Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos before the Three-Handed Icon

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos before the Three-Handed Icon

A҆kaѳїst of the prest҃ѣѣ́й before the і҆кѡ́нa є҆ѧ̀ called the threesome.

Kontak a҃.

The elected voivode, blessed with the ever-present BC, who visited the mountains of Akiviansk, ꙗ҆нївнїмнїрꙋ́чнѧ і҆кѡ́н ѧ̀ and і to me ́gїѧ mlⷭ҇ti є҆́yu da ́darꙋ in khrⷭ҇tїanskꙋ, we exclaim laudably now. You, the Godmother, the most invincible powers and the mother of us, are coming to help us and everyone else. Let's get rid of the call to those:

Glad, our helper, who helps us with your threefold help.

І҆́коъ а҃.

Agggl earthly and member of the nbⷭ҇ny holy і҆ѡан damascuskin and warm love for you, blessed vⷣchtsѣ, і҆кѡ́нꙋ yours I am so grateful to you, and I have placed my blessing in my cell, before my heartfelt words to you. lashe:

Glad, joy of eternity, happy birthday to the world: glad, all the best, the strength of yours has been corrected ѧ.

Radvoysѧ, according to ⷪ҇roic verbs and brought fulfillment: joy, and є҆́ѵы crimes, the captivity has atoned.

I'm glad, I'm glad I'm happy, I'm glad I'm in your womb which contained.

Glad, our helper, who helps us with your threefold help.

Kondak v҃.

You have seen the venerable right hand of Damascus, who wrote a lot in defense of the honor and worship of the Holy Fathers, according to history ꙋ the king is unmerciful, and he asks about the unfaithful teacher, and applies it to the wrong composition Before yours, first of all, I pray for you with tears, It has also improved. You, the all-blessed and all-powerful generation of our defender, my dear, soon heard him, and imagined him in a dream, and The blessed blessing of God has bestowed upon him, and with gratitude he sings: A҆llilꙋ́їa.

Ikos v҃.

Because a member cannot comprehend the power of the blessed blessings of yours, your blessings, your blessings. theirs, cannot understand and what is more important: like the blessed right hand of the Lord, in the last night whole and healthy , on this same day the scarlet sign of the former plague was placed by the blessed physician, who hears our praise:

A joyful, joyful visitor to the mourner of aching hearts.

Joy, hopeless sufferers with hope for healing and invigorating: joy, doctors diagnosed with illnesses, at their place acceptable.

Gladly, with the right hand of the chosen one, the whole and the highest health: glad, with nothing It is no longer possible for you, merciful representative, who always shows captivity to us.

Glad, our helper, who helps us with your threefold help.

Kontak g.

The strength of the right hands of the Almighty in healing and learning the right hands of their own, having recognized the blessed God, with the songs of red songs, ow ⷣall blessings, and similar ᲂu҆sѣ́́chs are applied to your healing ꙋ̀ ѻ҆́зꙋ for the sake of the always-great memory desi. Therefore, now we can see the existence and the names of your three-piece, three-fold, written on it, written on it. This is the sacrament of the truth, which is not happening, and everyone is crying out for praise to where: Ahillil.


I have great zeal according to my knowledge, a spiritual hymn-writer of the Church and a holy glorifier of the Holy Spirit, a sweet saint of God. Oh, with songs of praise until the end of your life, you will glorify yours as a marvelous mlⷭ҇t, Mother of God, in memory of the past steps here, pay and ᲂ improved solution, on the head your burden, as well as your multi-purpose blessing, your rich heritage, and yours in the future Please, let all the faithful call to the image of the healer depicted on it:

Rad, enemies of the Orthodox faith, strong champion: glad, preacher of the Orthodox faith, our patron saint .

Gladly, God-loving Christians are protected and praised: Gladly, God-loving and blessed.

Glad for those who wage war against the world, the flesh and the devil for the good: glad for those who are jealous of the whole and cleanliness ѣ̀ изрѧ́днаѧ accomplice.

Glad, our helper, who helps us with your threefold help.

Kontak d҃.

It is not enough to see how it was possible for unworthy people to glorify your glory, first and foremost Like yours, you have given it to us to help and protect enemies, visible and invisible. Moreover, great are the countless mlⷭ҇ties of your family, in the Chinese language, and I confess to your wishes and to the humble, humble, and humble One, I sing to the Almighty : A҆llilꙋ́їа.

Ikos d҃.

Having heard the words of the Savior and the great virtues, they came to the Lavra to worship the primate of Serbia Savva, according to your appearance, bggomati, the gift of your blessing for the blessing of yours, thyself, savvy We are grateful for the many-valued gift that Serbia brought to the country, often to its flock call you:

Joy, from the East and to the West, the power of the omnipotent Christ of yours proclaims: joy, illness and disease Your first aid doctor is very happy.

Glad, Serbian country and yours, as a pledge of goodwill, bestowed: Glad, your hands are strengthened by your Orthodoxy ᲂapproved.

Glad, you blessedly visited this region of the world: glad, save the first generation of all your flocks with your maternal protection I'm very happy.

Glad, our helper, who helps us with your threefold help.

Kontakion є҃.

The most merciful star is like your goddess, the Mother of God, by the will of your article placed on this place. And from Serbia, we brought them to the mountain of Akivnsk, to the gates of the killers of Khylandarsk, south of Serbia As a gift, we received the monks who placed the slayers in the altar of the cathedral church, calling in honor of the main good things to the giver bg҃ꙋ: A҆llilꙋ́їa.

Ikos є҃.

Having seen your blessings towards them, blessed are the two, since your coming to them is yours. The three girls worship with joy and love, with purpose and song, proclaiming the blessed praise of the people аѧ:

Gladly, for the guide of the devotees of piety to the heavenly world: gladly, the holy-loving ones and the ones leading to the heavenly ones і҆ерⷭ҇лсмꙋ.

Gladly, the wordless success of your will, which conquered your gums: rejoice, upon the success of your blessing ѿ Serbia brought the miracle.

I am glad, I am pleased to say that I have fulfilled my duty: I am glad, I love you, I am pleased with you Thankfully.

Glad, our helper, who helps us with your threefold help.

Kontakion ѕ҃.

The Lord of the Land preaches on the wealth of mlⷭ҇tey and your generosity, bcⷣthe two, and the light is beautiful and bright I respect yours for the first time: for such is your will, and so remain yours in this place. We give you a place in the temple and in the house of our brothers, and for you Let us give our blessings for all things to come to those who accept and praise the call of those who are so blessed by their creator: A'llilꙋ ́їа.

Ikos ѕ҃.

She proclaimed your will, Godmother, and the Khylandarskiy, who disagreed in the election and exchange with those who were smacked, who put the article on the right. yu і҆кѡнꙋ yours on and in the place in the temple we bzh҃їem and have covered є҆dinomꙋ ѿ none in the viѣnїi, ꙗ҆́кѡ you yourself want We are hereby presently in your honor, and yes others do not choose names for themselves. And in our hearts and souls I cry out to you:

I am glad to the blessed and well-known and all-powerful patroness: I am glad to yours and to the warm representation of all vest.

Radꙋysѧ, the rod of the Igꙋmen in the Highlanders, the invisible slayers are welcome: radꙋysѧ, the ѻ҆bítel їїуѣ hitherto tsѣlꙋ and well-built, preserving.

Joyful, fearful and blessed hearts of the brothers, blessed be your blessings that are acceptable, fulfilling: joyful, unfavorable talkative and daring, threatening and punishing.

Glad, our helper, who helps us with your threefold help.

Kontakion z҃.

I would like to make not just the same, but also all and other Orthodox countries partakers of these great things, including your threefold outpouring existing and existing, especially in all cities, towns, churches and churches and monastics, she spread and glorified her with wondrous miracles ҆сѝ. Moreover, all the faithful children honor your love and honor you and interact with you and your image. khrⷭ҇tꙋ̀ ᲂу҆срднѡ ꙋ́т: А҆лілі́їа.

Ikos z҃.

Divna ꙗ҆влѧ́ешы, злггⷭ҇вннаѧ 2, mlⷭ҇ti ѣѣвѣрѣ здѣоді и҆ і҆кѡнсні і҆кѡ́нa і҆кѡ́нa thy triple ꙋ chitsy of the most glorious tea desas eat by the power of grace: you enlighten the blind, you enlighten the weakened, you eat the weak doctor, and everyone who comes to this With your medicine, I will quickly help you in my dreams, I will strive to call you:

I'm glad, I'm glad I'm glad I'm happy, and all the Orthodox countries are under the protection of your mlⷭt. ̀ ѡ҆sѣnivshaѧ.

Radvoysѧ, khїlandarskiy ѻ҆bísiteli to the abbess of the unchangeable: radꙋysѧ, many places and ҆ pꙋ́sty treasure and ҆сѣлінїнїнѡꙋ́d no.

I'm glad, in the country, in Russia, Serbia and other countries, your most glorious achievement: I'm glad, my dear The best and most important things that get rid of all the troubles.

Glad, our helper, who helps us with your threefold help.

Kontak and.

It’s strange to see the Khylandarskaya icons, to your knowledge and to the people coming and not blessings ѧ on the last day. But, everyone is blessed, you accept and bless us, unworthy, and do not deprive your mlⷭ҇рдї. And in our care, thanks to our blessed prayers, before your blessings, we offer you your blessings To the blessed, and rid of all troubles and sorrows and on the day of the year, sing three times: A҆llilꙋ́їa.

І҆́коь и҃.

The whole world is filled with your blessed stars, with your creative stars, two or three Thank you, your three-year-old daughter with wonderful wonders shines and warms cold hearts with your sign to us mlⷭktiv agѡ prѣrѣnїѧ. Now, for the sake of honor, we honor your face above all else and cry out to you:

Joyful, blessed and ever-blameless: joyful, pure and blessed in their wives.

Joyful, imperishable and unsought brethren, lamb and shepherds: joyful, beautiful and light-bearing chamber of the stagy g words.

Gladly, beautifully white and blessed of virginity and happiness: gladly, beautifully and blessedly.

Glad, our helper, who helps us with your threefold help.

Kontakion ѳ҃.

All ages of faithful benefits are under your mortal care, all the best. Young infants are fed, infants are unseen, children are strengthened in goodness, elders are infirm in their infirmities. You're welcome, everyone has all the blessings and gifts of the shepherds, with your all-powerful intercession, in the same way Let's sing: A҆llilꙋ́їa.

Ikos ѳ҃.

These members of honor cannot adequately praise the one who is born ꙋyu є҆dinagaѡ ѿ trⷪ҇tsy hrⷭ҇tà life-giver. We, motivated by love for you, humbly and humbly dare to bring you songs like this:

Gladly, the sovereign of the celestial family of the hrⷭ҇tїanskagѡ: gladly, bless you and all those who mourn and are burdened.

Glad, with your gentle smile, the darkness of sins and passions of ours is dispersed: glad, on the path of our predominance ѡ instructing.

Glad, in the terrible hour of death we all have a strong protector: glad, kindness is before us with respect to all ardna intercessor.

Glad, our helper, who helps us with your threefold help.

Kontakion і҃.

The pledge of salvation has been given to us and everything is yours, the Mother of the Two, and the one who prophesied the same ancient times. And with it, and to this day, your blessed strength abides, among the most glorious faiths in us confirms that the non-remunerated doctor says and leads to the end of our lives, Let us call you the most glorified and glorified in the universal kingdom of the world and the earth: A҆llilꙋ́їa.

Ikos і҃.

The wall is for you and your faces and yours, yours, and yours. I am grateful to those who honor, and this is why the good giver has given us a gift of help and healing. He sings to you bodily and physically:

I am glad, kind mother of children and motherless orphans: I am glad, I am glad, I am glad, I am glad, I am glad, I am glad, I am glad, I am glad, I am glad, I am glad I am glad, I am glad I am glad, I am glad I am glad, I am glad I am glad, I am glad I am glad, I am glad I am glad, I am glad I am glad, I am glad I am glad I am glad I am glad I am glad I am glad I am glad I am glad I am glad I am glad I am glad I am glad I am glad I am glad I am glad I am glad I am glad I am glad I am glad I am glad to the good nurse of children and motherless orphans I am glad I am glad I am glad to the leader of the blessed and motherless orphans to receive awards.

Glad, in the darkness and prison of those who visit the blessed ones: glad, blessed houses and with ꙋprꙋ of piety.

Happy, young mentor as a whole and abstinent: happy, elders leading to a good life and a peaceful end.

Glad, our helper, who helps us with your threefold help.

Kontak agi.

Our prayer service, offered to you before your very image with faith and love, mlⷭ҇tivnѡ ᲂhear, gⷭ҇zhey allⷭ҇ tivaѧ, and preserve us from the pernicious ᲂу҆хе́нѧ невѣрїѧѧ и҆ сꙋевѣѣрїѧ, and ҆́мініні ҆ѣмімніні мізні зљ з з з з з з з з з з з з з ў з згљ ўтечс ѣокраѣвѣѧ Orthodox вѣ вѣ Pray, deliver us from these corruptions, save us and our nation About all the evils and all the unstructured and well-known corruptions, the enemies of the faith and the world of our uplifters, and the likenesses of love and love. Uniform thoughts, with all the faithful children of this church, sing to our creator: A'llilꙋ.

І҆́съ а҃і.

The most holy light of yours, bless you, the whole world enlightens everything, and our hearts are kindled with love changes to you, the most blessed and blessed martyrdom of the sweetest step where ours is the treasure that bestowed upon us your protection and protection. protection against the hordes of Satan, and the fear and trembling of self and men Yours, knowing your strength, we magnify you and call you:

Gladly, our enemies are visible and invisible, we are the first to stutter: gladly, our enemies are invisible and punishing.

Gladly, for the sake of the world, our power is persecuting: gladly, to prevail over us, not to prevail.

Joy, love for God and our neighbors drives us: joy, all the blessings of our past will soon be fulfilled now.

Glad, our helper, who helps us with your threefold help.

Kontakion v҃і.

Blessed from above is the gift of your three, including the following benefits: mourners, pain and healing, to enlighten, relaxed to strengthen, faithful to affirm in goodness, unfaithful to bring knowledge of the truth, signs and h The deeds and the unexperienced, the truly surpasses the difference between the human and the truth that is comprehended , leading the faithful children to the silent praise of the creator with a beautiful song: A'llilꙋїa.

І҆́́съ в҃і.

Let us eat your blessings, dear Mother of God, let us not conceal your generosity, let us confess your blessings, and glorify our countless millions. From the east to the west there is praise, and from the east to the west is your praise, blessing something that is of all generations and is called upon in all generations countries. To you, who is glorified and exalted by your sleep and god, and we sing praises:

Joy, a quiet haven for those floating in the sea of ​​life: joy, anxious passions that pacify their compassionate people Let's go.

Glad, in the future and in the future of those who have fallen under the hope of the dreams: glad, doubtful in the world of hesitating ѧ expressing signs and meanings.

Glad, in your bodies and in your spiritual struggles this year, to the giver of the blessed one in peace: glad, and in the world The blessing of the living will not deprive you of your captivity.

Glad, our helper, who helps us with your threefold help.

Kontakion ggi.

It’s all about the sweetest step and the food of ours. Hear the prayer, before you, before yours, which we humbly offer to you, and your mortal prayer to those born with you , these are the most important words, and get rid of misfortunes and eternal prayers of all, and yours for those who call upon you. Thankful call to the Bg҃ꙋ: A҆llilꙋ́їa.

This kontakion was spoken three times, therefore a҃-y і҆́́съ and ҆а҃-й kondakʹ.

І҆́коъ а҃.

Agggl earthly and member of the nbⷭ҇ny holy і҆ѡан damascuskin and warm love for you, blessed vⷣchtsѣ, і҆кѡ́нꙋ yours I am so grateful to you, and I have placed my blessing in my cell, before my heartfelt words to you. lashe:

Glad, joy of eternity, happy birthday to the world: glad, all the best, the strength of yours has been corrected ѧ.

Radvoysѧ, according to ⷪ҇roic verbs and brought fulfillment: joy, and є҆́ѵы crimes, the captivity has atoned.

I'm glad, I'm glad I'm happy, I'm glad I'm in your womb which contained.

Glad, our helper, who helps us with your threefold help.

Kontak a҃.

The elected voivode, blessed with the ever-present BC, who visited the mountains of Akiviansk, ꙗ҆нївнїмнїрꙋ́чнѧ і҆кѡ́н ѧ̀ and і to me ́gїѧ mlⷭ҇ti є҆́yu da ́darꙋ in khrⷭ҇tїanskꙋ, we exclaim laudably now. You, the Godmother, the most invincible powers and the mother of us, are coming to help us and everyone else. Let's get rid of the call to those:

Glad, our helper, who helps us with your threefold help.


It’s prestige and the most blessed thing, two things that are dark. We fall and bow to you before your threefold glory, remembering the glorious part of yours and our healed right hands. prpⷣbnagѡ і҆ѡа́нна damascus and і҆кѡны сѧ̀ ꙗ҆ніні, the same sign we still see on it in the third image ѧ рꙋкѝ, to your image attached. We pray to you and ask you, the all-loving and all-generous kind of our defenders: please hear us praying to you, and for your dearest skin Anna, in sorrow and illness, I cried out to you, I heard you, so do not despise us, those who mourn and are sick. We have many different passions for you About the humble and humble ones who come to the hearts. You see, dear to all, our infirmities, our greatest need, we need your help and cessation of captivity, to all enemies, they are not helping, they are not helping, they are not yet merciful to us, that’s why . Let us pray for you, in the voice of our pain and in our help, preserve our integrity with the Orthodox faith until the end of our days. You, in all the commandments where you don’t tend to walk, until the truth of our sins will always bring and encourage peace ⷭ҇тїа́нїѧ demise and ҆ good news on the terrible day of yours and ҆ God of ours, God pray for us with your darkest love, may He not have mercy on us according to our iniquities, but may He have mercy on us in His greatness and Your ineffable love.

All the best! Hear us and do not deprive us of your help, O lords, yes, the blessing of yours has come, we will sing and glorify you on the land of the living and those born Our city is blessed with glory and power, honor and worship, which goes with it. ҆ st҃ym dh҃om always , now and in the future and forever. Amen.

Second prayer.

Ѽ prest҃а́ѧ gpⷭ҇zhe vlⷣchtse bgoroditsa, greater than ꙋ́do st҃ómꙋ і҆ѡа́нꙋ Damasceneꙋ ꙗ҆всвшаѧ, ꙗ҆́кѡ вѣрꙋ and I didn’t show the truth and hope! Hear us, sinners, before your heartfelt prayers and those asking for your help: do not waste your prayers today ̀ many for the sake of our sins, but, for the sake of our sins, please spare us from illnesses, sorrows and sorrows, forgive us We have sins and are filled with joy and Congratulations to everyone who celebrates your honor, may we joyfully sing and glorify your love, your love, O all generations and chosen and blessed forever and ever. Amen.

What do they ask for in front of the holy image?

It is believed that the icon can help cure diseases of the hands and feet. “Three Hands” is also addressed with a prayer for the well-being and health of loved ones. They ask to be protected from enemies. Mothers turn to their Heavenly intercessor when their children stray from the straight path:

  • are addicted to drinking and drugs;
  • are involved in gambling;
  • They become violent and do not recognize or obey their parents.

Before a complex operation or long-term treatment, it is also useful to pray to the “Three Hands”. If faith is strong, prayer is sincere, the intercessor will definitely help. Frequently traveling, sick, and convalescent people should always have the icon of the Mother of God with them.

History of the image

John of Damascus

The icon is inextricably linked with its creator. The image of the Mother of God “Three-handed” was painted by John of Damascus in the 8th century AD. e. in the Byzantine Empire. Let's talk in detail about the icon painter himself.

The image of the Mother of God “Three-handed” was painted by John of Damascus

John of Damascus was born around 675 in the city of Damascus. At that time it was part of the Arab Caliphate. John was born into the family of a logothete, that is, a high-ranking official who served at the ruler’s court. Later, the son replaced the father in this position. Birth name: Mansur ibn Serjun al-Taghlibi.

Time passes. Orthodoxy in Byzantium, close to the caliphate, is replaced by heresy. Iconoclasm is gaining more and more followers. The Byzantine emperor, an extremely pious man, becomes an ardent opponent of Orthodoxy. In the country, all icons are equated to pagan idols. Now they are subject to destruction. Not only holy images were destroyed, but also ancient frescoes, mosaics and statues.

John of Damascus directly opposed this internal policy of the Byzantine emperor. He wrote letters, essays, and entire treatises that were devoted to denouncing iconoclasm. In his reasoning, Damascene called on people to return to the true faith. In the Muslim city itself, support was provided to Christian believers.

All this greatly irritated Leo III, but he could not act directly. Why? John was considered a subject of another state, therefore, it was impossible to influence him directly.

The emperor composed a forged letter saying that Damascene was supposedly a traitor. When the Caliph received this report, he was furious. As punishment for a betrayal he did not commit, John's right hand was cut off.

The icon painter spent the entire night in suffering and prayer on his knees before the icon of the Mother of God. He asked her that the Queen of Heaven would allow him to again bring the true faith to people and fight for it. In a dream, the Mother of God herself came to John and said that his hand was now healed. Thus a great miracle happened. In gratitude for the help and intercession, the icon painter, according to the old tradition, cast the third arm from pure silver and attached it to the frame. Then the name of the image appeared - the “Three-Handed” Icon of the Mother of God.

After this event, John completely renounced worldly life, took the sacred icon of the Mother of God and went to a monastery near Jerusalem, where he took monastic vows. Then he received the name by which he is known as the venerable. John was later elevated to the rank of priest. So he continued to fight for the Orthodox faith.

John of Damascus opposed the policies of the Byzantine emperor

Icon painter

The second theory about the appearance of a third hand is associated with an even earlier period. In one church (which one is unknown) an icon painter worked. It was he who painted the image of the Mother of God. Suddenly he noticed that a third hand began to appear on the icon. The icon painter began to erase it, but it came back again. This happened the second time. The icon painter decided that he would fix it in the morning. In a dream, the Queen of Heaven came to him and said that this was her will - a third hand should remain on the holy image.

Our Lady and the Thieves

There is another theory about the origin of the third hand. It is quite rare, but still occurs. One day Saint Mary had to flee from robbers. They chased her and the baby. There was a wide river in front of the Mother of God. To swim across it, both hands were needed, but they were occupied by the baby. Then Mary asked God for help. A third hand was sent to her; the Mother of God was able to swim across the river and escape from the robbers.

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