen".

So every night, while he sleeps on his pillow, the spell works to help him.

Icons will help. If you are a believing family, then put an icon in the child’s room, buy a body icon. Several icons will help you. Pray to them that he studies well, gets his head together and doesn’t play truant:

  • Venerable Sergius of Radonezh;
  • Venerable Seraphim of Sarov;
  • Ksenia Petersburgskaya (helps those who pass exams, defends their diploma);
  • Saint Matrona;
  • Martyr Xenia;
  • Icon Addition of Mind.

It will be easier for your children if they feel your support. Do not scold them in vain, because years pass, school and college pass, and it is difficult to restore bad relationships with children.

Canon to the Theotokos, with Irmos at 6, and to the Martyr Alexander at 8, tone 4.

Song 1.

Irmos: In the depths of the post, sometimes / the Pharaonic all-army is a re-armed power, / but the incarnate Word consumed all-evil sin, / Glorified Lord, gloriously glorified.

Just as Samuel was sometimes chosen by the highest commands, you appeared, martyr Alexander, to fight with Christ in establishing His holy Church, in which the purple of our nature is renewed in the restoration of existence, through your prayers.

Seeing how the Lord loved the kindness of your soul, faithful soldier of Christ Alexander, having despised the glory of this world, you desired to be adorned with the crown of martyrdom. We pray, inflame our hearts with the burning of your love for the Lord.

We are illuminated by the power of the Most High, you went out, God-loving Alexandra, to meet the soldiers coming for you, who raised up those who had fallen at your feet and announced to them the prophecies of suffering, in which from Rome to Byzantium you preached Christ with all zeal, the most admirable prayer book.

Theotokos: With the light of Your mercy in the darkness of foolishness, illumine us, O Mother of God, the One, Who gave birth to the King of Light, Who also gave birth to Your sweet Son and our God, pray to be saved from troubles and sorrows for all of us who call upon You for help

Song 3.

Irmos: The desert has blossomed like a crin, Lord, the pagan barren church, by Your coming, my heart was established in it.

Being blessed with the strength of the Divine, approaching the feat of torment diligently, the all-blessed Alexandra and, like a silent lamb, enduring the shavings with iron nails, enkindled with love to the end to suffer for Christ and gain His beloved.

Through many torments, the evil Tiberian strives to separate you from the love of Christ, but the accursed one was put to shame, having found you on the rock of faith by the power of the Divine Spirit, more valiantly and more valiantly than Christ’s passion-bearer.

Like a church bridegroom, bound by bonds of iron, you marched in fasting and prayer from Rome to Byzantium with the crown of martyrdom, so that the faithful of the East and West, bound by the bonds of the love of Christ, in the union of the love of the exhausted.

Theotokos: With Your verb following, the generations of generations will always please You, Mother of God, for You have truly given birth to God, the Pure Virgin, Who, as the Mother of Light, earnestly pray to grant the Churches unanimity, in the union of Divine peace.

Sedalen, voice 4.

Similar to: Joseph was surprised:

Today the Church of Christ rejoices, Rome rejoices, Byzantium rejoices, seeing you, martyr Alexandra, suffering for the Truth of Christ, like a bright angel, saturated with prayer in a forty-day fast, having defeated the machinations of the enemy by faith, affirming the glory of the Church of Christ.

The warrior marveled at this, saying: Great is the Christian God, for whose torment you have taken this, O wonderful warrior of Christ. We, celebrating your memory, cry out to you: bind us with the bonds of your love, so that the Body of Christ may not suffer in our strife, as if it were torn to pieces.

Glory, even now, to the Mother of God:

Blessed Pure Virgin, Mother of God, One faithful to the Intercessor and Protection, deliver all troubles and sorrows and cruel circumstances, in Thee the hope of the Young Lady, those who have: Establish the Church in the unanimity of faith and, as you know humanity’s sorrows of heart, gather Your children into one, and all of us save with Your Divine prayers.

Song 4.

Irmos: You came from the Virgin, not an intercessor, not an angel, but the Lord Himself, who became incarnate, and you saved me as a whole man.

Thus I call to You: glory to Your power, Lord, by the Grace of the Holy Spirit, you were brought up from a young age in a pure faith, you were devoted to the love of Christ, faithful to the warrior of Christ, Alexandra, and, as you were overwhelmed by many sorrows, precede us with prayer for us to the Lord, in the sorrows of many who are exhausted .

Preacher of the great voice of the Orthodox faith, still an indivisible being, you appeared, faithful friend of Christ Alexander, softening with drops of your blood, shed for the Church of Christ, the hearts, strife and disorder and enmity in Her fence sowing.

We extend our souls and thoughts to you, passion-bearing Alexandra of Christ, warm our faith and love for God, strengthen our exhaustion, so that we diligently follow His law and run the race of our salvation unashamedly.

Theotokos: With God, You are the Intercessor of the money-grubbers, Most Pure Virgin Mary, for You appeared as the Mother of God, You received our Creator and Creator in the womb, The All-Immaculate One, You saved everyone from death and corruption, Our Hope and Consolation, and the Cover of the sweetest warmth.

Song 5.

Irmos: Thou art an intercessor for God and man, O Christ God: for by Thee, O Lord, didst thou bring the imams to the Master of Light, Thy Father, from the night of ignorance.

A luminous light, unquenchably flaming with the flame of faith, you appeared, Alexandra, faithful in the cities and towns of your procession into the fence of the Holy Church, convening the path to Christ, leading them to the coming Resurrection.

I live as water, flowing from the side of Christ, praying to bleed your memory to those who honor you, as sometimes in the city of Karasur you poured out water from a stone, with which you gave drink to those who were thirsty, who hastened to the place of the beheading of your head, O all-blessed one.

Come, Christ-loving mothers, let us rejoice with the passion-bearer of the matter of Pimenia, seeing her son crowned with glory and honor, whom, like an unfading crown, she, for herself and Christ, will grow with grace for the joy, and deliver from corruption and spiritual death.

Theotokos: To us who love you and honor your holy memory with love, faithful friend of Christ, with the Most Pure Mother of God, correction of life, slander and human malice, and grant forgiveness of sins.

Song 6.

Irmos: Lying in the abyss of sin, I call upon the abyss of Thy unfathomable mercy: from aphids, O God, lift me up.

Your body, afflicted by unrelenting ulcers, Alexandra, by the power of love for the Lord who loved you, you unshakably preserved the nobility of your soul in Christ, rejoicing, you appeared sanctified in soul and body, sending down consolation to the sorrowing.

Marveling at the wealth of your virtues, Alexandra, we pray to you, just as you blessed the tree that you were tortured by tormentors, and from that hour you brought the fruit of healing to the faithful.

Heal our hearts, O lover of God, so that we may bear the fruit of repentance without hypocrisy.

With patience and spiritual courage, and strength of thought, you surpassed all the bitter rage of the persecutors, warrior of Christ Alexander, and we, in the fierce trials, looking at your suffering, will not shame the cowardly One who loved us to the Blood.

Theotokos: Guide and sanctify our minds, Mother of God, overwhelmed by the invasion of sorrows and corrupting passions, save those who come running to You, for other help, Pure One, don’t you, imams, help the Lady, so that we do not perish in the abyss of despair.

Kontakion, tone 4:

Like a multi-bright star, you shone from Rome, O martyr Alexander, and like precious beads, in the lands of the Byzantine Empire you joyfully bowed your head under the sword for Christ and brought this immaculate fragrance to God, so that the earthly and heavenly Church may flaunt itself in the glory of Christ’s confessors.


A luminous lamp appeared, O god-wise Alexandra, filled with Divine grace in your body, which the speculators threw into the river after your long-suffering death.

By the sight of God, the two dogs extracted your holy relics, I crouched and guarded from the birds and wild beasts, until your blessed mother Pimenia came with tears, psalmically.

anointing these with myrrh, burying you with that rector Ergina, where many healings were accomplished for the sick, who came with faith to the tomb of the passion-bearer of God, so that the earthly and heavenly Church may glory in the glory of the confessors of Christ.

Song 7.

Irmos: The ungodly command of the lawless tormentor rose high in flames.

Christ spread spiritual dew to the Godly youth, He is blessed and glorified.

As you yourself brought the red and most sacred slaughter to the Chief Shepherd Christ, who divinely sacrificed for all, and you were burnt with the fire of torment, glorious Alexandra, in the sweetness of the Angels crying victoriously: our father, God, blessed are you.

Hear our prayers, O all-blessed one, and come to our aid, struggling, fiercely overwhelmed by sorrows, and the needs of everyday life, and demonic embitterment, as if by you we are saved, and we cry: our father, God, blessed art thou.

Pour your prayers for us to the Lord, God-loving Alexandra, and wash away the filth of our cold deeds with drops of your honest blood, but strengthen our hope, in which we cry out with a pure heart and a contrite soul: our father, God, blessed art thou.

Theotokos: You are the hope of the unreliable, O Theotokos, as the Queen, as the incurable wounds of sinful passions are worn down to the gates of destruction by armor. Do not reject the cry of our souls, O All-Good One, that we may be saved, we call with comfort: our Father, God, blessed art thou.

Song 8.

Irmos: Sometimes the fiery furnace in Babylon separates the action, scorching the Chaldeans by God's command, and watering the faithful, singing: bless all the works of the Lord, the Lord.

You have appeared as an adornment to the martyrs, and in the dwellings not made by hands, you have found eternal peace in the Heavenly Church, loving Alexandra, but bring us, in many trials, to a quiet refuge, rejoicing in Christ, crying out: bless all the works of the Lord, the Lord.

The Lord has crowned your mind with beauty, Alexandra, and your heart of love, filled with gifts, in which you have shamelessly raised up the image of His suffering, in whose image you have elevated human weak nature to the rank of Angels, and we, in the hope of salvation, cry out: bless, all the works of the Lord, the Lord.

Pour the fire of immaculate prayer for us to the Lord, faithful martyr of Christ, so that sinful malice, consuming us with enmity, may not consume us, but, as a faithful intercessor, lead us all to brotherly love and the establishment of the Church of Christ, faithfully serve with chastity, bound by love, cry: bless , all the works of the Lord, the Lord.

Theotokos: As the Mother of Light, we honor Thee, Pure Virgin Mother, rejoicing in Thee, and rejoicing in Thee, we cry: bless all the works of the Lord, the Lord.

Song 9.

Irmos: The Beginningless Parent, the Son, God and Lord, incarnated from the Virgin, appeared to us, darkened to enlighten, fellow squandered. Thus we magnify the All-Sung Mother of God.

Singing your many varied sufferings, for the sake of Christ who is crucified, we praise you, like an animated vessel, abundantly pouring out healing. We bless your mother Pimenia, even as you bring the fruit of your womb to God as an auspicious gift, with her, most praiseworthy, pray to send down peace to our souls.

Thou art truly the Temple of the Holy Spirit, O Alexandra. You are filled with this, teaching the faithful not to be afraid of those who kill the body, but in life and death to glorify God’s view of us, singing gloriously through suffering. Move us also not to be afraid of those who fiercely attack us.

O great martyr Alexander, accept from us this wretched glorification, as a tribute to the prayer of those who are distant in time, honorers of your sufferings, and come to our aid, when our spirit faints, we are tormented by the spirit of malice in heaven, so that we may not fall before the Face of God.

Theotokos: Thy strong intercession, God-adorned Mary, and Thy bright glory has appeared throughout the whole earth, we now boast in Thee, having Thee to the Son and to Thy God, a vigilant Intercessor, in sorrows and sorrows, and in the hour of death, unshameful hope.


Like: By the Spirit in the sanctuary:

The rays of your suffering shine brightly, like the sun, and your entire life reveals the lightness, glorious martyr Alexandra, and the Divine faith shining in you, an unfading adornment to the Holy Church, in which is our bright hope, Crowned Christ.

Glory, even now, to the Mother of God:

To see, O Theotokos, Your ineffable glory of old was desired by all the Divine prophets, but lastly You appeared to us who love You, the Most Honest Cherubim and the Most Glorious Seraphim, filled with Divine glory.

Stichera on praises, tone 8:

Blessed are you, martyr Alexandra, who embraced Christ with love, who prospered marvelously in His heirloom, which is the Church of God, in which, like a grape of wine, you bore fruit abundantly by faith, diligently imprinting the wounds of the Lord on your body, sweetly following Christ on the way of the cross, from You have moved from the earthly to the heavenly.

We pray to you diligently, O lover of God, strengthen us and cheer us by imitating you in good deeds, so that through the faithfulness of Christ’s Confidant, we may cleave to Him inseparably.

Having understood the crafty and unfaithful evil of the pagans, you strove in every possible way to separate you from Christ, you despised the commands of the tormentor Tiberian to the end, O glorious warrior Alexander, you valiantly bowed your head under the sword of the speculator Kelestin, since you have angelically testified your loyalty to Christ.

We, who have become impoverished in virtues, ask your prayers to the All-Bountiful God, that He may save and have mercy on the world, in the strife of everyday life and the destruction of evil.

For all the faces of God and the King of the universe, perceiving the many faces of the passion-bearers, you were kindled with divine jealousy, O Alexandra, and you cried out to the Lord: I am always a sincere servant of Christ, understand the torment of iniquity, for the gentle lamb has now come to sacrifice for Christ by will.

I have clothed myself with gentleness, I strive to put the malice of the recipient to shame, so that the power of Christ may be glorified in the weak flesh of human nature.

Like an unfading star in the firmament of Heaven, like the most valiant of the martyrs and champion of the faithful, with the crimson blood of his woven garment, we will forever reign with Christ, martyr Alexander.

May everyone who suffers from physical and mental ills, and is attacked by human slander, be comforted at your feet, and most of all, may the Lord not turn His Face away from us who sing your memory, so that we will not be ashamed on the Day of Judgment.

Glory, the same voice:

Your glorious feat, martyr Alexandra, adorn the east with the radiance of faith, and illuminate the west with the ray of knowledge, with your fiery purification according to Christ, the ranks of the angels were amazed: how you passed the humility of the sorrowful path and the crampedness of your life and renewed the baptism of rebirth with your blood, and shining more than the light, to your King You appeared where you now deservedly rejoice.

Moreover, fall to the Lord, O all-blessed one, that He may deliver the Holy Church from schisms and disorder, and protect His flock from the wolves that are destroying Her.

And now, Mother of God, the voice is the same.

The doxology is great.

Prayer to fight laziness

Miraculous words: a prayer to combat laziness in full description from all the sources we found.

All people love to be lazy. A person hesitates, delays, postpones deadlines, hoping to avoid starting his duties as long as possible. But how to overcome laziness? Is there any effective remedy that can fight it?

It turns out that such a remedy really exists. It's called a prayer against laziness.

A strong prayer against laziness is said after the sloth understands the nature of laziness itself. This may not necessarily be weakness or promiscuity. Sometimes laziness can be a signal from the body about the presence of more serious diseases.

Reduced ability to work, for example, is observed as a symptom of low blood pressure or decreased blood glucose levels.

This may be a consequence of heart failure. In this case, you won’t be able to fight it on your own; you’ll have to contact a specialist.

It is interesting that the sin of laziness in church sources can also be called the sin of despondency. Dealing with it can be very difficult, but it is possible.

Communication with the Lord

Any prayer is a dialogue between man and God. If you want the Lord to answer your prayer, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • Prayer is communication with God, a conversation with him, so be serious;
  • It is necessary to offer prayer yourself;
  • Close your eyes while pronouncing words to make it easier to concentrate;
  • Prayer must come from the heart.

Only when you understand this, only then will you begin to fight laziness correctly, and your words will be heard by God.

Believe in the power of prayer!

The most powerful prayers will not work if you do not believe in their power. Below are several types of prayers that will help you fight the disease of laziness.

Orthodox prayers for the disease of laziness. Laziness is considered the machinations of the Evil One, and therefore requires the adoption of special measures - prayer. Only through it is it possible to cure obsession.

Prayer appears here as a disease that must be gotten rid of in order to find happiness. He often ascends to his Guardian Angel.

Orthodox prayer for laziness to Saint Alexander of Rome. He asks for the blessing of the saint for healing from a lazy illness. Recognizes the weakness of spirit of the one offering the prayer. A petition is offered to Alexander of Rome to overthrow laziness in order to gain the opportunity to do good deeds.

You can address your Guardian Angel with prayer words to receive help from him. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to memorize the texts of exactly those prayers - use the words that you yourself wish. The main thing is that they come from the heart.

What to expect after reading the prayer

Willpower will help you achieve what you want.

By offering prayers to the Guardian Angel, a person concentrates on the result. It is thanks to this concentration that he begins to believe in his accomplishment, fighting laziness. He begins to have ideas that need urgent implementation, and nothing can keep him in place when fired up with enthusiasm.

Comments - 3,

Good day. For a very long time I was an incredibly lazy person. I could lie on the couch for hours and do absolutely nothing. My relatives and friends could not do anything with me. Except for the only person, my beloved grandmother.

For a long time I considered faith to be stupid, but over time it happened that there was no one to ask for an answer except from the Lord. Only by opening my heart was I able to somehow change my life for the better.

Having turned to faith, I began to strive for something and was finally able to overcome my laziness.

We sincerely thank you for your donation!

God help you, through the prayers of the holy righteous and blessed Eldress Matrona of Moscow!

I am a believer, and I have experienced the power of prayer more than once. When you communicate alone with the Lord, you are surrounded by the grace of God, and after sincere prayer your soul becomes so light and good that it cannot be expressed in words.

As for the article, laziness is one of the deadly sins, and one of the most insidious, I think... Because it creeps up unnoticed and is very sweet for us sinners. I saw strong prayers here, thanks to the authors.

Sometimes they say that laziness was born ahead of you. And this is the absolute truth. There are so many unresolved problems, but I don’t want to do anything. To get rid of laziness, pray.

How I don’t want to get up in the morning and go to work.

There's a sale in the store again, but I'm too lazy to get off the couch.

We can continue to list a certain stagnation in purposeful movements.

Orthodox prayers will help you, which will give you strength for successful aspirations.

When you have free time, light 3 candles.

Place an icon of Jesus Christ, Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Blessed Eldress Matrona of Moscow nearby.

Sincerely wish to overcome your laziness.

If it is not a disease of the musculoskeletal system or another merciless ailment, do not look for excuses.

Wonderworker Nicholas, God's Pleasant. Deliver me from sinful laziness, and give me a little haste. Let him reject weakness and unbelief, God will send him luck and patience. Thy will be done. Amen.

Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Every day passes in lazy boredom, melancholy brings to mind sad thoughts. Cleanse the soul that angers Christ, let it go on for miles with prayer. Thy will be done. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Don’t punish me harshly for my laziness, I beg you, give me strength. Guide me on the Orthodox path, live by faith and make me joyful. Thy will be done. Amen.

Cross yourself heartily. You blow out the candles.

May God help you!

Communication with the Lord

Comments - 3,

At the liturgy

Blessed are the canons, cantos 3 and 6.

Prokeimenon, tone 7: The righteous rejoice in the Lord and trust in Him. Poem:

Hear, O God, my voice; we always pray to You.

Apostle to Timothy, conception 292.

Alleluia, tone 4: The righteous, like the phoenix, will prosper, like the cedar of Lebanon, he will multiply. Verse: Plant in the house of the Lord, in the courts of our God they will flourish.

Gospel of John, conceived 52.

Involved: In eternal memory:

Prayer for depression - Saint Tikhon

Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk had the gift of foresight. He constantly prayed for the healing of the sick. There were many people whom he healed from mental illness.

The saint helps during life situations and helps to cope with depression. Memorial Day of Tikhon Zadonsky July 19

Prayer for depression

O all-praised Saint and Servant of Christ, our Father Tikhon! Having lived like an angel on earth, you, like a good angel, appeared in your wondrous glorification. We believe with all our souls and thoughts that you, our merciful helper and prayer book, are constantly contributing to our salvation through your honest intercessions and the grace abundantly bestowed upon you from the Lord.

Strive, quick intercessor for us, to beg the Lord with your favorable intercession, may He add His great and rich mercy to us sinners and unworthy His servants, may He heal with His grace the incurable ulcers and scabs of our corrupted souls and bodies, may our petrified hearts dissolve with tears of tenderness and Contrition for our many sins and may He deliver us from eternal torment and the fire of Gehenna;

For depression you can also read Psalm 90

Living in the help of the highest, in the shelter of the heavenly God, the Lord will say: You are my intercessor and my refuge, my God and I trust in Him. For He will deliver you from the snare of the trap and from the words of the Rebellious, His blanket will overshadow you, And under His wing you trust, His Truth will bypass you as an instrument. Do not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow flying during the day, from the thing that comes in the darkness, from the cloak and the midday demon. Thousands and thousands will fall from your country at your right hand, but they will not come close to you.

Behold Your eyes and see the reward of sinners. For You, O Lord, are my hope, You have made the Most High your refuge. No evil will come to you, and no wound will come near your body. As His Angel commanded you, keep you in all your ways. They will lift you up in their arms, and once they dash your foot on a stone, you will step on and cross an asp and a basilisk, a lion and a serpent.

Conspiracies against laziness and apathy

Conspiracies against laziness and apathy are an effective and very easy way to escape from inaction, gain strength and energy of life for new beginnings and victories.

We can definitely say that negative emotions deprive one of strength and prevent a person from being successful and achieving his goals. They hinder and slow down the achievement of the goal, forcing you to constantly back away or stagnate in one place. Special spells will help you cope with laziness and apathy.

Conspiracies for laziness

Laziness is considered a strong egregor. It drains vital energy, brings misfortune and devastation, which prevents you from breathing fully. It is not without reason that Christians consider despondency a grave sin, because its essence is comparable to a renunciation of one’s divine destiny. You can free yourself from laziness using proven folk methods, as well as with the help of effective conspiracies.

Bread spell. You need to speak with a piece of black bread, previously spread with honey. The sentence goes like this:

“Bread is the head of everything, hear my words. Heal with inspiration, reward with vitality. I can’t be lazy anymore—I can’t sit without work. My words are locked.”

After reading, the bread and honey should be eaten by the person for whom you read the plot, or you yourself, if the plot is for you.

Water spell. For this you will need to purchase a small bottle of water, speak it, and then wash your face. Hex words:

“My spirit is strong, and my pressure will appear and respond to my will. I will find success. I'll get some luck. Not from laziness, but from strength, not from chance, but from desire. No sooner said than done".

Spell for sleep. Before you go to bed, read:

“Just as laziness will never be useful, so it will never cross my threshold. As soon as the sun rises, I will wake up with it, and not a trace of laziness will remain. My words are strong."

Conspiracies against apathy

An apathetic state, like laziness, is considered a mortal sin and experiencing these feelings is very dangerous - because of them you can ruin your life. Strong conspiracies, selected by the editors of the site dailyhoro.ru, will help you eradicate this terrible feeling, free your soul from a heavy burden and find joy in life.

Daytime plot against apathy. Read in the morning or during the daytime. Number of repetitions - 3 times. Words:

“Powerlessness turns me away from life and success, so I will turn away from it, I will follow the right path, I will call on sunlight to help me. Protect, save. Amen".

Evening spell against apathy. Read in the evening, after sunset. Number of repetitions - 5 times. Text:

“When the sun goes away at sunset, then apathy will pass with it, but will not appear again. What I need is a surge of strength, waterfalls of inspiration and a sea of ​​accomplishments. No sooner said than done".

To achieve quick results, you can read both conspiracies.

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