Akathist and prayer to the holy martyr Tryphon about work

Akathist to the Holy Martyr Tryphon

А҆ка́ѳїst st҃оmꙋ mꙋ́chenikꙋ trѵ́fѡnꙋ

Kontak a҃.

The chosen one is the most important one! Pray for us, sinners, to save our lives and help us to overcome the world, the flesh and the devil, who are fighting in many ways today, I have defeated you with the grace and power of your beloved, yes, and I have gotten rid of all our enemies, visible and invisible. Dear ones, let us call upon you with gratitude:

Rejoice, trefine, quick helper to all, with faith and love flowing to you.

І҆́коъ а҃.

The image of the goodness of your parents is imitated, the morals of the little ones, the great martyr, and the little ones Well done, once again, truly, the Christian is accomplished. We, remembering your virtuous life, praise you:

Glad, good-natured parents, pious son: glad, great and blessed.

Glad, and your guardian's constant joy: glad of your youth, all the same, betrayed.

Glad for your youth, beloved: glad for your short years of blessings, blessed one.

Happy, happy with yourself, immaculately, happy: happy with yourself in the temple dhа stgagѡ ᲂу҆гсвавий.

Gladly, this way of life shows: glad with the blessings of your faith, joyful: joyful Long life for everything, beloved by God.

Rejoice, trefine, quick helper to all, with faith and love flowing to you.

Kondak v҃.

You see where, by the will of God, in the same way your parents were instructed by you, flowing, and truly loving shi bga, create in the home stgagѡ dhga and the flight of small ones and in the verze ᲂу҆stà your pets є҆мꙋ̀: А҆ллілꙋ́їа.

Ikos v҃.

Sil, your shows, the shows, the hrⷭ҇tos is Darovà, the mꙋchenich, ҆ ѻ҆ ѻ҆trokꙋ, the dar is darkened. Now for the sake of the cry:

Gladly, I have perfect love for my little ones, showing: I am glad of the commandments not only as a listener, but also as a doer at a young age former life.

Gladly, for your youth, the virtues of the Christians: glad for your small years of life, faith and love your good one.

I am glad that the gift was given to the benefit of those around me who depend on it.

Joyful, diverse illnesses and healing: joyful in the past few days, giving relief.

Rejoice, suffering into the joy of the one who turns it: rejoice and heal things for the glory of the one who does it.

I am glad that the true Orthodox faith is showing: I am glad that we are excited to glorify God.

Rejoice, trefine, quick helper to all, with faith and love flowing to you.

Kontak g.

By faith and love we strive for the power to drive out the unclean children, most often people and pretentious people. g҃ꙋ: A҆llilꙋ́їa.


I see the gift of the demons, the strength of the demons, and the demons who keep them alive. Seeing this, singing about this:

I am glad that I have power over the unclean world: I am glad with the power of the gods and the expelling one.

Gladly, the enemy of harming people is forbidden: gladly the execution of the devil and the aggelev destroying.

Radꙋysѧ, sīlꙋ and ҆́хь deposing: radꙋйсѧ powerless and ҆́хъ ꙗ҆влѧ́йсїy.

Joy, fear and trembling and striking: joyful faith of Christ's powers showing.

Rejoice in those who are faithful to the glorification of God: joy in troubles and sorrows with those who resort to the intercession of the ancient instructions yushchy.

Gladly, in our future, we will address you to our hope: gladly, our helper, God bestowed upon us.

Rejoice, trefine, quick helper to all, with faith and love flowing to you.

Kontak d҃.

I want you to learn languages ​​and to be dishonest and to open and to be true, leading to eternal life, to being in life. With the true faith of Orthodoxy, even before Rome, the Komiads brought you here, and even in the palaces of the kings, you preached many things there. їѧ on ꙋchisi sing є҆мꙋ̀: А҆лілі́їа .

Ikos d҃.

Although we would like to bring many people to sleep, the demon has entered into the daughter of the kings, and cruelly attacks and casts her down. Mostly in water and water. The doctor is nothing less than the suffering of the Tsar’s daughter. And when the mighty world of this world and all medical cunning are nothing more than possible, and in the confession of your weakness, then great There is no word for the verb “devil”, “there is a deity”, and “to expel him” and “mother”, and “that is the truth”. Then diligently and in a good way. Grѧdꙋ́schꙋ same є҆мꙋ̀ and ҆ є҆ѐ further away from Rome with ꙋ́шꙋ, the great devil cried out with a voice and ҆ ѕыз́д, and ц ц зѣлѣ̀ maiden. Views of words and verbs:

Glad, thank you, still far from the devil's flight into flight, brother: glad, the devil is powerless before you and Confession.

Gladly, we pray to you, fast helper: gladly this week, with the strength of our healer.

Gladly, the doctors put it on their side: the joy of sorrow is replaced by joy.

Rejoice, send joy to the sad and sorrowful.

Rejoice, trefine, quick helper to all, with faith and love flowing to you.

Kontakion є҃.

You see the faith, and in Rome, that we will come to your former, strengthened in your faith and glorify God, the victorious This is the gift of such a power to those who believe in him: A҆llilꙋїа.

Ikos є҃.

Ou҆verénїѧ i҆scha, you came to Rome, st҃ýy trѵ́fѡne, ꙗ҆́кѡ you are the same, є҆о́же ᲂу҆оѧ́сѧ demon, they say And the Emperor is proud, and yes, we are both the devil, and we are not the devil, and we are not Yes, but, putting it on fast, pray for six days. On the seventh day, when the king came to the people, he cried out to you: I say to you, you who are unclean, where are my people? Let us show you your demonic image here with everyone, and your powerless belief. And so be it. And from the looks of it all the demonic and amazing things in the world, screaming:

Gladly, trѵ́fѡne, є҆гѡ́же є҆гѡ́жу ѡ҆слꙋ́shatisѧ can’t ꙋt: є҆҆гѡ́́жь є҆гѡ́́жь ѡ҆слꙋ́сѧ of uncleanness in in the flesh we see.

Gladly, thank you, by the power of God the devil commanded and confessed, praising the Christians, and also become Orthodox. a҆пⷭ҇лскꙋ in the world contain, the authorities do not i҆mate: radꙋysѧ trѵ́fѡne, є҆мꙋ́н is already proclaimed to be, ꙗ҆́кѡ demons power and ҆́мꙋt We want to respect those and our own desires, following sinful actions and deeds. devil, create.

Please, please, please, let us run away from the wicked dishonesty: please, please, You want everyone to avoid all sin and strive for virtue.

I am glad, the Orthodox believer firmly holds the instructions to us: I am glad that we want to help those who live a good life.

Rejoice, trefine, quick helper to all, with faith and love flowing to you.

Kontakion ѕ҃.

Having seen how the young one commands the authorities of the kingdoms under heaven, we have many people, and we hear about them and As you can see, we are strong and mother of faith, our brothers and sisters: it is dishonest and, in addition, it is wrong in your own way, krⷭ҇tíshasѧ, and in your own hearts, pure grateful joy bg҃ꙋ song: A҆llilꙋ́їa.

Ikos ѕ҃.

Thank you, the Tsar has invested your gifts and gold in your blessings and gold. And everyone in this world honors the blessings, and above all the gifts of the king, and after that give them to your neighbors, and went into your fatherhood, your family, gave everything to the beggars, orphans and everything in our lives, a constant memory, ꙗ҆ Just as you have squandered the earth’s perishable wealth, accumulate for yourself imperishable, eternal wealth on earth. We, starting with you to create in the same way, cry out to you:

Gladly, treafine, dꙋshꙋ yours hꙋ́zhꙋ money-lover showing: gladꙋysѧ mlⷭ҇rdї dꙋyours is outꙋ ꙗ҆влѧ́ѧy.

Glad, former nourisher of the poor: glad, showing compassion to the poor.

Please, let us fulfill the commandment: please let us fulfill the commandment for you vy.

We are glad that we are marching to Rome and returning you to the committee of many, cheerful, cheerful and cheerful: glad This shows us how the perishing wealth on earth is the undying wealth we must collect.

We are glad that our neighbors will follow us: we are glad that our neighbors love us and teach us.

Happy, the image of a righteous life shows us: happy, the rule of faith in God, hope in him, love for him and To our neighbors and other Christian virtues we share with ourselves.

Rejoice, trefine, quick helper to all, with faith and love flowing to you.

Kontakion z҃.

The wicked king of the Decians ascended to the throne of the Romans, and the blood of the Christians flowed throughout the universe. The time is approaching, and you will be marked by blood and martyrdom. faith and great love for God, and thus, to the end, overthrow the opposing forces and guide many, and bring peace to the world, ra for the present, for the skin and for you , passion-bearing, and singing bg҃ꙋ: A҆llilꙋ́їа.

Ikos z҃.

However, the city cannot stand on top of the mountain, so you, st҃y mꙋ́cheniche, will persecute the king’s dekї on the mountain. In the past, it is impossible to quickly cover up the teachers, because you, without fear, saved everything and confessed, by the power of the word Conversion of many to the church, and many ѿ week and є҆гѡ̀ and ѕсѣлѣлсє҆сѝ. ᲂу҆вѣ́дѣвЂѣѡѡ҆ ѡ҆ in front of ̾ with ꙋdishem put, you ́ same all ѧ̑ gѧd On the other hand, yours has betrayed you, gladly, and in such a way as to be a servant of the suffering. And yes, I see your jealousy in bz҃ѣ, vopїѧ́хꙋ tѝ:

I am glad, thank you, to the death of many: I am happy to bring many people to the faith and the true, Orthodox brotherhood new.

I am glad that your hearts are with you, with the power of God I am with you in the faith, and in the restoration, and in the firm: I am glad you are here Your natural faith in God extends to everyone throughout the entire universe.

Glad, free doctor, by the power of God, from ancient times, and also today, with all the pain, the urgent doctor: glad ѧ reliably established by doctors.

I am glad that more sick people will soon come to you with prayer: I am glad that the heavenly preacher of Christ is here ꙋ.

I'm glad, I'm glad for the unbelievers for preaching the gods on the other side: I'm glad I'm not afraid їѧ.

We are glad that we are not afraid of human offenses: we are glad that we have laid everything on God.

Rejoice, trefine, quick helper to all, with faith and love flowing to you.

Kontak and.

Ou҆slyshav, ꙗ҆́кѡ и҆шꙋт ѧ́инѧ́, не ᲂу҆ти́лсѧ є҆сѝ ѿ neither, мꙋнсч, nor in the mountains, nor in the deserts, but, ѡ҆gradivs With prayer and the cross, I boldly committed myself to the prayers of the teachers and with the joy of your great step I directed everything to you. yea, announce it all the faith and truth and instruct us to sing: A҆llilꙋїa.

І҆́коь и҃.

Whenever there are questions in the classroom: who are you, what is your future, and how are you living; you, not ѡ҆binꙋ́ѧсѧ, ѿvѣschаl є҆сѝ є҆мꙋ̀ sitse: trѵ́fѡn і҆́мѧ my: ѻ҆téstvo komѱada: ꙋby the way there is ᲂу҆ us Well, we are busy with faith, and everyone is in the business of life. According to faith, Christ is my strength, and my strength, and my glory, and my joy. Hearing this confession of yours, we appreciate it, this is the truth:

Gladly, unjustly, from the dilisch, boldly representing: gladly, those who believe in the business of life are strong.

Glad, people, to live your life in honor, shame: glad for us in everything, we hope for God lay

Glad, you are glad to be a servant of Christ and Confession: Glad and Confessing, thus making a more joyful gift ꙋѧй.

Rejoice, the congregations of the wicked and the confession of the wicked for the confession and Actually, it's not scary.

Gladly, truly, beloved of God: gladly the lies and the devil, the devil, the believer.

I am glad, I am glad of your name: I am glad of my name as a princess.

Rejoice, trefine, quick helper to all, with faith and love flowing to you.

Kontakion ѳ҃.

Having heard your confession, I was filled with wickedness and punishment with wounds and other things. You, dear Treasure, honor the suffering for Christ with joy, and call upon the unsilent song of God: A'llill a.

Ikos ѳ҃.

This is a multi-pronged akkѵїlі́n view, ꙗ҆́кѡ you are not ᲂу҆оѧ́лѧ є҆ѝѝ forbidden fierce ones, ꙗ҆́кѡ ѻ҆вча̀ meek ꙗ҆вссѧ, and they are seduced by affectionate words, but nothing more than before. its You are firm and unshakable, thanks to the blessing of God, you raise up the faithful to proclaim to you:

Gladly, the terrible cruel ones are not afraid: glad that bodily death is not terrible.

Gladly, let us put our faith in the Orthodox Church, and let us keep our faith and The truth is in є҆dinagaѡ bga.

Sadꙋysѧ, not to earth, but to the nb, the mꙋtodrost ᲂu ᲂw ᲂ is a surge: I am pleased with you, the enemy ѧ, you want it.

Gladly, to the knowledge and truth of God we will bring your zealous teacher: gladly preach the sweet-voiced Christ.

Gladly, bless you, bless your beloved: gladly, I am willing to suffer.

I'm glad, I'm glad for the treasures, I'm glad: I'm glad I'm glad for the sake of the divine gods Tom is ѡ҆sїѧ́ny.

Rejoice, trefine, quick helper to all, with faith and love flowing to you.

Kontakion і҃.

Having heard that verb, who do not profess the true, Orthodox faiths of the lot, there is fire that is inextinguishable, if there is dispersal ѣвѧ а҆кѵїлі́н and ц commanded ѧ̀, st҃yy trѵ́fѡne, hung, beat: you, in the command of this ᲂ҆having heard whereⷭchen voice, call Having gone through a suffering feat, he cried out to him: A҆llilꙋ́їa.

Ikos і҃.

Our candles burn with fire, like yours, our treasure, our love for your beloved, and , having heard the commandment of the king, and at the same time, he himself took away your garments and betrayed your body in the end Readers, let everything be created, as I commanded . See, this is your jealousy according to all the true verbs:

Gladly, with joy, you are preparing yourself for the honor of the wound for your health: gladly for the sake of yourselves Never again for the sins of our people.

Gladly, voluntarily in the process of self-deception, betrayed, imitated: gladly, connected with and dependent on me Yes.

I'm glad, I'm glad for the pain of the merciless benignity for three hours.

I'm glad, we're happy, we're happy, we're happy, we're happy, we're happy , wounds, pain and various sufferings he endured.

Glad, in silence, in the future, without the wounds of your body: glad of the suffering of your strength I am glorified.

We are glad, we are patient with your shameful torturers: we are glad for your feat, we rejoice.

Rejoice, trefine, quick helper to all, with faith and love flowing to you.

Kontak agi.

Seeing your patience and your heroic deeds, the great trifle, and also the Adamants, your fortress, glorifying the people ahead of you for your heroic deeds. ⷭ҇ta bgа pѣ́їyu: А҆лілꙋ́їа.

І҆́съ а҃і.

Our stance is firm and unshakable, as we see you as an ungodly person, and better not glorify God, who gave you this fortress, but be more careful to tempt them with flattery and the fear of death, so as to make sacrifices to the demons. You, my dear monk, have confessed in all the ages, have exposed the persecutors and shown є҆сѝ мꙋ́дсі зѣ́хь, и҆́ж в хрⷭ҇ how are they: ҆ге́мѡнъ, ҆змѡлѧ on ѧ̀ и҆на̑ѧ мꙋчє́нїѧ, lead tѧ̀ from the table take him down, bring him to his horse, attract behind you. We strive to glorify your suffering:

Glad, energized by the body and quickly drawn behind the horse: glad to have endured the cold of winter.

We are glad that we are in the midst of earthly sorrows for our aspirations: we are glad to receive instructions in this world In the cold warm-up of love, just like God.

Please, let us show you how it is appropriate to take into account the suffering that is soon passing on the earth: joyful love and mercy for everyone I am filled with people.

Gladly, for the sake of love, for your enemies, prayers of God ascendant: gladly back in prison, thrown and imprisoned by the fierce languor, m suffered from illness.

The joyful, blessed, and fierce suffering of the earth is nothing, and people and For the sake of enduring sorrows and wounds: I am glad for the new chapter of your joyful journey and the previous one in for the sake of everyone, love yours, for the sake of everyone I'm becoming a traitor.

I am glad, first of all, pray for everyone, and remember this and in memory of your sacrifice will be made, May he hear where you are and fulfill all that has been asked: I am glad for your repose in the sight of the commanding burial And because of yours, therefore, we have our own nature to love .

Rejoice, trefine, quick helper to all, with faith and love flowing to you.

Kontakion v҃і.

Not just on earth, my dear friend, he was a helper and defender of everyone who needed your help, but even after death you do not cease to deliver I come to you with faith and love flowing in, and I have relieved the king's anger and pain, and suddenly ꙋ ꙗ҆vilѧ є҆мꙋ̀ on a horse , and the flight of the Tsar's falcon. The same three falconer is on the spot, and that’s where we come to help you, thank you for your deliverance I will build my own temple in your name, my mother, Trefen. We are grateful to you, remembering you, and offering thanksgiving to God's song: A'llil.

І҆́́съ в҃і.

Singing your many different blessings, your marvelous and quick help, and no one else’s heart, who comes to you with faith and love I will never forget about you, but everyone who flows to you and before your humble prayer and beyond pnyh troubles and sorrows and reliefs, other belly time and ҆̀х for the good of the building, for the good of the doctor, for the sake of sorrow, and for everyone in troubles and sorrows, help comes to you and comes to you Thank you, thank you, we praise you:

We are glad, our prayers and our past are accepted: we are glad for us before our prayers.

We are glad that we have mercy on us, and that we are constantly asking for mercy: we are happy about unexpected troubles and our immutable deliverance.

Joy, and troubles and misfortunes, driven by our sins for our sake, quick refuge: joyful tears, and sorrow shed. ѧ, изсꙋshivy.

I'm glad, I'm sad, I'm glad: I'm glad, no one, who came to the place that's yours, it's not yours de.

Glad, everyone who flows under your roof and zaps captivity: glad to those who need speedy health more whole.

Gladly, appointed by doctors and for the sake of the incurable and difficult weeks of their own death, quick and free medical treatment: gladly And now, as well as in ancient times, it is alive and well, an inexhaustible source of innumerable and diverse creations.

Rejoice, trefine, quick helper to all, with faith and love flowing to you.

Kontakion ggi.

Ѽ, st҃yy mꙋ́cheniche trѵ́fѡne! Taking this little into account, and above all our loving and grateful hearts, our prayers are offered to you, and I offer warm prayers to you. fighting for us, unworthy: painful problems, sad problems, lost times, needy help, and all our losses Information for body health and sleep If you are a generous giver and ask, but most of all, rid us of all our demons, and let us remember your divinity and our zaps, we have passed on We honor God, who has given us such a man of prayer, a healer, and a creator who sings the song: Allil.

This kontakion was spoken three times. And the packs are the same and the kondak is the same.

І҆́коъ а҃.

The image of the goodness of your parents is imitated, the morals of the little ones, the great martyr, and the little ones Well done, once again, truly, the Christian is accomplished. We, remembering your virtuous life, praise you:

Glad, good-natured parents, pious son: glad, great and blessed.

Glad, and your guardian's constant joy: glad of your youth, all the same, betrayed.

Glad for your youth, beloved: glad for your short years of blessings, blessed one.

Happy, happy with yourself, immaculately, happy: happy with yourself in the temple dhа stgagѡ ᲂу҆гсвавий.

Gladly, this way of life shows: glad with the blessings of your faith, joyful: joyful Long life for everything, beloved by God.

Rejoice, trefine, quick helper to all, with faith and love flowing to you.

Kontak a҃.

The chosen one is the most important one! Pray for us, sinners, to save our lives and help us to overcome the world, the flesh and the devil, who are fighting in many ways today, I have defeated you with the grace and power of your beloved, yes, and I have gotten rid of all our enemies, visible and invisible. Dear ones, let us call upon you with gratitude:

Rejoice, trefine, quick helper to all, with faith and love flowing to you.


He is the martyr of the world, the quick helper of all who come to you, and those who pray before your face, hasty to the representative! Hear now and at all times the prayers of us, your unworthy servants, who honor your memory and representations Before us in every place. You, God of God, in great times of all, before the end of your life, prayed for all of us And when ⷭ҇ꙋ and цasked є҆сѝ ᲅу҆ negѡ̀ this: and who in any situation, trouble, sadness and illness of today and As soon as you call upon your body, your identity will begin , the one who will be delivered will be born in every way, and sometimes you are the daughter of the kings, in the city of Rome and the devil. We will preserve our lives, especially on the terrible day after of our representatives For us, then be our assistant, and the speedy exorcist of the wicked people, and the leader of the Tsrⷭ҇tvїyu nbⷭ҇nomꙋ I stand before you in the future, pray that the people who participate in us may be blessed with joy and joy, and with you I deserve it glorify: ѻ҆ts҃а̀ i҆ сн҃а и҆ st҃а́го ᲂу҆тѣшѣші дх҃а, вѣвсвѣвсвѣвсвЁѣ. Amen.

Images of St. Tryphon

And today, Orthodox Christians from the bottom of their hearts, in the name of the memory of the Holy Martyr Tryphon, ask the Lord for help.
And they believe that it will come down to everyone, as the martyr of Christ, Tryphon of Pechenga, asked the Lord and received a blessing for that. The face of Saint Tryphon depicts a young, handsome youth, dressed simply, holding a cross and a vine in his hands. There are other versions of the image - the young man is depicted with a bird on his left hand and a cross in his right. There is also a well-known icon in which Tryphon of Pechenga rides on a white horse guarded by an Angel. Such a number of faces emphasizes the truth that the miracle worker worked incessantly during his life for the good of people, and continues to do so now, sacredly believing in the power and protection of the Lord God.

It is definitely recommended to have one of these images in your home. It will not be difficult for you to download it from any Internet resource.

The icon with the original image of Saint Tryphon of Pechenga is located in the Trifonovsky Church in the village of Naprudnoye, in the Tver region. The icon is decorated with a precious reliquary, which contains a particle of holy relics.

Many Orthodox Christians know about this true Saint and pray at his icons:

  • about expelling an unclean spirit;
  • about patronage in illness and infirmity;
  • about pain relief;
  • about liberation from hopelessness;
  • about finding a good job;
  • about employment;
  • about getting out of a series of failures;
  • about assistance in solving housing problems;
  • about a successful marriage.

Prayer and akathist at the image of the Great Martyr Tryphon open the way to a happy and prosperous life. Through the efforts of the Saint, all the good desires of a believer are fulfilled. He hears everyone.

Prayer to Tryphon from corruption

It is also customary to turn to the great martyr for protection from the devil. Popularly, this situation, when black forces try to take possession of the soul, is called damage. You just have to deal with it. Here is a prayer to the Great Martyr Tryphon, which helps in such cases. “Oh Saint Tryphon! O martyr of Christ! Hear now us servants of God (names) and intercede for us before the Lord. By your wonderful power you healed the royal daughter, who was tormented by the devil. So save us from the cruel wiles of the evil one. Pray to the Lord to keep us all the days of our life. And when the time comes for our last breath, pray to the Lord for us. So that he allows us to partake of his pure joy and joy. We glorify the Heavenly Father with you! Amen!"

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