Akathist to the Great Martyr Varvara of Iliopol: prayers

Akathist to the Holy Great Martyr Barbara

And it becomes the great barbarian.

Kontak a҃.

Chosen by god of the living race and called into the language of the people, the newlyweds, the bride of the people, We will deliver you from various prayers and prayers Your face, stgаѧ and all-validated great honoree, you are the most daring of all We are in need of freedom, but with joy we call you:

Glad, Varvaro, your beautiful bride.

І҆́коъ а҃.

A҆́гг҃лѡвь chⷭ҇tnꙋ́́у and ҆ kindly ꙋ cleanliness, immaculately preserved, that ⷭ҇náѧ varvaro, and ҆́гг҃лѡм there is a cohabitant to be blessed with є҆sѝ , with him, sing a trⷪcheskꙋ song of bg҃ꙋ on nb҃sѝ, ᲂhear us singing to you on earth the praiseworthy song of this:

Gladly, ѻ҆trokovice, bg҃om ѻ҆ц҃ѡе is given to be a concord in the suffering ѻ҆́гѡꙋ сн҃а є҆гѡ̀: ́дꙋйсѧ, є҆гѡ̀ bzhїim, the light of the world, called from the darkness into the light of faith and blessings.

I'm glad, I called you: I'm glad, I'm happy are faithful to the flesh and have kept the same.

Happy, born to two grooms, happy to be born: happy, earthly and happy The nbⷭ҇naga didn’t want to know.

Gladly, the heart of the two, in the middle of the thorns and the sprouted share: gladly, the color of what you are, in an unknown sense in a flowery mountain.

Gladly, in the new vertograd hrⷭ҇that is a good thing enjoying: gladly, redly steps more than the sons of people's eyes Let's not forget about it.

I am glad that thy garments have become white in the blood of the lambs on earth: I am glad that in the face of the virgin afterglow of the lambs ꙋ on nb҃si.

Glad, Varvaro, your beautiful bride.

Kondak v҃.

Seeing the barbarian himself on a high pillar that he has placed, we think about ourselves that we are building towards our future. Dividedly, we ascend in our hearts, so that we go to the light and the lovely things to the true God. ꙋ ᲂу҆́́мнѣ is ascending, singing є҆мꙋ̀: А҆ллілїа.

Ikos v҃.

Differing from one another, the creator of all creatures, the maiden, the barbarian and the human being, the devil with his own mind ъ, chapter: ѿ dark to the world with the bright lights of the world as they are created powerfully, rtsy ̀ m. to her with the almighty speech: all gods are ꙗ҆zy̑k, bѣsove, є҆дін there is a god and a gdⷭ҇, and also nbґsa and all the luminaries Ikh created. such is yours, mꙋ́draѧ dv҃o, razꙋмꙋ marvelous, verb:

I'm glad, I'm glad, I'm glad, I'm happy, I'm very happy.

I am glad, I am glad to you, I am grateful to you, I am glad that I am grateful to you, I am glad that I am grateful to you. The word itself is what it is.

Glad, all the celestials who have surpassed us: glad, more respectful than the rest of us krꙋg has seen the light.

Joy, joy in the creature, and joy in the mirror, the creator itself looked at: joy, joy in the created luminaries of the uncreated The new light saw everything.

Gladly, now, in addition to the mirror of the light of the face of the planet, we are happy: gladly, with the light of indescribable joy ѧсѧ.

We are glad to see the light of the sun, which shines upon us: ra Yes, mentally, the night of darkness is being enlightened.

Glad, Varvaro, your beautiful bride.

Kontak g.

The power of the Highest will then be given to the barbarian, the skin of ancient times, to Ezezekiel, with an adamantine face, strong before everyone else. ꙋresidents, at the same time not ᲂу҆оѧ́tisѧ є҆́y ѿ ѕvѣrskagѡ persons є҆́хъ, nor ᲂу҆horaśtisѧ lyutagѡ prohibited. At the same time, with boldness, we cry out to the two: trⷪ҇tsꙋ that is godliness, and with that faith we worship, we sing loudly ̀: A҆llilꙋ́їa.


I am a barbarian above and beyond my own self-righteousness, in response to the details of the bathhouse, and the revelation of secrets ꙋ st҃ы́ѧ trⷪ҇tsy, order three windows in the bathhouse to build. And yet, speaking, the words of the inhabitants of the city and do not speak of the glory and truth of God, then the stone walls of this bathhouse are three. With all the signs and three witnesses, we testify that all creatures are glorious and worshiped. for this, we accept the praises of this:

Happy, in the three-window bathhouse to the pѣpѣl stgagѡ kr҃schenїѧ, in і҆́мѧ trⷪ҇tsy prest҃ы́ѧ, цѻѻhave been depicted: ҆а́дꙋйсѧ, въкꙋп They ate water and dhga, and thus and your blood gave you pain.

Radꙋйсѧ, ꙗ҆́кѡ with three signs of polytheism, trⷪ҇tѣ st҃ѣ́гѣѣ, drove away є҆сѝ: үдꙋйсѧ, ꙗ҆́кѡ With the help of the three lights of the world, we saw it.

Gladly, with three eyes, look at the sun of truth, the three-day resurrection from the grave: gladly, gladly We give you a day of trⷪcheskaya salvation.

I'm glad, I'm happy with you in the future, I'm always happy: I'm glad I'm happy with you before the battle of the three enemies, the flesh, the world and the devil, a strong prisoner.

I'm glad you have three thoughts in your life, faith, hope and love, I've built everything: I'm glad I'm happy With these three signs, during the three days of the sacred godhood, the raised up body of the Holy Church looked at it.

I'm glad I love you, I'm glad I love you and I'm glad I'm happy with you This is a joyful joy.

Glad, Varvaro, your beautiful bride.

Kontak d҃.

Let's go to the temple of yours, breathe with the prohibited spirit, climb to the temple of yours, stand in your place It’s hard, but it’s impossible to shake it: it’s based on the solid faith of those stones, on it you, two, immovable stands, ѣрѣплѧ́йꙋ ѧ̀ і҆i҃сꙋ хрⷭ҇тꙋ̀ song she sang: A҆llilꙋ́їa.

Ikos d҃.

Hearing from you, my dear daughter, your deoskor is unheard of the most important words I'm sharpening my own likeness with a sting that is denigrating, with a sword pointed at your murder: but you, Bride of Christ Varvaro, imitating your groom, ran with the sword and Rodov, ran with the sword of Deoskorov, wishing the heart of God and God for growth in love I'm your brother. We honor your different title with these:

Glad, dear, expelled from earthly truth for the sake of: glad, rich in God, deprived of earthly riches rⷭ҇ta for the sake of.

I'm glad, I'm happy for you, I'm glad I'm glad I'm glad I'm ready for you treasure of great blessings.

Gladly, verbally, and blessedly, the wolf is a witness to the good shepherd of Christ has arrived: gladly, in the courtyard of righteousness new ones, who have entered.

Glad, unbreakable goal, the earthly crow flew into the cover of the nbⷭ҇nagѡ ѻ҆rla: glad, in the blood of the krillꙋ̀ є҆гѡ̀ to Good protection to you.

Gladly, on Thursday, our earthly parents were persecuted to death with dishonor: gladly ѧ, ꙗ҆́кѡ ѿ immortality whereⷭ҇a glory in life for eternity with glory preїѧ́ta є҆сѝ.

Gladly, also the ever-desiring intercessor for our lives: gladly, close to us to the Bg҃ꙋ prayer book.

Glad, Varvaro, your beautiful bride.

Kontakion є҃.

The merciful All-Star was like the great disciple of Varvaro: running before you, she instructed her in a mysterious way. That is, leading to the first word, the two things that have risen, khrⷭ҇tꙋ̀ bg҃ꙋ. More than anything else, it’s better to be blinded, and you’re not physically aware of the fact that you’re running before yourself: you’re going through everything I mean, we tell you to leave the mountains and hide in a stone cave, yes On Wednesdays the stones, the bird, and the voice of the bg҃ꙋ, chanting : A҆llilꙋ́їа.

Ikos є҃.

He saw the shepherd, the top of the mountain, the shepherds grazing, covering it in stone, marveling, saying: what is this verbal lamb; where the wolf runs; and this deoskor, more than a fierce wolf, came to the mountain, and there you are covered, and kidnapped for your maiden hair ̑, attracted to your home by cruel means, and here we greet you with greetings:

Glad, young one, on the mountains of Arimat, similar to: glad, girni, more than the long ascent in your day Believing in us, having loved.

Gladly, on the mountain, trⷪcheskaya worship of the East has risen.

Gladly, through the stones that have passed, and the stone-hearted races running: gladly, among the stones, the stones of the heart, I affirm Goodbye, hello.

Glad, in the stone cave you entered, you saw him in the stone tomb that was laid: glad, just like you saw sitting on the throne of glory.

Glad, the hair of the head of yours, for the preservation of the Lord, and the power of the head of man will not perish, and be destroyed on earth: glad ꙋйсѧ, ꙗ҆́кѡ і́и ѿ хрⷭ҇та̀ и҆зочнсть к ᲂу҆вѣнїю нанбасѝ.

Glad, the hair of your bloody lot, with the colors that are crimson: glad, the braided hair of your blood-stained in I am your golden brother.

Glad, Varvaro, your beautiful bride.

Kontakion ѕ҃.

Preaching to the God-bearing people, and to those who were jealous, boldly, in front of the teachers, she preached the true truth bga: and for the sake of the fierce wound, the wet face and the sharp skull, the painful rubbing, the pain we endured , st҃аѧ varvaro. also in the dungeon she was seated, in it and in the devil's palace she rejoiced, singing: Aillill.

Ikos ѕ҃.

All in your midst, enlightened and truly blessed, all in all your light, divine faces of yours where is it: then, your beloved groom, at midnight he will come to you, his immaculate bride, in prison, kindly ѧ̀ visit, ѿ wounds and heals, and ҆ With the brightness of your face, your indescribable love made you happy, but we believers should sing to you:

Glad, for the suffering of the merciless ben: glad, be patient with the invisible enemy who killed.

I'm glad you wore it on your body: I'm glad you wore it on your body I have healed.

I'm glad, where you are, the light of the world, you are in the dungeon of your former self: I'm glad, I'm glad My dear doctor, I visited you when I was sick.

Glad, you have entered through the earthly prison into the new palace of light: glad, your marriage blood is your hope and ҆stkavshaѧ.

I am glad that you and many wounds and sins healed: I am glad that you are happy with me and all the illnesses with you With this, those calling for health.

Gladly, in the light of the sinful quick help to the solver: gladly, in the light of the many-minded good healer.

Glad, Varvaro, your beautiful bride.

Kontakion z҃.

I would like to without much notice to the reader his wish to honor, and also to please, affectionate words for you, stgay Varvaro, and I'm going to return to lovely things, you, the first hard adamant turn it into soft wax, rather than turn it away from me : In addition, with the same spirit, the true God and the confession, I glorify, praise, and sing: A҆llilꙋїa.

Ikos z҃.

Newly showing the inhuman power of the European-shaped slayer, who became the great disciple of Varvaro, commanded you to rise on the tree, and feet With dark iron, your body is sharpened, and with burning lights, your ribs are burned, and even with the light, most importantly, beat hard. This is your most natural patience, reverently remembering, with praises of the blessed ones:

Gladly, the tree was hung on the tree, for the sake of the plot: glad, planed along the ribs, and For your sake, let’s dig into the perforated ribs.

I'm glad, thank you, the fire of love for God was kindled on your Wedge: I'm glad, I'm happy for you with the fiery candles the fire was there.

Glad, the hardest adamant in patience unharmed: glad, the strongest stone pillar in the unshakable force.

I'm glad that I beat you in the chapter, the crown of the Tsrⷭ҇tvїѧ you and ѣskovásѧ: I'm glad I'm glad that I'm in the head abbreviated as your enemy.

Gladly, for the sake of the people who suffered on earth: gladly, joyfully with him and for the sake of him on earth You have become famous.

Glad, to all our enemies, to the strong victor: glad, in all our troubles, to the ambulance.

Glad, Varvaro, your beautiful bride.

Kontak and.

Strange and terrible things barbarians see suffering, blessings in their wives і҆ꙋlїanїa ᲂу҆divíсѧ ѕѣлѡ̀: how young is ѻ The Mother of God in her youth is so careful to endure pain; Also, tears and fulfillment, gratitude and cries of gratitude.

І҆́коь и҃.

All the sweetest sweetness, all the wish for you to be fast, dear Varvaro: sweetness, for the sake of God, I endured it all ꙋ, saying: cups of suffering, since my beloved groom has given us, shouldn’t I give my mother a drink; Moreover, the cup itself showed, the sweetness of the wonderful and healing flowing out to everyone crying out to you:

I am glad, I believe in hellish grief and sorrow: I am glad, I loved you and I love you sweetness.

Gladly, mentally, mannually, creatively, the will of God in oneself and in oneself: joyful, faithful in good wishes and with full.

Glad, river, and full of blessings from the waters: glad, source, boiling water.

Glad the bee, for the sake of the victims of the smoke that flew: glad, for the good of the world The stench of sweetness has flowed in.

I'm glad that your blood was like a hundred in everything: I'm glad that your blood is the sweetest drops It was more sweet than honey.

Gladly, in honor of all the faithful, your memories are sweet: gladly, in honor of all the churches, blessed and blessed by you That's right.

Glad, Varvaro, your beautiful bride.

Kontakion ѳ҃.

All nature is greatly rejoiced with joy, having seen the great strength of yours, the strength and invincibility of the martyr Varvaro: having seen more of the rank of the old enemy, the proud prince of darkness, with all his demonic and delial hordes and those the old, the young two, the disgraced, the defeated and under the nose Your believer, with a great voice, cried out: A҆llilꙋ́їa.

Ikos ѳ҃.

With their multi-talented rhetorical languages ​​it is not possible to depict your Majesty’s painful suffering, and Varvaro: who will tell your illness, if Whenever your breast is sucked; whoever says that there were two persons, when there were lawless drivers throughout the city; Sitsev's illness and your dishonor we, remembering it, shudder and with love the verb sitse:

Gladly, the good forest of Igigov’s garden: gladly, the true vine of the garden.

Glad, two breasts are yours, and two are sad, in honor of where your mother brought you: glad, your blood, and spring ᲂу҆мїѧѧ, ѿ ѿ ѣухь ц҆ст way.

Gladly, for the sake of the beloved and you, your garments were taken off: gladly, darling Come on, in the middle of the city there was too much water, and you were out of water in the city.

I'm glad I'm glad I'm glad I'm glad I'm wearing the bright clothes in your nakedness: I'm glad I'm glad I'm wearing the invisible cover ѣннаѧ.

I'm glad, I'm glad I'm glad I'm sorry, I'm glad I'm sorry, I'm glad I've suffered with yours .

Sadꙋysѧ, ꙗ҆kѡ sama gd, and more than a gift to your suffer: I am angryꙋ, ꙗ҆kѡ sama that is the deed of praise.

Glad, Varvaro, your beautiful bride.

Kontakion і҃.

I want to save yours, and I didn’t care about you at all, according to Varvaro: that’s why I’m waiting for death So, you are under the sharp sword, and under the red crown, joyful and happy, bg҃ꙋ, in your mortal struggle, strengthening, votive This is the song: A҆llilꙋ́їa.

Ikos і҃.

The walls of stone are harder and the stone-hearted will be a deoskor, your barbarian, not a good parent, but a fierce aggressor: toy bo, ꙗ҆́k I hear your sword for death, not that your death will hurt, but also your sword in place of your death yours heads, and so, according to the prophecy of the city, the father will betray his child to death. at your blessed end, please accept our song:

I am glad, for the head of the Church of Christ, I bow down under the sword of your heads: I am glad, for the love of the people-loving person ꙋ̀ immortal ꙋ to death ѿ earthly inhuman ѻ҆чна ѻ҆тс ўлѣнагѡ betrayed.

I'm glad I'm glad I'm immortal, I'm glad I'm immortal, I'm glad I'm immortal mouth kept cheerful.

Rejoice, by the power from above, to the battle against the forces of the underworld. ѡ҆дѣ́ѧннаѧ.

We are glad that we are blessed with a blessed wedding on earth: we are glad that the color is imperishable and decorated on earth .

Joy, kindness and praise to the girls: joy, beauty and joy to the martyrs.

Gladly, let us have a strong refuge: gladly, let us have a firm refuge.

Glad, Varvaro, your beautiful bride.

Kontak agi.

Our song is commendable, and even if it is not counted, it is not enough for us to adequately praise you, stagai and all-valiant martyrs. Varo: more than we, we are blessed by you with the bestowed blessings bestowed upon us, by God, in you, with your blessings we are glorified ꙋ, thanksgiving chant: A҆llilꙋ́їа .

І҆́съ а҃і.

With the light of the holy priest, on the new holy priesthood, in front of this article, the work set up for you, stgao two barbarians: even then, the nightly sin of our darkness, through your prayers you enlighten them, and bring us to the light You instruct us in the path of salvation, and in a long time you are worthy of our name to be revered by this:

Joy, light, in the light of the non-flickering light: joy, mental day, the day of the uneven dawn has risen dshaѧ.

Gladly, blessedly, blessedly, the church's heart is blessed: joyful, golden censer, prayers on съ къг҃ꙋ bringing.

Gladly, to the world and healed neiskly: gladly, the treasure of our gifts is not dependent.

Glad, more than happy, happy at home, blessed with joy: glad, happy, happy, fulfilled All the blessings and sweetness of them.

Happy, adamante, ring of immortality with the heart of the world ⷭ held by her.

Gladly, on that kingdom of glory, where strength, glory and command placed it: gladly, gladly upon you The king of the kings of the reigning kings is its own and the kingdom has granted it.

Glad, Varvaro, your beautiful bride.

Kontakion v҃і.

Grace is given to us, to keep and observe sudden illnesses and blatant deaths of every person, by faith, love and goodness We honor your suffering, remembering and honoring: that is not deprived of grace from us, good two Varvaro, and we too, hello to you lom i҆ Let us sing to you in this and future life: A҆llilꙋ́їa.

І҆́́съ в҃і.

We sing of your mighty deeds, we honor your sufferings, we praise your long-suffering, we honor your death, we glorify your weakness. This demonstrated invincible courage, and also on earth and on earth glorified her, becoming a good friend of the great disciple Varvaro, and in che There is a praiseworthy account of your victorious deeds and sufferings that's it:

Joy, and the ranks of cohabitation and kindness: joy, and the virgin ranks in the palace of great joy ѡ entered.

Gladly, we greet the martyr regiments under the crown of glory in the voice of joy: Gladly, and all the inhabitants of the new world ѧ ѡ҆ whereⷭ҇ѣ kisses.

Glad, your joy is a lot of things in the world: glad, your joy is eternal in lightness stgykh.

Joy, and enemies, visible and invisible, are strong to our defender: joy, joy to us, grace and glory to the everlasting intercessor.

Gladly, blessed and corporal weeks to our healer: joyful, saving blessings of the earthly and unborn giver.

I'm glad that you are happy about the unexpected and eternal deaths of preserving your life: I'm glad that you're happy about your life forever Know ᲂу҆лꙋread the blessings of tea.

Glad, Varvaro, your beautiful bride.

Kontakion ggi.

The long-suffering and all-validating article of the great honorable Varvaro, our current prayer is accepted, against all illnesses, physical and mental. through your generous intercession to preserve, and with you, the living on earth forever. ́мъг҃ꙋ: А҆лілꙋ́їа.

This kontakion verb was said three times, also, і҆́коъ а҃-й и҆ ҆ ка́нкаъ а҃-й.

І҆́коъ а҃.

A҆́гг҃лѡвь chⷭ҇tnꙋ́́у and ҆ kindly ꙋ cleanliness, immaculately preserved, that ⷭ҇náѧ varvaro, and ҆́гг҃лѡм there is a cohabitant to be blessed with є҆sѝ , with him, sing a trⷪcheskꙋ song of bg҃ꙋ on nb҃sѝ, ᲂhear us singing to you on earth the praiseworthy song of this:

Gladly, ѻ҆trokovice, bg҃om ѻ҆ц҃ѡе is given to be a concord in the suffering ѻ҆́гѡꙋ сн҃а є҆гѡ̀: ́дꙋйсѧ, є҆гѡ̀ bzhїim, the light of the world, called from the darkness into the light of faith and blessings.

I'm glad, I called you: I'm glad, I'm happy are faithful to the flesh and have kept the same.

Happy, born to two grooms, happy to be born: happy, earthly and happy The nbⷭ҇naga didn’t want to know.

Gladly, the heart of the two, in the middle of the thorns and the sprouted share: gladly, the color of what you are, in an unknown sense in a flowery mountain.

Gladly, in the new vertograd hrⷭ҇that is a good thing enjoying: gladly, redly steps more than the sons of people's eyes Let's not forget about it.

I am glad that thy garments have become white in the blood of the lambs on earth: I am glad that in the face of the virgin afterglow of the lambs ꙋ on nb҃si.

Glad, Varvaro, your beautiful bride.

Kontak a҃.

Chosen by god of the living race and called into the language of the people, the newlyweds, the bride of the people, We will deliver you from various prayers and prayers Your face, stgаѧ and all-validated great honoree, you are the most daring of all We are in need of freedom, but with joy we call you:

Glad, Varvaro, your beautiful bride.

Prayer to the great honorable barbarian.

The glorious and all-validated people of the Holy Church of Barbarians, gathered today in your temple by your divine people and the race of the relics of your worship. those who suffer, and those who love their goals: those who suffer are yours, and in them the very architect of the keeper who gave you, not exactly She also believes in him, but also for him, suffering, praises and blessings, we pray to you and the known desires of our intercessor: prayers are with us and ours Thank God, may the merciful one hear us asking for His blessing, and not leave us with everything for salvation and life the future has passed, and it will give Let's celebrate the death of our belly, painless, shameless, peaceful, divinely involved, and everything for everyone Lastly, in all the sorrow and need that requires human love and help, I will give my great mercy. May God bless you, and with your warm intercession, your warmth and your continued health, we glorify the wondrous one in our glory, not He will always give you more help to us, now and in the future, and forever, amen.

Second prayer to the great barbarian.

Premure and all-beautiful stgai of the great christ of Varvaro, blessed woman, premiárnai mꙋ̑drosty bzh҃їѧ flesh and blood I don’t belong to you, but I myself am a stranger, and I believe in you for the sake of the infidel, who was installed, expelled, and ᲂkilled, to my beloved daughter, for the corruptible earthly and the inheritance, the incorruptible gifts of the flesh: the principles of the world: the time your life, your death for the sake of what was stopped, glorify with honor, from the faces of these dignitaries, the body on earth in the temple and in the aggal order, and in the commandments to preserve the whole, that's a lot of things. Blessed and blessed, my husband, groom, nbⷭ҇omꙋ ᲂyou have not got two, well, your kindness is the healer of your life wishing, with all our suffering, with wounds, with our dearest creatures, and with our dearest efforts, It’s beautiful: yes, my wife is faithful to her head, husband хрⷭ҇тꙋ̀, dх҃омь и҆тѣ́лом зінішѧѧ inseparableꙋ́chnѡ, saying: ѡ҆BRѣtókh, є҆ІІІІІЅЅІm my dear, ҆ ᲂу҆дѣржа́хъ є҆ go, and not ѡ҆stavih є҆гѡ̀. Blessed are you, the blessing of God has rested on you, and we will wait for you, all your lives. ꙋkavstvїѧ in і҆́дѡахъ, ꙗ҆́кѡ pаgꙋbnyѧ ѿрінꙋла є҆сѝ, и҆ є҆дінаго bг҃а дх҃а having cognized, ꙗ҆́кѡ и҆́нѧ the admirer with the truth of the clan and released it, preaching: trⷪ҇tsꙋ chtꙋ̀, Absolutely divine. This article glorified her, just in the belly and in death and in her suffering, she glorified her, to my representative My, my, and always threefold, faith, love and hope, that is, I consider virtue to be a virtue. and for mothers it is a lamp of faith, but the celebration of good deeds is for all: you are two, your suffering flesh is full of blood, and ra pouring on us the lamp and the light of yours, may yours be blessed, may you please It’s up to you to enter the palace of the world. the settler is on earth and the stranger, like all my people: the blessings of the eternal heiress, and the blessed one, God in the Church To this particular participant, in the journey of life, divine meals, food, here and in the origin of the world, desired food ѡ ways of napping: and the end of the sleep of death began to fall asleep, touching then my exhausted flesh, sometimes sometimes agggl and ilya, looking: rise , ꙗ҆́дь и҆ пій: ꙗ҆́кѡ Yes, the blessing of divine bodies and ҆ blood of ᲂу҆рѣрѣпінъ, ꙋ̀ in the fortress ꙗ҆́di is far away This is the death of death, even to the mountain nbⷭ҇nyѧ: and there, you are the same through three baths before the world of God, I saw you, now I am with you face to face Yes, I deserve to see and glorify him for ever and ever, ahmen.

Brief biography of the saint

Among Orthodox people there is hardly a person who does not dream of confessing and receiving communion in the last minutes of life. Everyone understands that for this you need to be conscious, understand what is happening, and have the physical ability to accept the Body and Blood of Christ.

Fortunately, people have Saint Barbara, who helps them achieve a peaceful, shameless death.

Iconography: Barbara, Great Martyr Dates: 19th century Origin: Materials of the ethnographic expedition of the museum on July 12-22, 1973 to the Rameshkovsky and Kimry districts of the Tver (Kalinin) region. Expedition leader A.N. Aleksandrova Village Ostrov, Sutoksky village Rameshkovsky district. Material: Wood, oil Frame material: Metal Dimensions of the icon: height 8.7 cm, width 7.3 cm Life-size image of Saint Barbara with a cup and a scroll in her hands.

Varvara was left without a mother at an early age, around four years old. Her father Dioscorus was a zealous idolater, noble, rich, and doted on his daughter. His whole life was focused on a small, very sweet girl.

The baby grew up and turned into an amazingly beautiful girl. The father became worried. I decided to hide my treasure. He built a tall tower for her. Only servants and pagan teachers were allowed to come to her.

Varvara was left alone for most of the day. From the window I admired the beauty of the surrounding nature and the bottomlessness of the starry sky. Gradually I began to wonder who created such a beautiful world, who is the true creator of all visible splendor. There was no longer any doubt that soulless idols could not do such a thing.

The heavens proclaim the glory of God, and the firmament proclaims the work of His hands (Ps. 18:2). Lord our God! how majestic is Your name throughout the whole earth! Your glory extends above the heavens! When I look at Your heavens - the work of Your fingers, at the moon and the stars that You have set, what is man that You remember him, and the son of man that You visit him? (Ps. 8:2, 4)

Rumors about the beautiful Varvara spread throughout the city. There was no end to noble suitors. Her father insisted that she get married, but the girl categorically refused. Then Dioscorus interrupted his imprisonment, hoping that his daughter would meet new people and choose a groom.

Useful materials

So Varvara was released. Soon I met young Christian women. They told her about Christ. Finally, the girl found answers to all her questions and received Baptism. Illuminated by grace, Varvara promised Christ that she would devote her life to Him without reserve.

Interesting fact

In Raphael's painting The Sistine Madonna, Saint Barbara is depicted to the right of the Virgin and Child.

Dioscorus knew nothing. He went on a long trip, and ordered his daughter to look after the construction of the bathhouse. Varvara thought that two windows in the room was wrong. She insisted that there be three windows: in honor of the Holy Trinity. The girl painted a Cross above the front door.

Interesting fact

According to legend, there was still raw material on the threshold where she stood. When it froze, a footprint remained, from which a source of living water, which has great healing power, gushed out.

My father didn’t like that the construction plan was violated. He demanded an explanation from his daughter. Varvara told him about the Triune God. She boldly declared that she has only one God - the crucified Christ. Dioscorus flew into a rage and rushed at the girl with a sword to kill her on the spot. Varvara started to run, but her pursuer caught up with her, beat her, threw her into prison, and ordered her not to feed her. In the morning she was given into the hands of an ardent pagan, the mayor Martian.

Brutal torture began. The girl was first scourged. Then they began to rub the fresh wounds with a rough wool cloth. At night, Jesus came to the praying martyr and healed her.

Seeing the captive completely healthy the next morning, the executioners flew into a frenzy. Sophisticated torture awaited Varvara. Among the onlookers stood Juliana, who was a secret Christian. She publicly condemned the torturers. She was also captured.

Now the pagans mocked both: they tore the flesh with hooks, cut off nipples, pieces of skin, burned them with fire, and beat them on the head with a hammer. It was not possible to kill the girls: the martyrs were strengthened by God’s power. Then they decided to humiliate them. They led us around the city naked, beating and kicking them.

Varvara prayed that the Lord would hide her innocent nakedness from people. Then an Angel appeared and covered the bodies of the martyrs with a light-like cover. Deprived of an entertaining spectacle, Martian ordered the girls to be beheaded.

Varvara's father became the executioner. When he cut off his daughter's head, milk and blood flowed from all the wounds. And Martian and Dioscorus were burned a little later by lightning.

Interesting fact

The relics of the Holy Great Martyr Barbara were transferred to Constantinople in the 6th century, and in the 12th century, the daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Alexei Komnenos (1081-1118), Princess Varvara, marrying the Russian prince Mikhail Izyaslavich, brought them with her to Kiev, where they are located and now - in the Cathedral of St. Prince Vladimir.

What believers pray for: it delivers from troubles and illnesses, from unexpected death without repentance and communion

Vmch. Varvara

Before her death, Varvara continued to pray, begging God for a gift of grace: to save everyone who turned to her from terrible troubles, illnesses, unexpected death, transition to eternity without repentance and communion. For the great faith and suffering of the martyr, the Lord fulfilled her request.

There is a well-known legend that the Great Martyr Barbara comes to those who died on the day of her memory and gives them communion. In the icon she holds the Communion cup (chalice) in her hands. According to the law of the Church, no layman has the right to touch it. Besides Saint Barbara, only John of Kronstadt is depicted with a chalice.

Prayer to the Great Martyr strengthens people, relieves them of fears and despondency, and instills hope for a good death.

This is interesting: The Life and Modern Miracles of Saint Barbara of Iliopolis, Great Martyr

Girls pray for a happy marriage and women's happiness

If a person venerates Saint Barbara and prays to her, he receives help in many needs. Women pray for a happy marriage, for a successful pregnancy and childbirth, for the healing of illnesses.

Varvara is in a hurry to help when children, people suffering from despondency, sadness, and depression need help. The saint saves from fire, patronizes miners, artillerymen, and those who go on long voyages.




On the day of memory of the Great Martyr Barbara, the President of Russia signed a decree establishing the Day of Strategic Missile Forces. In the same year, having visited the Main Headquarters of the Strategic Missile Forces in Vlasikha, His Holiness the Patriarch handed over the icon of the saint to the missilemen. Her image is now on every command post of all Russian missile divisions.

What prayers to read

Varvara Iliopolskaya

Prayer for sudden death

Holy glorious and all-praised Great Martyr Varvaro! Gathered today in your Divine temple, people who worship the race of your relics and kiss with love, your suffering as a martyr, and in them the Passionate Christ Himself, who gave you not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for Him, with pleasing praises, we pray to you, the well-known desire of our intercessor: pray with us and for us, beseeching God from His mercy, that He may mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave us with all the necessary petitions for salvation and life, and grant a Christian death to our belly - painless, shameless, peace, I will partake of the Divine Mysteries, and to all, in every place, in every sorrow and situation, who require His love for mankind and help, He will give His great mercy, so that by the grace of God and your warm intercession, always abiding health in soul and body, we glorify God, wondrous in our saints Israel, who does not remove His help from us always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen

Prayer for women's happiness and marriage

Most wise and all-fair saint of the Great Martyr of Christ Varvaro! Blessed are you, for the Precious Wisdom of God has not shown you flesh and blood, but God Himself, the Heavenly Father, like you, for the sake of faith, abandoned, expelled and killed by an unfaithful father, has received into His beloved daughter; for the corruption of earthly property, the inheritance of the flesh is freely incorruptible; the labors of martyrdom by the repose of the Heavenly One changed the Kingdom; glorify your temporary life, cut short by His death for His sake, with veneration, as if you have taken your soul from the faces of the Heavenly spirits, but keep your body, placed on earth in their angelic temple, by the Angel of the commandment intact, honorably and miraculously. Blessed art thou, O Christ, the Son of God, the Heavenly Bridegroom, a disgraced virgin, who desired to have the kindness of thy caretaker, who through suffering, wounds, pleasure, cutting, and the very head itself by beheading, like the most precious utensils, thou didst strive to adorn: so, like a wife, she is faithful to her head - to the husband, Christ, united in spirit and body inseparably, saying: “I have found Him, whom my soul loved, I held Him and did not forsake Him.” Blessed are you, for the Holy Spirit has rested upon you, having been taught by the spiritual to reason spiritually, you have rejected all the spirits of wickedness in idols, as if they were destructive, and having come to know the One God the Spirit, as a true worshiper, you deigned to worship in spirit and truth, preaching: “I honor the Trinity, One Divinity." This Holy Trinity, Who glorified this Holy Trinity in life and death with your confession and suffering, pray for me, my intercessor, as I have always been the triple faith, love and hope of virtue, Here I honor the Holy Trinity. The Imam is a lamp of faith, but is indolent on good deeds; You, wise virgin, give your suffering flesh, filled with blood and flowing with wounds, like a lamp of yours, so that by decorating my spiritual candle, I will be honored to take you into the Heavenly Palace. I am a stranger on earth and a stranger, like all my fathers; eternal blessings to the heiress and a blessed supper in the Kingdom of Heaven to the partaker, as in the journey of life, the Divine Meal of pleasure, and in the exodus from the world desired, grant me guidance; and when at the end I begin to lull you into the sleep of death, then touching my exhausted flesh, like sometimes the Angel of Elijah, saying: Arise, eat and drink; as if by the grace of the Divine Body and Blood of the Mysteries I was strengthened, I will travel in the fortress of that veil the long path of death, even to the Heavenly Mountains: and there, through the three windows of the bathhouse, you first saw God’s Trinity by faith, Whom together with you face to face, may I be worthy to see and glorify Him forever. Amen.

Prayer for help

Holy Great Martyr of Christ Varvaro! Pray with us and for us, the servants of God (names), beseeching God from His mercy, that He may mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave us with all the necessary petitions for salvation and life, but the Christian end of our life will be painless, shameless, May I partake of peace and the Divine Mysteries, and by the grace of God and your warm intercession, may you always remain in good health in soul and body, glorifying the God of Israel, wondrous in His saints, who does not withdraw His help from us, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for health

To you, as to the true speedy healing and many-wonderful source of healing, holy virgin Varvaro the Great Martyr, I am weak and I am running to your holy relics, falling earnestly, I pray: see the wounds of sin and all-body ulcers, see the weakness of my soul, and this, with your usual mercy and goodness forced, try to heal. Hear the voice of my prayer, do not ignore the groaning brought by my damned heart, and hear my cry, for you are my refuge.

The holy, consubstantial and indivisible Trinity, which you depicted with three windows in the paternal bathhouse, pray for me, a sinner and impatient servant of yours, that he may have mercy on me now and on the day of my death. Worship the Heavenly Father: may He raise me, bowed down and cast down by all my sins, to His praise, and may He always give me the grief of having a heart that is heavenly and not earthly. Pray to Christ the Son of God, who heard your suffering prayer in prison, but who is lazy in prayers, and in the despondency of many, like sitting in prison, will instruct me to quickly move along the path of God’s commandments and give me a fervent desire to pray unceasingly. Call also the Holy Spirit, the purity of the inexhaustible Source, in the suffering labor of thee, the pure virgin, who strengthens and protects from shame with His wings, so that even for me, cold and unclean, a pure heart will be created and a right spirit will be renewed in my womb: moreover, let him call upon me and give strive diligently in a pure life and strengthen me to do good deeds.

I believe that all this is possible for me, O holy one, lead me to the martyr Varvaro, to intercede with the Most Holy Trinity: and if you desire, you are strong in helping me, for you have glorified God in your suffering lands. And we know, holy virgin, that nothing is impossible for you, unless you despise my tears and sighs: for this sake, to the honor of your holy relics, the miraculous race, I fall down and you, your soul abiding in heaven, worshiping, I dare to prayerfully say: may your ears be attentive to the voice my prayers.

May your long-suffering body heal the many souls and bodies of my passion. May your head, bowed to the sword, give my head the water that cleanses sins. Let your powers, mercilessly tread, bind me to the love of God. Let your honest lips block my lips from idle talk and always open to proclaim the praise of the Lord. May your eyes, which see the Trinity light, see my good desire, as if I had turned away my eyes from seeing vanity, but always looked at heavenly bliss. May your hand be cut off and deign to always raise my hand to the Most High and not weave flattery with it. Your breast, mercilessly cut, may we be a strong pillar from the face of the enemy. Let your noses, which quickly pass with a bright light into the chamber of God to the Heavenly Bridegroom, make it so that I also walk in my footsteps for every good work: let the lamp of my feet be the light of my feet in every good work: let the law of the Lord be a lamp for my feet and a light for the paths mine.

May your wounds free me from the wounds of sin. May your blood, shed many times in torment, cleanse my soul and body from all filth. May your death not allow me to die without confession and repentance: for even if you are glorified in any goodness, but in this especially, as everyone who has hope in you and calls upon you for help, he will escape death from impudence, and deliver him from the weaker and less accursed. , pure virgin, great martyr Varvaro, and through your all-powerful prayers grant me the right hand position of Christ the Son of God and hear the voice saying: “good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Lord.” Amen.

How do prayers to Barbara the Great Martyr help?

The relics of Saint Barbara, by the Providence of God, have been preserved to this day. They rest in Kyiv, in the Vladimir Cathedral. Our saints are intercessors before God. Turning to Barbara the Great Martyr, Christians offer prayers for health, healing, and women’s happiness.

Since ancient times, Saint Barbara has been asked to pray to God for help from sudden death. It is not for nothing that the Great Martyr is considered the patroness of all people whose professions involve risk to life.

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