N. Shalatovsky - Mother's Prayer | Lyrics and Translation into Russian

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  • 03-09-2018
  • Author: Mysekret Team
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Mother's love and care know no bounds. Worrying about your own child even deprives you of sleep, appetite and peace, especially in difficult times. Every mother wants to help her son and sometimes does not know how to do it. However, some mothers know that in difficult situations they can turn to the Almighty for help. What prayers you should read for your sons and how to do this are in this article.

What is the correct way to make supplication for your sons?

Before you start praying for your son, you should decide what goals are being pursued and what result you want to achieve. Therefore, let’s consider options for petitions that can be read to mothers:

  • for health;
  • to get rid of bad habits;
  • protective prayer;
  • for marriage;
  • to find a job;
  • for good luck.

Each prayer must also comply with a number of specific rules that help strengthen it. The main thing that mothers should consider:

See also...

✅ The most powerful prayers for children

✅ Prayer to the Mother of God of Kazan

✅ Prayer for the healing of a child

✅ Prayer for preserving the family and admonishing the husband

  1. The meaning and direction of prayer. Without a correctly formulated message and its clear understanding, it will not be possible to convey the desired thought and request to heaven.
  2. Emotional component. It is necessary to put the right emotions into your prayer service, while remaining calm and peaceful. Unnecessary negative manifestations of feelings, such as tears, sobs, hysterics, can interfere with the reading of the prayer service.
  3. Faith. Naturally, without sincere faith, prayer remains a simple text. Only by believing in the powers of the Almighty and the Saints without doubt or hesitation can you turn to them for help.

In addition to these mandatory instructions, there are also some recommendations that allow you to strengthen the message so that it is sure to be heard. Firstly, the prayer should be read in church or at home in complete solitude. Nothing and no one should interrupt the praise. Secondly, you may need certain items as auxiliary paraphernalia: candles, icons, holy water. Thirdly, any prayer must be said in a state of calm, in an even and clear voice, but not in an orderly tone, but with humility and faith in Our Lord.

In some cases, additional influence may be required in the form of certain actions, for example, washing with holy water. Also, sometimes you should read auxiliary prayers, often “Our Father” and “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice.” These circumstances depend on the main prayer chosen, so we will consider the most effective mother’s prayers for her son.

Summer night

“Give me a star,” the sleepy child repeats, “Give me, mommy...” She, hugging him, sits with him on the balcony, on the steps leading to the garden. And the garden, steppe, deaf, goes, darkening, into the twilight of the summer night, along the slope to the beam. In the sky, in the east, a lone star is blushing.

“Give me, mommy...” She looks into her thin face with a tender smile: “What, honey?” “That star over there...” - “And for what?” - "Play…"

The leaves of the garden are babbling. Marmots in the steppe call each other with a thin whistle. Child sleeps on mother's knee. And the mother, hugging him, sighing a happy sigh, looks with big sad eyes at a quiet distant star...

You are beautiful, human soul! Sometimes you are like the sky, bottomless, calm, night-like, the twinkling of stars!

S. Feoktistov

Mother was a connoisseur of all our games, a participant in all ingenuous undertakings, and the very first mentor in life, and the fairest of judges...

And how infinitely glad we were, When she, with her happy look, Tired of the eternal bustle, Looked at our first notebooks and first certificates of merit!

With what sacred feeling they kissed

A silver strand of her hair! With what warmth they remembered the unforgettable word - “Mother”

In harsh campaigns and battles In a foreign and inhospitable land... Isn’t that why we call our Motherland with this tender word?

... And we walked all the roads with dignity, And the thunderstorm did not break us in battle, And now we all look directly and calmly at our beloved Motherland in the eyes!

Yaroslav Smelyakov

Good my mother. Kind, cordial. Come to her - crowned and crippled - to share your good fortune, to hide your sadness - she will warm the kettle, put on dinner, listen to you, leave you to spend the night: she herself - on the chest, and for the guests - a bed. Old. After all, she had seen the sights, knew deceptions, blasphemy, insults. But her studies did not serve her well. The windows went out. The lantern is extinguished. Only until late does a joyful light glow in our room. It was she who bent over the letter. She didn’t forget, she wasn’t lazy - she writes answers to all corners: who she will regret, who she will congratulate, who she will encourage, and who she will correct. Human conscience. My mother. She sits for a long time over her notebook, pushing aside a gray lock of hair (an efficient one - it’s too early for her to retire), without closing her tired eyes, warming those near and far with her radiant kindness. She would greet everyone, make everyone friends, marry everyone she knew. I would like to gather all the people at the table, but find myself - as if! - superfluous, sit in a corner and from there silently watch the noisy holiday. I wish I could get along with you all the time, smooth out all your wrinkles. Maybe then I write poetry, that, conscious of masculine strength, the way I carried you in my heart, I carry you in my heart.

Protective maternal prayer

The most powerful prayer a mother reads for her son is protective. Protective prayers are most often offered to the Guardian Angel, both one’s own and the person being asked for. You can turn to the Angel for help in your own words - any mother’s request has power and will be heard if it is said sincerely and from a pure heart. They also pray to the Most Holy Theotokos, as a heavenly mother, and the Lord himself for protection for the child.

The prayer to the Guardian should begin with the following phrase: “I appeal to the Angel of God, my Guardian, the Protector of my fate and soul, with a request and a low bow. I pray for protection!”

Next, you should express your request. The prayer should sound simple, clear and brief, but with the most accessible meaning. For example, you can continue the text with the following petition: “I ask not for myself, for my son (name). Protect him from troubles and adversity, protect him from misfortunes and attacks from outsiders, from evil words, from the machinations of demons, from illnesses and illnesses. Cover with mighty wings from the fatal stones, as I protect with my mother’s hands. I appeal with an open soul and pure thoughts, with boundless love to my son and children of this world. Amen!"

After the main prayer, one should also turn to the son’s Guardian or his Patron Saint. In the second case, you will need an icon of the saint, and in the first, you need to light incense, preferably incense. It is recommended to do this in your son’s room: the current one or the one where he previously lived and slept. Kneel down and read the following text:

“Guardian Angel, Guardian of God, Intercessor of the people and Servant of God (name of son), I appeal to you! Save and preserve my son, protect him and protect him from evil and evil spirits, ward off illness, scare away evil spirits. May the Lord help you, may he guide you with his finger and give you strength. Amen".

Addressing the patron saint by name or date of birth should begin with “Our Father”, then proceed to the main prayer:

“(name of the saint) Holy! I pray for your help, blessings and indulgence! Protect the Servant of God (son’s name) from all sorts of troubles and guide him on the right path! Protect from pain and unhappiness, grant only peace and joy, so that you don’t know sad and unsuccessful days. Just as you did good in the world, bring it into the life of my son. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen!"

After each mention of the three faces of the Lord (Father, Son, Holy Spirit), you must bow and cross yourself. Prayers for protection should be read daily in the morning and evening for a month, after which you can read them once a week, preferably on Sunday. For greater effect, you can go to church and ask the clergyman to pray for the child.


Prayer for a son, addressed to the Lord, helps not only to protect the child, but also contributes to his good luck, brings success, allows him to choose the right path in life, move up the career ladder, find a new job, friends and even love. This prayer is universal and can be read at any time of the day in church or at home.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

An appeal to the Mother of God is the most powerful prayer of a mother for her son. It is recommended to contact the Mother of God in places of prayer or at home near the icon. You should light three church candles, place the hem of the Virgin Mary’s face and take a prayer position, and then read “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice...” and only then can you begin the main prayer service:

“Most Holy Theotokos, Heavenly Mother, protector and saver of everyone and everything, I pray for your help and favor! O Lady, save my child (son’s name) from disasters and illnesses! Cover with your hem and grant salvation! So that the mother was honored and revered, loved and respected, things all worked out and luck followed on his heels. May his life be happy and long, without adversity and difficulties. I entrust my son to your care and maternal protection, amen!”

Afterwards, you must cross yourself three times and bow to the icon three times as a sign of gratitude and faith.

If your son is in the army

A mother’s prayer for a son in the army can refer to both the Almighty, the Saints, and Heaven in general. A prayer service is read in the following cases:

  • so that the son returns from the army alive and healthy;
  • to make the service go more easily;
  • as a talisman;
  • to help bear all the hardships.

The doxology must be repeated morning and evening every day throughout the entire service. For the first time, it is advisable to read a prayer for your son’s journey, immediately before leaving his father’s house. You can pronounce sacred words out loud or in your mind, the main thing is to sincerely wish for their fulfillment:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, hear my prayers for the sake of the Most Holy Mother of God! I ask for protection of the Servant of God (name of son), for protection and blessing. Save and preserve him in difficult times, protect him from the machinations of others and from illnesses. Grant Your protection and grace to the fall, for Your kingdom is eternal and omnipotent. Amen".

To enhance the prayer service, you should finally cross your son or sprinkle him with holy water.

Prayers for my son for health and against drunkenness

The hardest thing for a mother is to see her child suffer, especially due to addictions. Therefore, you can resort to prayer for your son and protection over him. Such a prayer service helps to get rid of alcohol and other addictions, restore health and strengthen the spirit.

They seek healing and health in front of icons by the light of lit candles, often using holy water in the process. The most popular and universal prayer for all addictions is considered to be the “Our Father,” which must be read three times in a row with holy water. Then it is recommended to add the prayed water to your son in order to help him heal faster and gain health.

For greater reliability, you should turn to Jesus Christ for help. The full text of the prayer to the Son of God can be downloaded here.

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Don't hurt mothers

Don't offend mothers, Don't be offended by mothers. Before parting at the door, say goodbye to them tenderly.

And you don’t rush to go around the corner, don’t rush, And wave to her, standing at the gate, as long as possible.

Mothers sigh in silence, in the silence of nights, in the anxious silence. For them, we are forever kids, and it’s impossible to argue with that.

So be a little kinder, Don’t be annoyed by their care, Don’t offend your mothers. Don't be offended by mothers.

They suffer from separation, And we are on a boundless journey Without mother's kind hands - Like babies without a lullaby.

Write letters to them quickly And don’t be shy about lofty words, Don’t offend mothers, Don’t be offended by mothers.

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