Prayers to Hieromartyr Cyprian against witchcraft and corruption in Russian

Prayer to Cyprian against witchcraft, against corruption in Old Church Slavonic

The prayer to Kuprian against witchcraft has enormous power when it is read in the Old Church Slavonic language. Long and complex text is difficult to learn. Therefore, cleansing words are read from the sheet.

Prayer to Cyprian against witchcraft and damage. Strong to protect baby

Prayer to Saint Cyprian can protect not only the reader, but also his loved one, a child. If the baby has been jinxed, which happens very often to babies, he should be placed next to you, in front of the images.

Light a candle near the icon and put water on it. You should read the prayer to Cyprian 40 times, saying it over the water. After this, irrigate it crosswise with spoken water and give it a drink.

We also recommend reading mother’s prayers for children.

How Cyprian became a Saint

Saint Cyprian lived in the south of Turkey in the ancient city of Antioch. He was a pagan, since his parents gave him in early childhood to serve the pagan gods. In his youth he was ordained a priest on Olympus and over time began to be revered by the people as the chief priest. Cyprian became famous in those days for his ability to control the elements and send terrible pestilence and plagues to entire villages. In addition, he had the frightening gift of summoning the dead. He sought to pass on his pagan knowledge to other people; he attracted many to serve demons, thereby destroying their souls.

One day, a flighty young man named Aglaid approached Cyprian, who asked to persuade a girl named Justinia to marry and promised a generous reward for this. But witchcraft did not help in this case, since the girl was a Christian and her sincere faith protected her from witchcraft. All his most terrible charms, in which he had perfected himself all his life, were broken by the very name of the girl. Cyprian was so angry that he sent a terrible pestilence not only to the girl’s family, but also to the inhabitants of the city. But thanks to the strong Christian prayer of believers, the city survived.

As a result of all this, enlightenment came in the soul of the pagan, and he realized the full power of Christ's faith. Deeply repenting of all his actions, he came to the local bishop Anfim and asked him to burn all the pagan books. The next day Cyprian received Holy Baptism.

His entire subsequent life was filled with service to God. He sincerely and with full dedication affirmed the faith of Christ. With this he redeemed his thirty years of service to the demon. Having gone through the entire career ladder, Cyprian was elevated to the rank of bishop. He managed to convert a huge number of pagans to Christ, thereby saving the souls of people. In his diocese, sacrifices were stopped and the pagan temples were empty.

During the persecution of Christians under Emperor Diocletian, Bishop Cyprian and Justina were captured and tortured. All the exploits of the great martyrs in the name of the Christian faith were noticed by the Lord and their souls after death were taken by Angels to heaven.

Lives of Saints Cyprian and Ustinha

Cyprian and Ustinya were born into pagan families. The first one was given to training as a sorcerer from an early age. Ustinya, while still a child, saw Deacon Prailius and heard his words about the birth of Jesus Christ and his deeds.

The girl became interested. She felt some extraordinary strength and light in the words. The story of the Virgin Mary and her son greatly moved her. Ustinya wanted to know more about the incarnation of the Lord, about his birth. She was embarrassed to directly contact the deacon, but began to attend a Christian church and listen to the word of God.

At home, the girl spoke about the true faith, converted first her father and then her mother to Christianity. Her wise parent began to think about true faith and reason. After all, the idols that they have worshiped until now were made by the hands of people themselves and endowed with their power. They are not living, breathing and have no soul. Therefore, idols cannot be gods and man should not worship them.

One night, Edysey, Ustinya’s father, had a vision. He saw the Lord Jesus Christ in the luminous confusion of angels. The Savior turned to him with a call to come to him to receive the kingdom of heaven. In the morning, full of confidence, Edessey took his daughter and wife and went to Bishop Ontat with a request to teach them all the Christian faith.

The bishop baptized all three. After a time, Edesius became completely strengthened in the faith of Christ. He was made presbyter. Ustinia kept all the commandments of God, led a righteous life and fell in love with her groom Jesus Christ, becoming the bride of the Lord.

One day, the rich man Aglaid, leading an idle and sinful life, saw the beautiful Ustinia and was inflamed with passion for her. He did a lot to capture her heart and entice her to carnal sin. But the girl turned away from him with contempt, saying prayers to her groom. Then Aglaid persuaded his friends to steal the rebellious girl. They attacked Ustinia, but people heard her cry for help and freed her.

Then the rich man turned to the sorcerer Cyprian so that he would bewitch the girl and give her into his arms. The magician sent several devils to her, but they could not break Ustinia. With prayers and faith in the Lord, she protected herself from the black temptation and remained faithful to Jesus Christ. Unable to bear his shame, the evil demon sent misfortunes and illnesses to people, and pestilence to livestock. But they survived, inspired by Justinia.

Unable to bear his defeats, the devil attacked Cyprian and began to strangle him. Then the sorcerer remembered what effect the cross has on evil spirits, and involuntarily crossed himself. The power of the sign amazed him and made him think.

Then the sorcerer himself became interested in the girl and her strong faith. He came to the Orthodox church, felt the power of faith and fully appreciated the severity and abomination of his dark deeds. He collected all his books on magic, took them to the bishop and gave them to be burned.

Cyprian became a true believer. Day and night he read a prayer of repentance, asking the Lord for forgiveness for his deeds and strengthening himself in faith. The bishop, seeing his zeal, baptized Cyprian and made him first a reader, then a deacon. Soon he was installed as a bishop.

Knowing the strength of Ustinia’s faith and her devotion to Jesus Christ, Cyprian appointed her a deaconess. After a while, he awarded her a nunnery. The devil did not calm down. Seeing what a righteous life Cyprian led, how many people he directed to the true path, the unclean one gathered unclean people and persuaded them to slander the Orthodox and execute them before the ruler Eutholmius.

The ruler did not believe Cyprian's words about the true faith and power of the cross. Then the great martyr asked to throw him and Ustinya into a cauldron of boiling water. Nothing happened to them. They humbly prayed to the Lord. The prayer of Cyprian and Justina was heard by God. He did not allow the fire to burn them, he protected them from torment. Priest Athanasius, trying to dispel faith in the power of Christianity, threw himself into the cauldron and died instantly.

Then the ruler, not understanding the true belief, ordered the execution of Ustinia and Cyprian by cutting off the head. Feoktist, who was present at the execution, believed in God. He rushed to Cyprian and died with him.

WE RECOMMEND: Prayers against anger, envy and the evil eye.

Orthodox prayers to the Hieromartyr Cyprian: texts, examples, comments

We begin to say the prayer of the Holy Martyr Cyprian: in the days or in the nights, or at whatever hour you exercise, all the powers of resistance will fall away from the glory of the Living God.

This Hieromartyr, praying to God with all his soul, said: “Lord God, Mighty and Holy, King of kings, now hear the prayer of Thy servant Cyprian.”

Thousands upon thousands and darkness upon darkness stand before You, Angel and Archangel. You weigh the secret of the hearts of Your servant (name), appear to him, Lord, as Paul in chains and Thecla in fire. So, let me know You, for I am the first to create all my iniquities.

You, holding the cloud and the sky, have not rained on the garden tree, and that is the fruit of the uncreated. Idle wives wait out, and others do not conceive. They only looked at the fence of the city, and did not create anything. The rose will not bloom and the class will not vegetate; The grapes do not bear fruit, and the beasts do not bear fruit. The fish of the sea are not allowed to swim and the birds of the sky are forbidden to fly. So, You showed Your power with the prophet Elijah.

I pray to Thee, O Lord my God; All sorcery, and all evil demons who tend to the sin of man and commit sin on him, You, by Your power, forbid! Now, O Lord my God, the Strong and Great One, who has favored the unworthy, worthy of me to be, and partaker of Thy Holy flock, I pray to Thee, O Lord my God, whoever has this prayer in the house or with himself, do for him what he asks for with it.

Your Most Holy Majesty, who was merciful to me and did not want to destroy me with my iniquities; Thus, do not destroy anyone who prays to You with this prayer.

Strengthen the weak in faith! Strengthen the weak in spirit! Give reason to the desperate one and do not turn away everyone who resorts to Your Holy Name.

Now, falling before You, Lord, I pray and ask Your holy name: in every house and in every place, especially on the Orthodox Christian, there is some sorcery from evil people or from demons, may this prayer be read over the head of a person or in the house and may it be resolved from binding by evil spirits in envy, flattery, jealousy, hatred, malice, intimidation, effective poisoning, from pagan poisoning and from any spell and oath.

Therefore, whoever has acquired this prayer in his home, let him be kept from every trick of the devil, indulgence, poison by evil and crafty people, from spells and all witchcraft and sorcery, and may demons flee from him and may evil spirits recede. Lord my God, having power in heaven and on earth, for the sake of Thy Holy Name and for the sake of the unspeakable goodness of Thy Son, our God Jesus Christ, hear at this hour Thy unworthy servant (name), who honors this prayer and through it may all the devil be resolved intrigues.

Just as wax melts in the face of fire, so let all sorcery and evil spells perish from the face of a person who honors this prayer. Like the name, the Life-Giving Trinity, is enlightenment for us, and don’t we know another god than You? We believe in You, we worship You and we pray to You; protect, intercede and save us, O God, from every evil action and sorcery of evil people.

Just as You brought out sweet water from the stone to the sons of Moses, so, Lord God of Hosts, lay Your hand on Your servant (name), full of Your goodness and protect from all deeds.

Bless the house in it, may this prayer abide and everyone who honors my memory, send your mercy to him, Lord, and protect him from all sorcery. Be his helper and protector, O Lord.

Four rivers: Pison, Geon, Euphrates and Tigris: the Edenic man cannot hold back, so no sorcerer can manifest the affairs or dreams of demons before reading this prayer, I conjure by the Living God! May the demon be crushed and all the nasty and evil force unleashed by evil people on the servant of God (name) be driven away.

As he multiplied the years of Hezekiah the king, so multiply the years of him who has this prayer: by the service of the Angel, by the singing of the Seraphim, by the annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary from the Archangel Gabriel and the incorporeal for the sake of Her conception, our Lord Jesus Christ, by His glorious Nativity in Bethlehem, by the slaughter of Herod the king four times ten thousand infants and His Holy Baptism received in the Jordan River, fasting and temptation from the devil, His terrible victory and His most terrible judgment, His most terrible miracles in the world: He granted healing and cleansing. Give life to the dead, cast out demons, and fulfill His entry into Jerusalem as a King: - “Ossain to the Son of David - from the baby crying to Thee, hear” the Holy Passion, the Crucifixion and Burial, enduring, and on the third day the Resurrection came, as it is written, and into heaven ascent. There are numerous Angels and Archangels singing, glorifying His rise, who sits at the right hand of the Father until His second coming to judge the living and the dead.

You have given authority to Your holy disciples and Apostles, saying to them: “Hold and hold on - decide and they will be resolved,” so through this prayer, allow every devilish sorcery over Your servant (name).

For the sake of Your Holy Great Name, I conjure and drive away all wicked and evil souls and the combing of evil people and their sorceries, slander, witchcraft, eye damage, sorcery and every trick of the devil. I pray to You, O most merciful Lord, take me away from Your servant (name), and from his house, and from all his acquisitions.

As you increased the wealth of the righteous Job, so, Lord, increase the household life of the one who has this prayer: the creation of Adam, the sacrifice of Abel, the annunciation of Joseph, the holiness of Enoch, the righteousness of Noah, the conversion of Melchisidek, the faith of Abraham, the holiness of Jacob, the prophecy of the Prophets, the shrine of the Patriarchs, the blood of the Holy Martyrs , the slaughter of Peter and Paul, the childhood of Moses, the virginity of John the Theologian, the priesthood of Aaron, the action of Joshua, the holiness of Samuel, the twelve tribes of Israel, the prayer of the Prophet Elisha, the fasting and knowledge of the Prophet Daniel, the sale of the beautiful Joseph, the Wisdom of the Prophet Solomon, the power of one hundred and sixty Angels, by the prayer of the Honest Glorious Prophet and Baptist John and one hundred to ten Saints of the second council, holy confessors and swearers of the terrible unspeakable name of Your Holy, All-Glorious All-Seer God, and before Him stands a thousand and ten thousand Angels and Archangels. For the sake of their prayers, I pray and ask You, Lord, drive away and overcome all malice and wickedness from Your servant (name), and let it flee to Tartarus.

I offer this prayer to the One and Invincible God, for may salvation befit all Orthodox people in that house, in which there is this prayer, written in seventy-two languages, and may all wickedness be resolved through it; either in the sea, or along the way, or in the source, or in the vault; either in the upper pose or in the lower one; either behind or in front; either in the wall, or in the roof, let it be resolved everywhere!

May every devilish obsession be resolved in the course or in the camp; or in the mountains, or in dens, or in the precincts of houses, or in the abysses of the earth; or in the root of a tree, or in the leaves of plants; either in fields or in gardens; or in the grass, or in a bush, or in a cave, or in a bathhouse, may it be resolved!

Let every evil deed be resolved; either in fish skin or in flesh; or in the skin of a snake, or in the skin of a man; or in elegant jewelry, or in headdresses; or in the eyes, or in the ears, or in the hair of the head, or in the eyebrows; either in bed or in clothes; or in cutting foot nails, or cutting hand nails; either in hot blood or in icy water: let it be resolved!

Let every crime and sorcery be resolved; or in the brain, or under the brain, or in the shoulder, or between the shoulders; either in the muscles or in the legs; either in the leg or in the arm; or in the belly, or under the belly, or in the bones, or in the veins; either in the stomach or within natural limits, let it be resolved!

May every devilish act and obsession committed be resolved; either on gold or on silver; or in copper, or in iron, or in tin, or in lead, or in honey, or in wax; or in wine, or in beer, or in bread, or in food; May everything be resolved!

May every evil devil's intention against man be resolved; or in sea reptiles, or in flying insects; either in animals or in birds; or in the stars, or in the moon; either in beasts or in reptiles; or in charters, or in ink; May everything be resolved!

Even two wicked tongues: salamaru and remihara, pursuit; elizda and the devil from the servant of God (name), by the power of the Honest and Life-giving Cross of the Lord with all the heavenly powers before the High and Terrible Throne of God, create Your servants scorching fire. Cherubim and Seraphim; Authorities and Pristoli; Dominance and Power.

Prayer for protection from evil spirits

In one hour the thief entered heaven through prayer. Joshua, the sun and the moon, prayed a prayer. The prophet Daniel prayed and stopped the mouths of the lions. Three youths: Ananias, Azariah and Misail extinguish the flame of the cave with fiery prayer. I also pray to You, Lord, grant this prayer to everyone who prays to it.

I pray and ask the holy council of the prophets: Zechariah, Hosea, Jesse, Joel, Micah, Isaiah, Daniel, Jeremiah, Amos, Samuel, Elijah, Elisha, Nahum and the Prophet John the Baptist of the Lord: - I pray and ask the four Evangelists, Matthias, Mark , Luke and John the Theologian, and the holy Chief Apostles Peter and Paul, and the holy and righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna, and Joseph the betrothed, and James the Lord's brother according to the flesh, Simeon the God-Receiver, and Simeon the relative of the Lord, and Andrew Christ for the sake of the fool, and John the Merciful, and Ignatius the God-Bearer, and the Hieromartyr Ananias, and Roman the singer of the kontakion, and Mark the Greek, and Cyril the Patriarch of Jerusalem and the Venerable Ephraim the Syrian, and Mark the grave-digger, and the three Great Saints, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom, and others like them the holy father of our saints Nicholas Archbishop of Myra Lycian wonderworker, and the holy metropolitans: Peter, Alexy, Jonah, Philip, Hermogenes, Innocent and Cyril, Moscow wonderworkers: St. Anthony, Theodosius and Athanasius, Kiev-Pechersk wonderworkers: St. Sergius and Nikon, Radonezh wonderworkers ; Reverends Zosima and Savatius, Solovetsky miracle workers; Saints Guria and Barsanuphius, Kazan miracle workers; Like our holy fathers: Pachomius, Anthony, Theotosiya, Pimen the Great, and like our holy father Seraphim of Sarov; Samson and Daniel the Stylites; Maximus the Greek, monk Miletius of Mount Athos; Nikon, Patriarch of Antioch, Great Martyr Kyriakos and his mother Iulita; Alexy, the man of God, and the holy venerable myrrh-bearing women: Mary, Magdalene, Euphrosyne, Xenia, Evdokia, Anastasia; The Holy Great Martyrs Paraskeva, Catherine, Fevronia, Marina, who shed their blood for You, Christ our God, and all the saints of the Father who pleased You, Lord, have mercy and save Your servant (name), may no evil and wickedness touch him or his house neither in the evening, nor in the morning, nor in the days, nor in the night, let him not touch.

Save him, Lord, from air, tartar, water, forest, yard and all kinds of other demons and spirits of evil.

I pray to You, Lord, even as this holy prayer of the Hieromartyr Cyprian was written, it was confirmed and marked by the Holy Trinity for the destruction and driving away of all evil, the enemy and adversary of demonic nets, catching people everywhere with the witchcraft and sorcery of Zadok and Naphael, called Ephil, and the daughters of Samuel, skilled in sorcery.

By the Word of the Lord, heaven and earth and everything under heaven were established; by the power of this prayer, all enemy obsession and indulgence were driven out. I call upon all the powers of heaven and Your ranks for help; Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Salafail, Yehudil, Barahail and my Guardian Angel: The power of Your Honest and Life-giving Cross and all the powers and spirits of heaven, and may Your servant, Lord (name), be observed, and may the wickedness of the devil be put to shame by all means By Heavenly Power to the glory of You, Lord, my Creator and to the glory of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, always now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

God! You are the only All-Powerful and Almighty, save Your servant (name) through the prayer of the Holy Martyr Cyprian. Say this three times and bow three times.

Lord Jesus Christ the Word and Son of God, through the prayer of Your Most Holy Mother and my Guardian Angel, have mercy on me, Your sinful servant (name). Say this three times and bow three times.

All saints and righteous ones, pray to the Merciful God for the servant (name), that he will preserve and have mercy on me from every enemy.

Prayer to Saint Cyprian and Saint Ustinje

Cyprian and Ustinya love God and people. During their lives, they suffered for the benefit of ordinary lay people, and did a lot to guide them on the true path, to save their souls. Sacred words addressed to them are read when strong negative energy interferes with normal human life. If evil forces have caused damage, the evil eye, prayer to Cyprian and Ustinya will help, cleanse the soul and bring deliverance from negative energy.

When to Contact Cyprian and Justina

If there is the will and mercy of God, then prayer to the righteous can work miracles. An important condition: the one asking and the one for whom prayers are asked must be baptized in Orthodoxy. Otherwise, Cyprian and Justina will not be able to grant the grace of healing to a person who has not accepted Christ in his heart. One should pray to the holy martyrs for protection in cases where it is necessary:

  • expel body diseases resulting from damage or other magical rituals;
  • when the soul is tormented by a love spell or a lapel (the feeling of love seems disguised);
  • get rid of the evil eye, intentionally or involuntarily induced;
  • to protect a child, family, home if they are attacked by demons;
  • for the sake of healing a victim of witchcraft who has lost the ability of sanity.

More about similar prayers:

  • Prayer to Matrona of Moscow from damage and the evil eye
  • Orthodox prayer against the evil eye and damage
  • Prayer to Detain Evil by Pansofia of Athos

How to recognize damage

It is necessary to call upon the help of heavenly patrons if the following signs are present:

  • there is complete discord in the family, constant quarreling between close people;
  • misfortunes “fall” on a person: he loses money, then jewelry disappears, then job cuts are coming, thieves ruin the apartment, fires occur in the house;
  • household members are often tormented by nightmares;
  • pets do not take root in the apartment;
  • Deaths often occur in the family (especially due to the same illness or people of the same sex die).

Read about damage and the evil eye:

  • About damnation in Orthodoxy
  • About evil eyes, damage and conspiracies

The Hieromartyrs Cyprian and Justina will certainly intercede for those praying and their relatives; they are capable of defeating the hellish demonic army.

Prayer to Cyprian against witchcraft

Cyprian's prayer is very powerful. During its reading, not only the most severe damage is removed from a person, but protection is provided against all types of damage and witchcraft. The original prayer text is very long and complex. For a positive result, you must correctly pronounce and understand every word. It is difficult for a person without special training to do this.

Cyprian’s strong prayer removes negative energy not only from the one who reads the prayer text, but also from the Orthodox who listens carefully to it. Therefore, it is enough to prepare and follow all the rules:

  • visit church, repent;
  • buy candles and place them in front of the images at home;
  • read three times the Our Father and the Theotokos, Rejoice, Virgin;
  • turn on the video and listen, watch the free online reading of Cyprian’s prayer.

It should not be interrupted. You need to disconnect from all activities and thoughts, think only about cleansing and getting rid of negativity, comprehend and take every word with your heart. And then complete cleansing of the body and soul from the black darkness sent by the Devil is guaranteed.

The prayer to Cyprian and Justinia can also be read and listened to in Russian

• in case of danger from enemies, envious people, ill-wishers; • in life's difficulties; • with temptations - for example, a person begins to get too carried away with bad habits, drinking wine, or being married feels tempted towards the opposite sex; • if you want to bring some sense to your relatives or friends who are involved in psychic, any kind of magic, or are interested in the occult; • with the obvious presence of demonic forces: if so-called poltergeists, little ones, brownies, ghosts and ghosts appear at home.

Note that in this case, all family members should visit the temple, try to begin the Sacraments of Confession and Communion, and tell the priest about the obvious presence of otherworldly forces in life.

A particularly powerful prayer is church prayer. For example, anyone can order a prayer service to St. Cyprian, but only people baptized in Orthodoxy will be remembered in the church. For the rest you can only pray at home. If you are not baptized and feel the influence of otherworldly forces, talk to a priest, try to accept Baptism and lead a spiritual, church life.

Visit an Orthodox church, find a church shop and write a note “About health” in it. Inscribe “For the prayer service of Saints Cyprian and Justinia.” Indicate the names in the Baptism of the people for whom you want to order a prayer service (including yours). Names are written in the genitive case: “About health” - whom? - John, Mary...

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