Spiritual world
Independent cleansing of your home from negativity and damage using salt Tips from Alfia Shamsutdinova.
Why you can’t wash on church holidays According to any religion, not only Christian, religious holidays
"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our website, before you start studying the information, we ask
The relics of the saints represent the remains of Christian ascetics. They may be incorruptible or osseous, however
By entering a monastery, a person renounces everything worldly and takes vows of virginity, obedience and
The birth of God's servant Vitaly. Some claim that this is the second child in the family of the peasant Nicholas
Audio version of the article History of the Holy Cross. K. Parkhomenko About the sign of the cross and crosses
A church choir is called a choir; this word is also used to describe the place where the choir stands in a church.
"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our website, before you start studying the information, we ask
Church Hours: Hours Estimated Reading Time: 4 min. After the All-Night Vigil in churches it is read