6 strong texts of prayers against the seal of the Antichrist, how to read them correctly

Prayer against the Antichrist

“The time will come when inactive (closed) churches will be restored and equipped not only outside, but also inside.
The domes of both churches and bell towers will be gilded. And when everything is finished, the time will come when the Antichrist will reign. Pray that the Lord will continue this time for us to strengthen, because a terrible time awaits us. And see how cunningly everything is prepared? All the temples will be in the greatest splendor as never before, but it will be impossible to go to those temples. (Venerable Lavrenty Chernigovsky.)

The Antichrist will be crowned king in the magnificent temple of Jerusalem.

There will be free entry and exit from Jerusalem for everyone. But then try not to go, because everything will be done to deceive.

The Antichrist will come from a Jewish prodigal virgin of the twelfth generation of fornication. Already as a teenager he will be very capable and intelligent, and especially from the time when, as a boy of about twelve, walking with his mother in the garden, he meets Satan, who, coming out of the abyss itself, will enter him.

The boy will tremble in fear, and Satan will say: “Don’t be afraid, I will help you.” And from this youth the Antichrist will mature in human form.

The prophets Enoch and Elijah will come down from Heaven, who will also tell everyone that the Antichrist has come: “This is the Antichrist, do not believe him.” And he will kill the prophets, but they will be resurrected and ascend to Heaven.

The Antichrist will be trained in all satanic tricks and will give false signs. The whole world will hear and see it at the same time. The Holy Pleasant of God said: “Blessed and blessed is that person who does not desire and will not see the godless face of the Antichrist. Whoever sees and hears his blasphemous speech, his promises of all earthly blessings, will be seduced and will come to meet him with worship. And he will perish with him and will burn in eternal fire.”

They asked the Elder: “How will all this happen?” The Holy Elder answered with tears: “In the holy place the abomination of desolation will stand and show the vile deceivers of the world, and they will deceive people who have departed from God and perform false miracles. And after them the Antichrist will appear and the whole world will see him once.”

The Fathers asked the Saint: “Where, in the holy place? In the church?" The monk replied: “Not in the church, but in every home. In the corner where the holy icons now stand and hang, there will be seductive devices to seduce people. Many will say: “We need to watch and listen to the news.” The Antichrist will appear on the news.”

“He will stamp his people with seals. Will hate Christians. The final persecution will begin against the Christian soul, which will refuse the seal of Satan. Nothing can be bought or sold to a Christian. But do not be discouraged: the Lord will not abandon his children. No need to be afraid! There will be churches, but an Orthodox Christian will not be able to go to them, since the Bloodless Sacrifice of Jesus Christ will not be offered there, and the whole “satanic” gathering will be there.

I repeat once again that it will be impossible to go to those churches, there will be no grace in them.”

Christians will be killed or exiled to desert places. But the Lord will help and nourish His followers.

Jews will also be herded into one place. Some Jews who truly lived by the Law of Moses will not accept the seal of the Antichrist. They will wait and keep an eye on his affairs. They know that their ancestors did not recognize Christ as the Messiah, and here God will give that their eyes will be opened and they will not accept the seal of Satan, but will recognize Christ and will reign with Christ.

And all the weak people will follow Satan, and when the earth does not produce a harvest, people will come to him asking for bread, and he will answer: “The earth will not produce bread. I can not do anything".

There will also be no water, all rivers and lakes will dry up. “This disaster will last three and a half years, but for the sake of His chosen ones the Lord will shorten those days. In those days there will still be strong fighters, pillars of Orthodoxy, who will be under the strong influence of the heartfelt Jesus Prayer. And the Lord will cover His Almighty Grace, and they will not see those false signs that will be prepared for all people.

Many of you, my children, will live to see this terrible time. One sister, listening to this conversation, asked: “What should I do? I wouldn’t want to live to see this time!” “You’re young, you can wait,” said the Elder. "How scary!" - “And you choose one of two: either earthly or heavenly.”

“There will be a war,” Father continued, “and where it takes place, there will be no people there. And before that, the Lord will send small illnesses to weak people, and they will die. And under the Antichrist there will be no death. And the Third World War will no longer be for repentance, but for extermination.”

“Repairs of churches will continue until the coming of the Antichrist, and everywhere there will be unprecedented splendor,” said the Elder. - And you should be moderate in repairing our church, in its appearance. Pray more, go to church while you can, especially to the Liturgy, at which the Bloodless Sacrifice is offered for the sins of the whole world. Confess more often and partake of the Body and Blood of Christ and the Lord will strengthen you.

To one deacon, who is still alive but already old, Father directly said: “You will live to see the time when there will be an Antichrist. Don’t be afraid, but tell everyone that it’s “he”, and there’s no need to be afraid!”

1948: Abbess Domnitskaya and two cell attendants (born in 1923) came to Father for tea, and at dinner he said: “You and I, mother, will not live to see the Antichrist, but these (pointing to his nieces) will live.”

The slander of the evil one and false teaching in Rus' will disappear, and there will be a United Orthodox Church. And we must remember that there is One God, one faith and one baptism.

Russia, together with all the Slavic peoples and lands, will form a powerful Kingdom. He will be cared for by the Orthodox Tsar, God's Anointed One. The king will be from God.

The Lord Jesus Christ created one Church (not churches), which even the gates of hell cannot overcome. We, the Orthodox, do not need anything, but only the Orthodox Faith, the salvation of the soul and the receipt of the Kingdom of Heaven, and our Mother, the Holy Orthodox Church, has this weight. Thank the Lord! And to break away and depart from it is the greatest and unforgivable sin both in this life and in the future - this is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

And Father was illuminated with an unearthly light, ending his conversation with the words: “Hear and see!” - this is what the Holy Gospel says, - and added: - “They will be deaf and blind!”


Lord, You are the Judge of the earth, You do not love untruth, hear my unworthy prayer and send Your power and send Your help where enemies, visible and invisible, will meet me, and so that pillars will stand in the place where Your power will meet them. Amen.

(compiled by the Optina elder schema-monk Anatoly Potapov).

Deliver me, Lord, from the seduction of the godless and evil-cunning Antichrist who is coming, and hide me from his snares in the hidden desert of Your salvation. Grant me, Lord, the strength and courage to firmly confess Your holy name, so that I will not retreat from the fear of the devil, and may not renounce You, my Savior and Redeemer, from Your Holy Church. But grant me, Lord, day and night weeping and tears for my sins, and have mercy on me, Lord, at the hour of Your Last Judgment. Amen.

To defend against the Antichrist, the venerable elder, Anatoly of Optina, composed a prayer, the text of which was translated from Church Slavonic.

In Orthodoxy, I heard about such a concept as the seal of the Antichrist.

Most likely, these are possessed people, “marked” with a special devilish sign.

No, you won’t find 3 sixes in their hair, it’s just that their life looks like Hell.

The Venerable Elder Anatoly of Optina is God’s Pleasant, whose prayer I offer you.

My dears, in peace and silence, light 1 candle.

Put in front of you what images you have.

Believe that there are fasts, communions and sermons against the Antichrist.

Repeatedly whisper the holy prayer of St. Anatoly of Optina.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. May the Antichrist not tempt me with bounties and lure me with flattering concerns. Let him not frighten me with the torments of hell; with your help I will overcome the reptile. I will not renounce you in the tears of the mourners, but I will perish without real prayers. If things get hard for me, my soul will not turn away from you. Let it be so. Amen.

Cross yourself heartily and blow out the candle.

Now you have a clearly interpreted Orthodox prayer against the Antichrist of St. Anatoly of Optina.

And may the Lord protect you!


>Prayers of St. Anthony of Optina

about suicides

(for private reading)

from the Antichrist

Prayer from the seal of the Antichrist

+ Blessed Pelagia said that when the fingers are folded correctly, fire comes out of them! And when we put the sign of the cross on ourselves, the blessed fire scorches, sanctifies and cleanses our body. The blood supplied by the heart passes through the fiery cross and is therefore cleansed of everything bad and terrible - everything burns up! Therefore, the more we are baptized, Pelagia said, the purer the blood, the higher the mind, the closer to God, the faster our prayer reaches the Lord. This is the meaning of the Cross! But many people don’t know this...

+ The priests set an example for the people - how to live without the sign of the cross, said blind Pelagia. Thus, they betray the people to Satan! And how many grave sins are there among the people?! And they are silent! Exceptionally rare. (Newspaper “Eternal Life” 1996,

Exaltation of the Cross. (Reprinted with abbreviations))

+ To the blessed maiden Pelag I and pray that I have been delivered and from the seal of the Antichrist and all his intrigues, and also that I have been strengthened in Vera and in many other needs.

+ She said: - in any severe torment, the main thing is to resist, not to accept the seal of the Antichrist, - for this there will be a golden crown from the Lord. And those who accept the seal will suffer without finding death until the Second Glorious Coming of Christ, and after that they will go into eternal fire...


+ According to the ancient tradition of the Holy Apostles and Holy Fathers of the Church, it is appropriate for the Church to depict the banner of the Cross: “... the first is on our forehead / on our forehead, it is touched by the highest horn of the Cross, the second is on our belly / on our belly, it is reached by the lower i horn of the Cross, the third one is on the right frame / on the right shoulder / of ours, the fourth one is on the left, the image marks the transversely stretched i and the ends of the Cross, on which our Lord I Jesus Christ, crucified for us, with an open hand, the whole languages ​​/ all peoples / scattered to the ends, into one gathering.”+

+ According to the teachings of the Orthodox Church, the lower horn of the Cross / lower end / should be 1-2 centimeters above the navel, and the transverse ends of the Cross should be on the joints of the right and left shoulders / in front, and not on top, because all 4 ends of the Cross should be in the same plane, the first three fingers of the right hand are folded together with even ends, and the last two are pressed to the palm.

+ Saint Matrona of Moscow said: “Be baptized more often: The cross is the same lock as on a door.” Saint Ephraim the Syrian wrote: “Never forget to protect yourself with the Cross and you will break the nets, as the devil hid for you.

To understand the meaning of the sign of the cross, you need to mentally imagine that the tips of the three fingers with which we sign ourselves are marked with colored paint. Then, after applying the sign of the cross, 12 imprints will remain on the body - leaves /Fig. 1/. If these 4 groups of prints of three leaves are connected by two perpendicular lines, then you get the Cross - “Trefoil”, the most popular in Russia and the form of the Orthodox Cross /Fig. 2/.

+ Thus, the incorrect or careless application of the banner of the cross corresponds to the distortion of the main Orthodox shrine - the Cross of the Lord, which is blasphemy!

+ CROSS is the guardian of the entire universe, CROSS is the beauty of the Church, CROSS is the power of kings, CROSS is a true statement, CROSS is glory to angels, CROSS is plague to demons. We worship Your Cross, O Lord, and we glorify Your Holy Resurrection!


+ The perspicacious Pelagia predicted even at the time when “Khrushchev” was closing churches that there would be a time in Russia when all churches would open. And we will open a temple in Zakharov, but then the temples will serve as a spectacle for the people. The people will not know how to pray, and people will be idols. Anyone who prays little, coldly, sluggishly, somehow, without bowing to the ground, without the fear of God, is an idol. Once on Maundy Thursday there were 2,100 communicants. The priest gave communion to everyone, but the Lord gave communion to 38 people! Draw a conclusion for yourself. It’s a terrible blasphemy, Pelagia said, before communion with the Saints of Christ, don’t bow to the ground three times! Where are the mentors? There are none! Ross disappeared without bowing to the ground! In the temple you must strictly observe everything before God, have fear and respect for the shrines. Man is born for heaven, not for hell. Everyone goes to hell for the sake of their own stupidity!

+ Pelagia the Blind said that the relics of the Venerable Father Seraphim are in Moscow with a pious old woman. The Angel of the Lord, when necessary, orders her to turn to the first hierarch and say that she has the relics of St. Seraphim. These holy relics will be carried on their shoulders through Kashira along the Volgograd road through Mikhailov to Tambov, and from there to Sarov. In Sarov, Father Seraphim will rise from the dead! At the time when his relics are carried, there will be darkness among the people, and a great many sick people will be healed!

+ His resurrection in Sarov will be announced on radio and television, and there will be countless people! At this time, many foreigners will arrive in Sarov from all over the world: both the priesthood and simply the curious. Everyone will be convinced of the resurrection of St. Seraphim: yes, truly, this is the elder who dedicated himself to God on this earth, in this area! This will be a miracle for everyone!

+ From Sarov, Seraphim will go to the Diveyevo monastery on foot. He will be accompanied by the last Sovereign with the royal priesthood and a sea of ​​people... On the way to Diveyevo, the Monk Seraphim will perform many miracles, and in Diveyevo too!... He will denounce the clergy of betrayal and treason, he will preach repentance to the whole world, she said saint of God Pelagia, - Seraphim of Sarov will explain the whole story, tell everything and will reprove the shepherds like babies, show them how to be baptized correctly and much more!.. Even the Jews will believe in Father Seraphim, and through this - in the Lord Jesus Christ! Imagine a picture of the sun shining on everything!

+ Pelagia of Ryazan said that the Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church will deviate from the truth of the Orthodox faith and will not believe the prophecies about the resurrection of Russia! To expose them, the Venerable Seraphim of Sarov will be raised from the dead.

+ After so many wondrous miracles, the clergy will have devotion to the Lord, that is, they will teach the people to serve the Father-Tsar with all their hearts! - predicted the perspicacious Pelagia. The Jews, who have not accepted the seal, will issue cruel laws against witchcraft, which they themselves are now instilling, and will themselves destroy every single sorcerer!

+ Blessed Pelagia, the perspicacious one, predicted that the Antichrist would appear from America. And the whole world will bow to him, except for the Royal Orthodox Church, which will first be in Russia! And then the Lord will give His little flock victory over the Antichrist and his kingdom!

+++++++The Cross of the Tsars is the power of this - we will win!!!+++++++

The Antichrist scientist will differ from the Orthodox Christian scientist only in that he will deny the redemptive Cross! - warned the saint of God Pelag i Ryazan, - Seventh-day Adventists are the first enemies of the Cross of Christ! Many dioceses have already lost their bishoprics before God because the rulers do not hinder and denounce the enemies of the Cross! Many stars fell from the sky, as predicted in Revelation (Rev. 6; 13), that is, the Church lost many archpastors before God! For this, terrible troubles will befall Russia, many cities will be destroyed by the Lord Himself, although all the churches will be opened!

+ Perspicacious girl Pelag I said that all the evil that will be concentrated in Russia will be swept away by the Chinese. She cried bitterly for Ross: what would happen to her, how would troubles befall her?

+ What will happen to Moscow? - In an instant, underground! What's wrong with St. Petersburg? - That’s what the sea will be called! And Kazan? - Sea! - Pelag said to me about what was shown to her.

+ - “Psalter”, 1903 from the memories of people who knew Blessed Pelagia of Ryazan. -Eternal Life”, 1996 “History of the I developed the I form of the Cross” Almanac Eternal Life”, 1997

Pay attention to what “nutritional” raw materials, according to GOST, are included in the composition of yeast; can this chemically reactive mixture of devils be consumed by a person without harm to health?!


We have already heard or read a lot about thermophilic yeast, which was grown on the bones of people or animals, and is then offered to us for food everywhere. The invention of the Nazis, which they wanted to introduce as a biological weapon to destroy our people, was successfully introduced into our race by their own thoughtless rulers.

And now, starting from bread and kefir, we are fed with crustaceans that destroy intestinal bacteria, corrode starting from cell membranes, and decompose the entire body, forming putrefactive processes, killer yeast. -For the ideologists of the Third Reich, in the words of their Fuhrer, spoke about us: where the war does not kill them, thermophilic yeast will kill them. - and they even proposed, instead of war with us, to supply several trains with thermophilic yeast in the form of humanitarian aid, the use of which leads to food to the systematic destruction of people's health, decreased birth rates, widespread illnesses, not only physical, but also mental.

The state's monopoly over grain production has provided hostile elements with excellent soil for the introduction of cadaveric bacteria everywhere, which transform the people who consume them as food into organisms gradually decomposing from within. The cancer-forming and generously nourishing effect of this killer yeast, as they have come to be deservedly called by scientists, who are sounding the alarm that our nation is in dire danger, has been proven many times over.


Professor Wolf's experience

Parisian newspapers wrote about the experiment conducted by Professor Etienne Wolf, where it was reported that his laboratory managed to grow a culture of a malignant tumor in a test tube with a special solution of fermenting yeast extract. For 37 months prof. Wolf grew a malignant tumor of the stomach and cultivated an intestinal tumor for 16 months without connection with living tissue. It turned out that in this solution the size of the cancerous tumor doubled and tripled within one week!!! But as soon as the extract was removed from the solution, the tumor died. From this it was concluded that the yeast extract contains a substance that determines the growth of cancerous tumors!

Our sourdough is Russian.

Or malt, it is made in the following way: take two parts of wheat grain, 2 cups and one part of barley (1 cup), soak in water for a day. Then we put it on a baking sheet and leave it for two days to germinate. When (after 1-2 days) the sprouts appear, pass the sprouted grain through a meat grinder, then add 3 cups of flour and 1/2 cup of sugar and dilute with water until the thickness of “sour cream”, and stirring constantly (so as not to burn) cook for an hour - then leave it warm for a day. The resulting starter is stored in the refrigerator (but not in the freezer!)

To make dough for baking bread, pies and pancakes, as well as other baked goods from flour, we need to get at least a very small piece of dough made with this leaven. Because you can multiply your baby very quickly to any quantity. -For this, we add two or three volumes of water to one volume of the dough we received from our brothers and stir this piece in it, then add flour and bring it to the thickness (thick!) of “sour cream”, and leave it warm for several hours until bubbles appear on the surface and a slightly sour smell. Then we again add two or three volumes of water and flour, and again leave until there are obvious signs of fermentation, and so on until we have obtained the amount of leaven we need.

The best bread is obtained when the starter is taken no more than 5%-10% of the total volume of the dough being kneaded. (For example: take 1 cup of sourdough in two liters of water, then add flour and bring the dough to the consistency of rustic sour cream, which even holds a spoon. If we bake bread, then we need to immediately put the dough into molds and leave it to rise directly into them several hours. Depending on the ambient air temperature and the concentration of the enclosed starter, the dough rising time ranges from 4-5 hours (in summer) to 7-8 (in winter). Accordingly, if the forms with dough are placed in a warmer place, then it rises faster.

When the dough rises and increases in volume by 100% (twice), you can place the molds in the oven or oven. The dough should not be allowed to rest, otherwise the bread will be sour. With experience, you yourself will be able to determine by eye when it is time to put the bread in the oven. -For those who do not have gas or other ovens, we inform you that we baked bread perfectly even in a frying pan, only the dough cake needs to be made thinner (1-2 cm). -The main thing is to let the dough stand for maximum rise - right in the frying pan. Then cover it with a lid, but not completely tightly, so that the water vapor escapes, and keep it on low heat - and in the process of baking bread in a frying pan, you need to separate them and turn them over so that it does not burn and the dough inside is baked. Baking time is also determined experimentally.

For pancakes, the dough should also stand after adding flour and you should try not to “knock” it when using it - that is, do not mix it, but take it carefully and place it in the pan. Then the baked goods will be magnificent. If you bake pies, then after mixing the dough and filling them (in the usual manner), you also need to give them time (at least 2-3 hours) to lie down and place them on a baking sheet. so that the dough rises, and then put it in the oven.

You can also preserve the starter in the form of leftover dough in a saucepan (3-4 liters) in which (for example, we personally) mix the dough in a household refrigerator - or in another cool place - and before using/eating, chop the dough into pieces and stir in water - then add flour and knead. Then everything is done in the previously specified order.

The best way to spread sourdough among people is with pieces of dough - from which everyone can bake their own delicious homemade bread, even in an ordinary cast-iron frying pan with a lid. And by mixing rye flour with wheat flour in different parts, you will get a wide variety of baked goods. You can add raisins and dried apricots to the dough. nuts, etc.. - and you will get rolls.. loaves, muffins, donuts, and other wonderful products made by your own hands. This task takes so little time (if you do everything with prayer) that only the laziest will give up on this task.

It's all business!!!

In the morning, take the pan with the remaining dough out of the refrigerator and dilute it with water to the desired volume. And adding flour and a little salt, knead the dough. There is no need to make a thick dough - it is enough that it is like the thickest, thickest sour cream. -Then put in greased molds with vegetable oil - up to half their volume! - and leave to rise for several hours. (The kneading itself usually takes only 5-10 minutes!) The dough rise time varies depending on the ambient temperature, concentration, or amount of starter added. -Usually the rising time for dough in molds is 4-5 hours, and if the room is cool, it can be 6-7 or even more hours. The dough should rise almost to the edges of the mold (100%).

“The warmer, the faster,” this is the principle, that’s why in bakeries there are special chambers for approaching the dough, steaming chambers. This way it will be clearer, and with work experience you will get used to determining the readiness of the dough by “eye”. -You can’t add a lot of leaven; only 5-10% is enough; in relation to the total mass of the dough., and the dough should not be allowed to rest in the molds - it is better to put them in the oven a little earlier than later - otherwise the bread may be sour. - Let us note that adding salt and sugar is not harmful to the leaven, but soda can ruin it. - Therefore, as for making baked goods, it is necessary to add some other ingredients before adding them to the main mass of the dough. component (milk, sour cream, etc.) it is necessary to set aside part of the initial leavened dough in advance for the next time

And after the dough arrives in the molds, all that remains is to put them in the oven and look at them several times so that they don’t burn. Then, when ready, take your breads, flatbreads, muffins, or Easter cakes out of the oven and leave them until they cool, brushing the crust with vegetable oil or water so that it doesn’t go stale longer. And then all that remains is to pray and eat this bread and treat everyone.

After this real Russian bread, - good for our health, - now consumed by everyone, deadly dangerous, - that is, yeasty “bread”, - shaggy with disgusting black and green mold, - already on the second or third day, - no one sane will want to eat.

Everything proposed to you has been tested under the same conditions mentioned above. If you strictly follow what has been said, then the results will pleasantly surprise you. Sourdough is stored in the form of dough in the refrigerator for quite a long time, and of course it is best to refresh it periodically by making baked goods and leaving it fresh for further storage. If you would like to receive ready-made sourdough, call tel.


8+ (81138)+9-58-31

Let's bake bread in Russian!

Tens and hundreds of works have already been written about the history of the disappearance of Russian sourdough and the appearance of thermophilic yeast-killers and their effects on the human body, but without a nationwide appeal to this important topic, nothing will simply change for the better. Therefore, we urge you all to think about the opinions expressed, both of Russian scientists - real patriots of our Motherland, who have indisputable scientific authority, and of their foreign colleagues.

Unfortunately, some of us simply do not try carefully and relying not on the criminally erroneous dogmas of previous years, but on purely scientific views and research, to consider the most important issue that concerns all residents without exception, not even just our country. The health of our people and our children is not our main common concern, and if someone deliberately or “accidentally” introduced into our race something that clearly shortens our days on earth, then, probably, it is necessary first Just quickly come to your senses and eliminate the evil committed. And take all possible measures to prevent anything like this from happening in the future. And to look for the culprits is just a waste of time - they are shown on TV almost every day among the top “persons”.

Therefore, our task is not to wait until “suddenly” they start baking healthy bread with Russian sourdough, but to provide it for ourselves, for the benefit of ourselves and our loved ones. After baking real Russian bread with your own hands, no one will want to eat thermophilic bread. And besides, bread and other products prepared with thermophilic yeast are not only not good for health, but also definitely harmful.

This is proven by the studies of many domestic scientists such as: Academician F.G. Uglov, academician A.M. Savelov - Deryabin professor V.G. Zhdanov, and confirmed by many of their foreign associates and colleagues. But the use of thermophilic yeast in spite of everything - even when secret information about the developments of Nazi executioners in the field of these yeast bacteria has become public - was created for the purpose based on their destructive, destructive effects It is a weapon of slow, hidden action on the human body.

In Hitler's Germany, by order of the Third Reich, a program was developed for growing yeast fungi on human or animal bones - then they were placed in a nutrient medium where these microorganisms multiplied.

Fungi initially obtained on corpses, where they cannot be placed, are processed by devouring sugar, sawdust, and even human waste, any other nutrient medium for them, no matter where they are placed, into kefir , kvass, etc. - highlighting as a consequence of their vital activity whatever they eat, - one and the same decomposition product - ethyl alcohol. Simply put, alcohol is excreted, i.e. urine of yeast bacteria. That’s why it’s obvious that they’re talking about p\anits, because the urine went to the head, and so they did a bad job!

Studies by Russian and foreign scientists have shown that a cancer cell in a yeast solution develops two or even three times faster! When these parasitic yeasts enter the body, they do not die, but begin their destructive work, first processing everything that is inside our intestinal labyrinths, and then, if they are not given fresh food from the outside, then they begin to work on the parts of the body itself, damaging the membranes of living cells. . -The list of diseases that appear “suddenly” due to the diversified work of yeast killing inside the body will take more than one page.

Professor Wolf's experience.

Parisian newspapers wrote about the experiment conducted by Professor Etienne Wolf, where it was reported that his laboratory managed to grow a culture of a malignant tumor in a test tube with a special solution of fermenting yeast extract. For 37 months prof. Wolf grew a malignant tumor of the stomach and cultivated an intestinal tumor for 16 months without connection with living tissue. It turned out that in this solution the size of the cancerous tumor doubled and tripled within one week. But as soon as the extract was removed from the solution, the tumor died. From this it was concluded that the yeast extract contains a substance that determines the growth of cancerous tumors!


That is, taken and bred as parasitic on bones, read, corpses, these fungi begin to live at the expense of human tissue, corroding and devouring them. And the fermentation process with the release of ethyl alcohol by yeast - THAT is, alcohol, which is immediately absorbed into the blood - and spread throughout the body - develops the narcotic need of the body to supply new portions of fuel for this process.

The gluttony of yeast bacteria can be observed in corpses, which they turn into mush and decompose to the bones, especially in warm conditions - the swelling of corpses is a direct consequence of the influence of yeast bacteria.

But yeast bacteria inflate not only dead flesh, but also living tissue, disrupting the vital processes of the body, changing even its genetic characteristics. A woman’s shoulders often “swell” disproportionately, a man’s hips, or both combined. Moreover, a lot of people say why this bothers me so much (after all, I seem to eat very little! Yes, a little, but it is very important what exactly you eat!

If it is meat, then this is a favorite food for yeast, which are direct eaters of corpses, if it is sweet or carbohydrates, then this is fuel for them, and for these parasites you become like a Petri dish. And in your gurgling and grumbling a swamp bred within ourselves - all sorts of mold grows - not how, but in fact, by leaps and bounds!

Fermentation destroys the body, affects the entire body with decay products and accompanying putrefactive processes. This leads to widespread cancer, tumors, cysts, and diseases of the kidneys, liver, and other organs.

The death of brain cells from the constant presence of increased doses of internal alcohol in the blood is especially dangerous, because alcohol entering the blood removes the negative charge from the red blood cells, which does not allow them to stick together, and the blood balls stick together. Such adhesions of red blood cells clog the smallest capillaries leading to the brain cells - neurons - and those of them to which the blood flow has stopped simply die after ten minutes.

Because the capillaries leading to the smallest cells, neurons, are so thin that red blood cells can only pass through them in one row - gluing, of course, cannot pass along this narrow channel. And the fact that alcohol, when it enters the body, clots the blood has been known for a long time, and it is precisely these bonds that are the causes of heart attacks and strokes that affect those who like to drink a glass of protoplasmic alcoholic poison in the form of beer, champagne or vodka and alcohol.

And a severe headache, which haunts many of our contemporaries, is usually a sign of the death of brain cells either from the intake of external alcohol, or from excessive production of internal alcohol, as a consequence of yeast released into our warm and convenient body -kill. And many people have headaches because the body supplies water to the lesions in the brain under considerable pressure in order to wash and remove dead brain cells.

And these mental cells die in the thousands, hundreds of thousands, and even millions after each next drink of alcohol-containing slurry - and our unused and sometimes forever lost mental abilities are removed from our body along with urine - which is absolutely right. prof. V.G. Zhdanov. (look at the tapes of his lecture “Alcohol and drug terror against Russia”) Thus, every alcohol lover with each drink, more or less, becomes directly proportional to more or less, but all equally stupid - there is a gradual but steady degradation of the personality.

But since not everyone succumbs to the temptation of drunkenness, the enemy of the human race and the Russian state figured out how to enter with the same evil into people whom he was unable to seduce in any way to drink the secretions of yeast bacteria, that is, their urine into I see champagne, beer and other nasty things. There are other sins - for example, gluttony. And since many people love to eat delicious food, but everything native Russian is not to their taste, he slipped us yeast bread, buns, kvass and kefir with degrees from the Nazi fascists, or something else with the participation of parasitic yeast .

It was even suggested to Hitler not to fight with Russia, but to send us as a “gift” as “humanitarian aid” several echelons of thermophilic yeast, and according to the calculations of Hitler’s developers of bacterial weapons, - the people who eat foodstuffs cooked with corpse yeast grown on the bones, they will simply begin to rot, get sick and die out. And the impatient Adolf was not satisfied with the timing of this win-win process. That’s why he apparently went to war against Russia, which makes bread using Russian sourdough.

And when the campaign against, albeit lost, but still Holy Rus', ended in failure, the overjoyed victors captured, along with other trophies, the Nazis’ bacterial weapons—killing yeast. Surprisingly, but true, the benefit clouded the mind and because it seemed that the yeast raised the dough faster, they completely replaced the natural leavens used in Rus' all the time in state bakeries and in other branches of the food industry.

For the fermentation process, unlike fermentation, is not pathological in nature, does not decompose, but transforms the original products, giving them new and healthy properties. For example, sauerkraut, various kvass customary in Rus' made from beets, carrots (recipes for which you can get if you wish), etc., during the production process of which alcohol is not released.

Therefore, returning to our original traditional recipes, both in bakeries and in other branches of the food industry, is not folklore or a thirst for retro, but a matter of life and health for all our people. Probably nowhere in the world, except Russia and medically backward countries, do they give infants and young children kefir, because it is a product of double fermentation, both lactic acid (healthy properties) and yeast - releasing alcohol. This is how our children consume this product. they receive “along the way” with it an ever-increasing amount of alcohol, growing due to the ongoing fermentation process, first in the bottle over time when this drink is kept warm, and then in the child’s ventricle itself.

Academician F.G. Uglov, - Academician of All Medical Academy, Chairman of the All-Russian Temperance Society and Professor V.G. Zhdanov, his deputy has been trying for many years to achieve a ban not only on the general alcoholization of the population of Russia, but also on the very reasons that in the future cause alcohol and drug addiction among many of our people. One of the reasons is feeding children with alcohol-containing kefir, kvass and other yeast products from infancy,

In the process of fermentation, which occurs, for example, along the way of kefir until the products of its complete decomposition are removed from the child’s body, the resulting dose in the child’s daily “obligatory” diet reaches, in terms of alcohol, up to 60 grams vodka! And often we wonder why some children suddenly simply demand kefir to the point of hysterics, then semi-alcoholic kvass - and as they grow up they switch to beer, from it to “wine”, champagne and vodka.

And in the intervals between the adoption of external “degrees”, you can eat more sweets and yeast bread, and yeast spores, which do not die when baking bread, will warm up in the warm stomach, revive in the intestines, and thanks to the sweetened alkaline environment in the body will begin their destructive activities. Devouring everything around itself, sugar and so on, the yeast will secrete its excrement - ethyl alcohol - well, just like in a bottle of mash)

This is how I reasoned, maybe it will make those who have not yet lost their ability to think. - THINK WITH YOUR OWN HEAD!


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How to save your soul before the coming of the Antichrist?

Troparia to the Holy Trinity, Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Last Judgment, St. Great Martyr Barbara, the Seven Youths of Ephesus, the Reverend Fathers of the Kiev Pechersk, all the saints, the holy righteous old woman Pelageya of Ryazan.

Prayer from the seal of the Antichrist

Master Almighty, Incomprehensible, the beginning of light and the supreme power, like the Hypostatic Word of the Father and the One-Powered Emitter of Your Spirit: merciful for the sake of mercy and ineffable goodness, not despising human nature, the darkness of sin contained, but the Divine lights of Your sacred teachings, the law and prophets shining to the world, follow and let us, O God, grant us, in a vigilant and sober heart, to pass through the whole night of this present life, awaiting the coming of Thy Son and God. ours, the judge of all, let us not recline and sleep, but be awake and lifted up in the doing of Thy commandments, and let us find ourselves in His joy, where those who celebrate the unceasing voice and the ineffable sweetness of those who behold Your face, the unspeakable kindness. For You are a Good and Lover of Mankind, and we send glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages, amen.

Prayer of Anatoly Optinsky for deliverance

Deliver me, Lord, from the deception of the coming godless and evil Antichrist, and hide me from his treacherous snares in the hidden desert of Your salvation. Grant me, Lord, strength and courage to firmly confess Your Holy Name, may I not retreat from fear for the sake of the devil, may I not deny You, my Savior and Redeemer, may I not renounce Your Holy One I am to the Church. But let me, Lord, cry and cry day and night for my sins, and have mercy on me, Lord, at the hour of Your Last Judgment. Amen.

Psalm 63 from the seal of the Antichrist.

Saint John Chrysostom says that by praying we become equal to the angels and even surpass the angels, for when they pray they also cover their faces because of the Majesty of God, while we reveal our wounds, our poverty, and our wretchedness before God, with great boldness and stand before God. before Him, as His close family, and finally we receive what we ask.

How to pray and be baptized correctly.

1. Cross - there are two perpendicular lines.

2. Correctly fold the three fingers of your right hand; the first three fingers are equal.

3.Press the fourth and fifth ones tightly to the palm of your hand.

Putting your fingers together to make the sign of the cross has great meaning. They are not put together in any way, but it is the first three – the big ones – that are united together and signify the Holy Life-Giving Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit; the last two bend down to the palm and signify that the Son of God (bending the heavens for our salvation) came down to earth. He took on human nature and thus in Him two natures were not united - God's and man's.

4. Put your feet correctly - heels together (maintain grace), our ancestors said: don’t spread your feet, otherwise the demon will slip through. Hands at your sides (it is a terrible sin to keep your hands on your stomach or behind your back). Blazh. Pelageya said, putting her hands on her stomach, you are at the market, and the demon wrote down the sin (negligence for the salvation of the soul).

5. Look at the icon with your head slightly raised. You can't look down. Blazh. Pelageya said that this man’s soul desires hell.

6. With your right hand, apply the Cross: - on the forehead, on the womb (stomach), just above the navel (1-2 cm), on the shoulder joint (ramo) of the right and then left hand - ramo - tubercle, bow with your arms down! You need to cross yourself and bow slowly, with your torso parallel to the floor, bow down slowly, bow up faster!

(True bow). Often in temples you can observe that worshipers make a bow from the waist with a simple nod of the neck, which is a mistake. When three fingers are folded correctly, fire comes out, and when we apply the sign of the cross to ourselves, the blessed fire scorches, sanctifies and cleanses our body.

The blood supplied by the heart passes through the fiery cross and is cleansed of everything bad and terrible - all evil spirits are burned out. Therefore, the more we are baptized,” said the virgin. Pelageya, the purer the blood. The higher the mind, the closer to God and the faster our prayer reaches God, all the power is in the sign of the cross.

If the Lord makes the wrong sign, neither the sign of the cross nor bows are accepted. Everything is empty. By the way someone marks themselves with a cross, one can find out whether a person leads an attentive life or not. Careless. One can say that deliberately incorrectly applying the sign of the cross drags the soul to hell. From the great number of signs of the cross and from the reading of a great many prayers, grave sins are forgiven, and terribly ill patients are healed.

1. At the beginning, bend the little finger and ring finger, press them to the palm. The palm symbolizes the earth. When we bend our fingers, this symbolizes the descent of the God-man to earth. Schema-nun Sepphora said that you need to press your fingers tightly so that there is no space between the palm and the last two, so that the enemy does not run into the soul and heart.

2. Then we apply the middle finger to the index finger, and align the ends of the fingers with these two fingers, apply the large finger and align them with the ends of the index and middle fingers. Three fingers are the Holy Trinity.

· The thumb is the Hypostasis or the Face of the Father

· Index finger – Hypostasis or Face of the Son

· Middle finger – Hypostasis or Face of the Holy Spirit

The cross is applied at four points: on the forehead, belly and on the right and left shoulders. Moreover, when we move our hand from one point to another, the line should be STRAIGHT (NOT ARCED), even.

3. First we touch the forehead with the three fingers (the CENTER of the forehead). THE BROKE SYMBOLIZES THE SKY. Touching the forehead, we confess that God the Trinity dwells in heaven. You need to not just touch the forehead, but firmly press the fingers connected into three fingers to the forehead - bliss. Pelageya said that you need to tap it like a ball. (To feel the body).

4. Then, we draw a straight line (NOT AN ARC, BUT AT A SMALL DISTANCE FROM THE BODY, since THE CROSS IS TWO PERPENDICULAR LINES.) line to the umbilical cord/navel/ a little higher by 1-2 cm and also firmly touch the womb with the joined fingers. This symbolizes the descent to earth and the incarnation of Christ. From the womb of the Mother of God the Savior was born.

5. Next, we apply the right hand to the right frame (CENTER OF THE SHOULDER JOINT) and then to the left (shoulder joint). When we touch the right hand with our hand, this means that the righteous will stand on the right hand at the Last Judgment. By transferring the right hand to the left shoulder, we symbolize that sinners will stand on the left side. It also says that on the right hand the repentant thief was crucified, and on the left hand of the Savior he slandered Christ (ON THE RAMENS SHOULD BE APPLIED IN THE FRONT, NOT ON THE TOP!) with lowered hands we bow (LOWER THE ARM, THEN MAKE A BOW)

A bow from the waist is performed by worshiping the body to the waist, the head is slightly raised, look at the icon, do not lower your head down, you cannot look at the floor (serious sin). You need to lower your body slowly, reaching the waist (the body is parallel to the floor), you need to return to a straight position quickly. The person praying should stand straight, without spreading his legs (maintain grace).

Bowing to the ground is incense for God. Salary (kneeling) is the limit of love for God.

Salary It is done like this: the Christian bows his knees either together, or first the right and then the left. Places hands on the floor, palms next to each other, head (brow) touching only the palms (back) side, and quickly rise from the right knee, then from the left. A common mistake is to place your hands on the floor too wide and touch your forehead to the floor.

The palm symbolizes the earth - hence the name prostration. The forehead is the sky, so you cannot touch the ground with your forehead, but touch (the back of) your palms. There is another mistake Christians make – they place their foreheads close to the ground and remain in that position. It is unacceptable. With such prayer, a person becomes like evil spirits, demons.

· Before confession and Communion (three or more)

· Before the shrouds of the Savior, the Mother of God.

· Relics of the saints of God

· Icons of the Holy Trinity, the Savior, the life-giving Cross and the Mother of God.

· To the Heavenly King – 2-3 bows, to the Holy God – 2-3 bows; Our Father - at least 5 bows; Psalm 50 (21st act) – 15-16 bows.

Russia disappeared, disappeared, disappeared without bowing to the ground - lyrics. bl. Virgins of Pelagia.

In the Annunciation Church in Zaraysk, where Rev. George, who noticed that increased incorrect prayer was being introduced in his church, he from the pulpit warned the women three times and showed them how to be BAPTIZED correctly, both standing and on his knees, then he was forced during the service to approach the women and take them by the hands and lead them out of the temple and sternly warned the women in the temple.

There is a prediction that Seraphim of Sarov will rise again and teach Christians the correct depiction of the sign of the cross. I think this is no coincidence.

And love is an ardent zeal for the salvation of all people, above all virtues.

Deliver me, Lord, from the deception of the coming godless and evil Antichrist, and hide me from his treacherous snares in the hidden desert of Your salvation. Grant me, Lord, strength and courage to firmly confess Your Holy Name, may I not retreat from fear for the sake of the devil, may I not deny You, my Savior and Redeemer, may I not renounce Your Holy One I am to the Church. But let me, Lord, cry and cry day and night for my sins, and have mercy on me, Lord, at the hour of Your Last Judgment. Amen.

When and how to read

Prayers against the Antichrist must be read constantly; if you can’t do this every day, then at least once a week, it depends on how protected a person will be from the influence of evil forces. Before starting the ritual, you should go to the temple and have a conversation with the priest, telling him about your intention and asking for blessings for your prayer work. It is also worth repenting and confessing all sins.

Before the ceremony begins, they purchase an icon of the saint they plan to address and consecrate it in the church. Before the image they light a lamp and make the sign of the cross, and do the same at the end of the prayer. The text, if it is not long, is better to memorize, the words are pronounced slowly, thoughtfully, it is good if during the ritual the person closes himself in a separate room so that nothing distracts him.

While reading the prayer text, they bow from the waist, and the prayers themselves are said three times. It must be remembered that the Almighty and the saints hear only the person who turns to them with a pure heart and does not plot anything evil against his neighbor.

Prayer against the influence of the Antichrist is a Christian’s spiritual weapon for victory over dark forces, so it should not be neglected.




– When photographing people to receive a universal electronic card, which will be done at the application acceptance point, invisible barcodes will be applied to their foreheads. Readers will “see” these electronic tags even through headwear. For the human eye, these marks will be invisible, but visible only to instruments. The chips will be implanted through vaccines. This will be the seal of the Antichrist!

– Whoever doesn’t take the card will lose everything. Whoever takes the card will also lose everything. Disasters will affect everyone equally. But only some will save their souls, while others will destroy them!

“There will be a small, very nice gray plate - the world passport of the world ruler and, accepting this passport, the equipment will be installed so that we put our foreheads and, as a rule, extend our right hand for the passports. At this time, three small numbers and three sixes will be applied with rays to the forehead or right hand in the form of a tattoo, and God will not forgive those who accepted this seal.

If a person, unable to bear hunger, goes into a store and gets some food for himself, then when passing through the cash register he will receive these “666”. The Lord will protect His own, and no one will die of hunger; only if they endure hardships for a short time, the Lord will hasten to help. The angels of the Lord will protect people who have not betrayed God.” (Youth Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov).

– The electronic card is the worst enemy of God Jesus Christ and Christianity. Whoever implements, who blesses and whoever receives the electronic card will go to hell forever. “They will give you a card with a metal plate.” You can’t take it, it’s better to lie down on the pavement and die of hunger. Whoever does not take the card and dies of hunger, the Lord will give him the Golden Crown (forgiveness of all sins).

Whoever does not accept the seal will enter the kingdom of heaven, even without other feats! And whoever accepts it will become a demon in the flesh and never repent - he will receive eternal fire!

Most people, out of hunger, will accept the seal of the Antichrist; very few will not. The Antichrist will only have enough food for those who accepted the seal for six months, and then they will begin a great tribulation, they will begin to seek death and will not find it! - (Pelagia of Ryazan, Pleasant of God).

– “Do not eat the bread of a person who has received the seal of the Antichrist” (Archimandrite Gabriel (Urgebadze))

- “Many will be saved by refusal. The Lord will have mercy" (Hegumen Gury (Chezlov))

“Don’t be afraid for your children, for your relatives; with our suffering we will help them, and the Lord will have mercy on them.”

– The person who says “I will not accept the card” trusts in himself, and not in the Lord.

– A person who says, “How should we live?” hopes in the Antichrist, and not in the Lord!

– The first thing for an Orthodox Christian is hope, prayer to the Heavenly Father, to the Most Pure Mother of God, to the Royal Martyrs, to the Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II and to all the Saints of the Russian Land.

“Lord, Most Holy Theotokos, saints of God, deliver us from the seal of the Antichrist,” “Lord, deliver us from the Antichrist, the enemy of violence and sorcery,” “Lord, give me reason to be saved!”

– Right now, quietly, imperceptibly, with the tacit approval of most of the hierarchy of the Russian Orthodox Church, people are refusing the happiness of being written into the Book of Life. People voluntarily, consciously and without much external oppression renounce their God-given names, their God-given human dignity.

– If the priest does not have the courage to say this publicly, then there is the Holy Proskomedia for this. There you can take just a particle, because there is no greater prayer sacrifice than a particle offered and washed by the Blood of Christ. Therefore, every priest can pray during the Divine Liturgy.

– A person who is faithful to Christ will never be abandoned by the Father. Our task is to remain faithful to Christ, the Orthodox Faith, Autocracy, and the Coming Orthodox Tsar.

For the Russian people to accept the seal of the Antichrist, the Lord will allow terrible troubles to befall Russia: natural disasters, war, the 8th Council, terrible famine...

- “Mothers will eat their children, there will be such hunger” - Pelagia Ryazan.

– “Petersburg is doomed. He will all go under water. Moscow will go underground. There will be no salvation in Moscow. There are only a few prayer books left.” “This is how Sodom and Gomorrah died for debauchery, so the Lord will burn us with fire, this world will burn us. Large cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan and others will perish.”

- “Buy a house with a plot of land, even a dugout. Relatives, do not disperse, but unite, buy together. Buy and immediately dig a well so that you have your own water, and immediately plant a willow (on the north side), because there is always water under the willow...

We will eat roots and herbs, and we need to collect linden leaves and pine leaves. Here you will have bread and water.

Then the Lord will give crowns to the living, whoever does not betray God and who follows Him. What passion there will be in the city! The lights will be turned off, the gas will be turned off, the water will be turned off, there will be nothing, and people will almost rot alive in their apartments. The apartments will be concrete coffins.” (Schiarch. Christopher).

- “The time will come when they will put a cross and bread in front of you, and they will say - choose! We will choose the Cross. How then will it be possible to live? And we will pray, take land, roll balls, pray to God, eat and be full!” (Blessed Matrona of Moscow).

– The fierce war will not be for repentance, but for the extermination of people who betrayed the Lord. Draw conclusions!

Refuse the universal electronic card - refuse! Until it's not too late. In this way we will preserve ourselves and our Russia.

– Orthodox churches will become of a different faith, it will be impossible to go to them! The service will change. All this will happen at the so-called “Eighth Ecumenical Council”, but few will notice the changes! The title will have the word "saint" in it.

(possible name – Great Holy Pan-Orthodox Council).

– They will change the Creed, they will not sing “... We sing to you...” (there will be no Eucharist), they will cancel or change the Our Father, the seal on the prosphora will change, the tabernacle with spare Holy Gifts (for communion of the sick), which is usually made in the form of temple. Follow the service! The grace of the Holy Spirit will depart and the sacraments will not be performed. If you then go just to look at such a temple, you will have to shed a lot of tears for the Lord to forgive this sin! Almost unforgiving!

– “Go to church while you can. If you can’t walk, then crawl” - Hegumen Gury (Vologda).

– “The last times are coming. Soon there will be an ecumenical Council called “holy”. But this will be the same “eighth council, which will be a gathering of the godless.” On it all faiths will unite into one. Then all posts will be abolished, monasticism will be completely destroyed, bishops will be married. The New Calendar will be introduced in the Universal Church.

Be carefull. Try to visit God's temples while they are still ours. Soon it will be impossible to go there, everything will change. Only a select few will see this. People will be forced to go to church, but we will not have to go there under any circumstances. I pray you, stand in the Orthodox faith until the end of your days and be saved.” (Reverend Kuksha of Odessa (Velichko)).

“Almost all of the Russian people will accept the seal of the Antichrist, what terrible words these are. Under the Antichrist there will be no grace, only seven churches and a handful of truly believing people will remain (about 5 - 6 thousand people). Soon there will be temples of a different faith besides the seven temples. A sign of this is the change in words in the “Our Father” and the “Creed”, i.e.

Zaraysk - Church of the Annunciation of the Mother of God, Diveyevo monastery, Pochaev monastery, Pyukhtinskaya monastery. Sanaksar monastery, Holy Trinity Convent, village. Lipki is a temple in honor of John the Theologian, and the seventh is a forgotten and small handful of truly Orthodox people.

“Catholicism is apostasy, the worst enemies of Christianity. In Catholicism, almost all the clergy have knowledge related to the book of black magic. Who is dad? Devil!". (Pelagia Ryazan).

– “Christian ecumenism” in its best version represents the delusion of Protestants and Catholics, a delusion that lies in the fact that they do not know how to understand that the visible Church of Christ already exists and that they are outside of it. (Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose)).”

“Jesus said to him: I am the way and the truth and the life: no one will come to the Father but me (John 14:6-11).” They will say that all religions are saving, they all have one God, thereby rejecting the Redeeming Cross - i.e. The suffering of Christ was, as it were, unnecessary.

– “All the troubles in Russia are due to the overthrow of Tsar Nicholas II” – the words of Pelagia Ryaz. The Russian people really need repentance for the overthrow and murder of Tsar Nicholas II and his family. In 1613, the Russian people swore an oath to the Lord to be faithful to the Tsar from the Romanov family until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ! And he broke it. Repent, Orthodox Rus'! The seal of the Antichrist is introduced through a universal electronic card only to destroy the Russian people.


Sayings of the blessed one Dev. Pelagia of Ryazan - How to save your soul! About receiving communion in difficult times, when it will be impossible to go to church.

!Stock antidor and Epiphany water!

1. “Annunciation to the Mother of God! - from everything terrible.

3. “Blessed Virgin.” Pelagia of Ryazan" - from the seal of the Antichrist.

4. “The Seven Youths of Ephesus” will not live to see the terrible days.

6. “To the Reverend Fathers of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra” - about sins.

7. “St. Great Martyr Barbara" - for Communion.

8. “For communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ” - for Communion.

In times when churches will be of a different faith, the last two akathists should be read after three or more days of fasting, according to the strength of each person, have a dry antidoron and Epiphany water. In the morning on an empty stomach, eat the antidoron and drink Epiphany water, after reading all the prayers for Communion and the corresponding akathist. Any akathists should be read and as much as possible.

New article: St. Anatoly of Optina prayer against the Antichrist on the site holy-prayer.rf - in all the details and details from the many sources that we were able to find.

>Optina Pustyn

stauropegial monastery


December 9 Art. Art.

>Schedule of Services

Today, December 22, December 9 Art. Art.

Prayer against the Antichrist by St. Anatoly of Optina

To defend against the Antichrist, the venerable elder, Anatoly of Optina, composed a prayer, the text of which was translated from Church Slavonic.

In Orthodoxy, I heard about such a concept as the seal of the Antichrist.

Most likely, these are possessed people, “marked” with a special devilish sign.

No, you won’t find 3 sixes in their hair, it’s just that their life looks like Hell.

The Venerable Elder Anatoly of Optina is God’s Pleasant, whose prayer I offer you.

My dears, in peace and silence, light 1 candle.

Put in front of you what images you have.

Believe that there are fasts, communions and sermons against the Antichrist.

Repeatedly whisper the holy prayer of St. Anatoly of Optina.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. May the Antichrist not tempt me with bounties and lure me with flattering concerns. Let him not frighten me with the torments of hell; with your help I will overcome the reptile. I will not renounce you in the tears of the mourners, but I will perish without real prayers. If things get hard for me, my soul will not turn away from you. Let it be so. Amen.

Cross yourself heartily and blow out the candle.

Now you have a clearly interpreted Orthodox prayer against the Antichrist of St. Anatoly of Optina.

And may the Lord protect you!

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